Character’s Name _________________________________________
I. Physical Description
A. Hair
1. the color
2. the style it is normally kept in
3. any striking features about it
B. Eyes
1. their color
2. glasses or no glasses?
3. any striking features about them
C. Height/Weight
1. height
2. weight
3. body type
D. Style of Dress
1. clothing style
2. particular colors
3. regular outfits
E. Speech
1. a particular accent
2. certain words or phrases the person might say
F. How Character Feels About Physical Appearance
1. brief sentence or two about the character’s feelings about their appearance written from character’s view
2. ways the character appears to be working on their appearance
II. Personality
A. Mannerisms
1. certain little thing the character likes to do, like tearing up
napkins while waiting for food at a restaurant
2. another certain little thing the character likes to do
B. Bad Habits
1. Bad Habit 1 (chews fingernails, cracks knuckles, etc.)
2. Bad Habit 2
C. Strengths/Weaknesses
1. strengths
2. weaknesses
III. Likes/Dislikes
A. Likes
1. Like 1
2. Like 2
B. Dislikes
1. Dislike 1
2. Dislike 2
IV. Family
A. Parents
1. traditional
2. non-traditional
B. Siblings
1. How many? What gender?
2. None – what impact/effect on main character
C. Extended Family
1. extended family member 1
2. extended family member 2
V. Hobbies
A. Hobby 1
1. details about hobby
2. character’s feelings about hobby
B. Hobby 2
1. details about hobby
2. character’s feelings about hobby
VI. History
A. Childhood
1. event
2. event
3. character’s feelings about childhood
B. Teen Years
1. event
2. event
3. character’s feelings about teen years
C. Young Adulthood
1. event
2. event
3. character’s feelings about young adulthood
D. Just Before the Story Begins
1. event
2. event
3. character’s feelings about events
VII. Conflicts
A. Inner Conflicts (within character themselves)
B. Outer Conflicts (with others – people, society, etc.)