BucksCounty Reading Olympics

October 2013

Dear Parents,

Your child has expressed an interest in joining RichboroElementary School’s Reading Olympics teams. The members of these teams will share the responsibility for reading 45 books from a selected list. They will then compete as teams of 8 to 12 students against other schools in our Bucks County area. The elementary competition for fifth and sixth grades will occur during late March or some time in April, exact date to be determined. Each team will compete in three rounds of twenty questions about the books read.

Most of the preparation for this event will consist of the participants’ reading the books from the BucksCounty Reading Olympics Book List. These books are located on a special shelf in our library. Meetings of the teams will occur on Tuesday or Thursday mornings from 8:30-9:00 AM. As we move closer to the competition, more frequent meetings will take place to allow team members to quiz one another on the contents of the books read. A schedule of these meetings is listed on my Library website. Parents are responsible for transportation to the morning meetings and to and from the competition.It is requested that a parent remain with the child during the competition.

The teacher advisors will begin meeting this month with those students who are committed to participating in the Reading Olympics event. Our first meeting will take place on Tuesday, October 29th in the library.

Reading Olympics is a very exciting activity for the participants. We look forward to a positive experience of working with our students on this celebration of reading. If you have any questions, please contact us. Please verify your permission for your child to participate by printing out, signing and returning the permission slipposted on the Library website, to Mrs. Dorfman in the library. Please retain the rest of this packet for your information (and meeting dates).We will require a $5 fee towards our Reading Olympics registration fee to be submitted with the signed permission slip.

If you have any questions, please email Mrs. Dorfman @ or you may call (215) 944-1910.


RichboroElementary School

Reading Olympics Committee

Please print and return this completed form to Mrs. Dorfman, in the Library, by Friday, October 25, 2013 if you are interested in being part of our team.

Please include $5 towards registration with the permission slip.



Permission Slip

______has my permission to be a member of the Richboro Elementary Reading Olympics Team for the 2013/2014school year. We will make every effort to attend the morning meetings and will attend the Reading Olympics competition. Furthermore, I understand that I must provide transportation to and from the competition for my child.


DateSignature of Parent/Guardian


Signature of Student


Teacher’s Name

Email Addresses: This will be the main communication tool to inform parents of upcoming meetings and other information concerning Reading Olympics.

Mom’s Name: ______

Mom’s Email: ______

Dad’s Name: ______

Dad’s Email: ______