Sentence Structure Worksheet

Create sentences using these sentence patterns.

1. (S V).

2. (Subordinating conjunction S V, S V).

3. (S V, subordinating conjunction S V).

4. Create a sentence using a subordinate clause that possesses a relative pronoun.

5. Create four sentences that contain two independent clauses. In each sentence, use a different technique to join the two clauses.

6. (Subordinating conjunction S V) Is this a sentence or a fragment?

7. (S V, coordinating conjunction S V). Sentence or fragment?

8. (Subordinating conjunction S V, S V). Sentence or fragment?

These are _______________ clauses. Complete each by adding an independent clause.

9. Wherever you are, ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________.

10. Because so many of us work 24/7, _________________________________________________________________.

11. _______________________________________________________________, after we finished our homework.

12. ________________________________________________________________, provided the store is open.

13. Write an independent clause about “An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge.”

14. Write a dependent clause or sentence fragment about “An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge.”