Procedures and Policies for 6th Grade Earth Science

Procedures are the way that we do things in science. We have procedures so that our class runs smoothly and safely.


  1. You will line up atENTER door as I will be there to greet you. You will wait in a line against the wall, quietly, until permitted to enter and we have everyone.
  2. Quietly enter the room, sharpen pencils,pick up make up work and sit in your assigned seat.
  3. All students will write in their agenda. The teacher will write in the agenda noting student average and any issues (good or bad) that need to be addressed.
  4. All homework will be taken out for teacher to check and make any notes in agenda.
  5. Next, students will do their “bell work” class assignment. Read the instructions on the screen/board and complete.This is timed so get started immediately. You will turn in the week’s bell work on Friday.
  6. Students will not touch material left on the lab tables or desks unless instructed to.


  1. Students will sharpen their pencils upon entering. When class begins, hand held pencil sharpeners are recommended. Mechanical pencils are even better. Pens are frowned upon; we do a lot of erasing.
  2. I do not supply pencils or paper. If you do not have paper use the back of an old used sheet, just cross out the old information. Or ask a neighbor, but don’t make a habit of this.
  3. Students need to be prepared each day for class. Borrowing supplies from other students disrupts the educational process.
  4. Students will raise their hand to speak, to ask for assistance, or to ask questions. Please do not blurt out unless specified by teacher.
  5. Trash will be thrown away as the students leave the classroom. Students will not get out of their seats unless instructed to do so.
  6. If you finish your work early you can read a book, work on missing assignments, work on homework from another class, study for a test in this class or others. You will not be able to sit there and do nothing.


  1. Students will keep all science papers in their folderuntil they are asked to turn them in. Organization is critical.
  2. Chapter/Unit Tests will be given when we complete a unit. All papers from that unit will be returned & stapled together for the student to take home and study. (study packets)
  3. Homework will be due the next class period after it is assigned unless an alternate date if given. (hw will be written in agendas)


  1. When a student is absent their make up work will be placed in the make up work folder for their class. They can pick this up as they enter the class; this is the student’s responsibility.
  2. Ask 3 before you ask me. Ask 3 classmates what we did while you were absent.
  3. If assistance is needed, set up a time to meet the teacher before school or after school.
  4. Completed make up work must be handed to the teacher, do not turn into the class bin.


  1. You will utilize the restroom on the specific times designated to go (end of 4th and 7th). If there is a medical issue, please submit a doctor’s note and arrangements will be made.
  2. Restroom emergencies may occur, raise hand to ask.
  3. You must fill out your agenda, the teacher will sign it. If you do not have your agenda, you do not go.
  4. You do not go to the nurse unless you are genuinely sick or hurt.
  5. If it is a non-emergency, please do not interrupt to ask to leave; ask before class or during independent work time. If you feel sick or faint, ask immediately. If you feel like you are going to be sick and do not have time to ask, go straight to the restroom.


  1. Begin to clean up and put your materials away AFTER you have been given instructions to do so. DO NOT get ready to leave early; we work from start to finish of class.
  2. Put ALL supplies, materials, and equipment back in the appropriate place. Clean up any trash.
  3. Remain at your assigned seat until you are told to line up at the EXIT door, then we will change classes.

Getting materials, supplies, and equipment procedure

  1. Supplies, materials and equipment already on your table/desk at the start of class must be left alone until instructions are given for their use.
  2. Never pick up supplies until you have been instructed to do so. You will be held responsible for the materials assigned to you.
  3. General materials (stapler, hole punch, etc) for student use are kept on the table where you can turn in work. Materials on the teacher’s demonstration table, desk and office are off limits to students.

Lab safety procedures

  1. Safety procedures will vary from day to day depending on the labs and activities that day.
  2. Safety procedures will be communicated both orally and written on lab sheets.
  3. Rules in the safety contract will be followed at all times.
  4. The student will behave responsibly at all times.

Group work procedures

  1. Some of our work is group work.
  2. When told to get in groups you will move quickly & quietly to your group’s area or turn your desks together without dragging across the floor.
  3. Quiet talking is allowed during group work.
  4. If materials or supplies are needed during group work, the materials manager will get them.
  5. Only the materials manager is allowed out of their seat/group.
  6. Only ask questions after your group has discussed the issue & you can’t figure it out. Only one person raises their hand & only one person asks the question.
  7. You must stay in your group and RESPECT your group.
  8. Conversations in your group MUST BE of the science topic, this is not social hour.

Eating and drinking in the classroom procedures

  1. Treats given to you in other classes are not to be eaten in science class.
  2. Food given to you in science can only be eaten in science class.
  3. Otherwise there is no food or gum allowed in class. Water is the only beverage allowed and must be in a container with a screw on cap/lid and spill proof.


  • See Code of Conduct

BEHAVIOR(Due to severity of infraction consequences may change.)

  • First Infraction: Verbal warning, teacher and student conference
  • Second Infraction: Contacting parent/guardian
  • Third Infraction: Lunch Detention
  • Fourth Infraction: Level B

Teacher reserves the right to change consequences

Butler 2015-16