Toledo Christian Schools, Inc.
Admissions Policy and Procedures
Toledo Christian Schools, working with Christian families, provides a Bible-centered, quality educational program, to equip, train and disciple students to follow Christ and impact culture.
Admissions Policy
Students are accepted into Toledo Christian School following the successful completion of the admissions process. Throughout the admission process, special care will be given to communicate our mission of working with Christian families to provide a challenging, college-preparatory education rooted in biblically based principles. Through testing and a review of previous academic records, we are able to determine the student’s academic ability to excel at Toledo Christian. We do, however, reserve the right to deny admission to any family, as regular church attendance is mandatory and at least one parent in the household must genuinely acknowledge a relationship with Jesus Christ.
Our students are inspired and challenged by our rigorous academic curriculum program, engaging learning experiences, and diverse activities. We understand that choosing the right school for your student is an important family decision, and our desire is to assist you through this process. A visit to our campus will allow you to discover the exciting array of academic, athletic, fine arts and other extracurricular opportunities that Toledo Christian offers each child. Let us get to know you and give you an opportunity to learn more about TCS. Please accept our invitation to call the admissions office to schedule a tour.
Non-Discrimination Policy
Toledo Christian Schools admits students of any race, color, and/or national origin to all the rights, privileges, programs and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school as long as they or a parent, if the student is younger than eighth grade, are in agreement with the TCS Statement of Faith, its philosophy and objectives.
Statement of Faith
There is one God, who is infinitely perfect, existing eternally in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Jesus Christ is true God and true man. He was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary. He died upon the cross as a sacrifice and all that believe in Him in total surrender and commitment are justified on the grounds of His kingdom of righteousness and peace. The Holy Spirit is sent to indwell, guide, teach, empower the believer, and convict the world of sin, righteousness, and judgment. The Word of God, the Old and New Testaments, inerrant as originally given, is inspired by God and is a complete revelation of His will for the salvation of men. Man was originally created in the image and likeness of God; he fell through disobedience, incurring thereby both physical and spiritual death. Salvation has been provided by Jesus Christ for all men; and those who repent and believe in Him are born again of the Holy Spirit, receive the gift of eternal life, and become the children of God. There shall be a resurrection of the just and unjust. The Second Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ is certain. This is the believer’s blessed hope and is a vital truth, which is an incentive to holy living and faithful service.
Admissions Procedures
This is a sequential list to guide you through the application and enrollment process.
- Contact the Admissions Office to arrange a tour of the school, and to obtain an application packet. Please feel free to contact admissions at any point in the enrollment process.
Admissions Office, Kim Gibson
419-389-8700 ext. 152
- Take a tour and receive the application packet. Appointment preferred.
- Schedule testing with the Admissions Office. Testing is required for all new prospective K-12 students. Tests are proctored by a Toledo Christian teacher and take 1 to 2½ hours to complete depending on the grade. Tests are scored by the proctor or principal. The admissions director will make a personal phone call to the family within 2 days to communicate the test results. The testing fee is $25 and applied toward the $175 registration fee.
- If student passes, then the application check-list is to be completed and paperwork turned in with $175 registration fee.
- Principal reviews the student file of test results and all family application forms including:
- Pastoral Recommendation
- Health Records
- Report cards for the current and prior year
- Standardized test records
- Special Education information – IEP’s
- Family Application – Statement of Faith
- Student Application
- Emergency Medical Form
- Custody agreements (If applicable)
- Families applying for financial aid must:
- Calculate monthly expenses (house/rent, car payment/car insurance, daycare, health premiums/out-of-pocket medical, charitable contributions, college tuition, and elder care).
- Apply online at and follow instructions provided.
- Family Interview: One or more interviews may be conducted. The interview is formal, as specific questions are asked of each family to ensure at least one parent is born again and in a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Families must attend church on a regular basis or they will not be accepted. If family is accepted, the tuition payment commitment form along with scholarship aid (if applicable) is given to the family for signature.
Note: New families in need of financial aid must apply throughFACTSmanagement and be approved by the scholarship committee prior to scheduling the interview.
- Acceptance/Denial letter is mailed.
- Cumulative and health information are given to the appropriate academic office for scheduling and data entry. The remaining file is then given to the Business Office to contact the family to make tuition arrangements.
- Once the tuition is setup, student(s) are completely enrolled. Families must complete tuition setup within two weeks of acceptance to secure their spot. If tuition arrangements are not setup, students will not be permitted to attend school.
- Welcome to Toledo Christian!
Financial Policies
Financial Aid
Toledo Christian Schools is committed to providing a high quality, Christian education to students from all socioeconomic backgrounds. A key part of this commitment is the ability to extend financial assistance to qualifying families. Toledo Christian Schools uses FACTS Management Company (a third party) to assist in evaluating all financial aid requests. FACTS provides a fair and confidential assessment of a family’s financial need. Based on that assessment, as well as the amount of funds available and additional internal criteria, the Financial Aid Department will determine the amount of financial aid for which your family is eligible and send you an award notice. The application process begins February 1st and closes April 15th. If you are a new family and missed the deadline, please contact the business office.
Income Guidelines for Applying
# of Children (K-12)* / Annual Income up to1 / $55,000
2 / $65,000
3 / $75,000
Add for each additional child: / $10,000
*Financial aid is available for students in Kindergarten through 12th grade.
Toledo Christian Schools does not offer financial aid for preschool or prekindergarten. This chart provides a general guideline for families interested in applying for financial aid. It is not a guarantee you will qualify for financial aid. Toledo Christian uses various internal criteria, including but not limited to: your FACTS application, current financial status, other assistance provided, and Toledo Christian School funds available for distribution. If you have extenuating circumstances that may affect your decision to apply, please contact the business office to answer questions and help determine if applying is right for you.
Tuition Payment Plans
- Full-year payments, due by July 5 (3% discount).
- Half-year payments, due by July 5 and January 5 (1.5% discount)
- Monthly Payments
- Bi-weekly on Fridays
- All monthly and bi-weekly payments must go through FACTS Management.
Accounts in Delinquent Status
- No student with an account in delinquent status is eligible for re-enrollment until the prior year balance is paid in full.
- Families with accounts over 30 days past due must submit a written payment plan to the Business Manager for approval. You will be asked to withdraw your child if your financial obligations are not maintained.
- No student with a past due accountis eligible to receive grade cards or any written or printed records.
- Parents in delinquent status are eligible for parent-teacher conferences, but no written records will be provided.
- All automatic payments returned by the bank will be assessed a NSF fee by FACTS Management as well as a late fee if applicable.
- Miscellaneous fees such as lab fees, graduation, re-enrollment, aftercare, tutoring, and etc. are billed separately from monthly draws to provide greater consistency to parents in their monthly payment amount.
- For families with more than one student:
- Families cannot pay off one child’s account to obtain records or reinstate eligibility. The entire family account must be cleared.
- Official transcripts will be held for those owing balances
- No extracurricular participation
- Questions regarding your account balance should be directed to the Business Office.
Delaying Payments
- Limit of two rescheduling of payments per year with minimum of 3 business days notice
- Limit of two monthly hold requests per year with minimum 3 business days notice
Non-Sufficient Funds through FACTS
Monthly Payors–
If there are non-sufficient funds at the time the regular monthly draw from your account is made, redraw attempts will be made on the 5th and 20thof the month.
- After the first non-sufficient funds, a redraw will be attempted
- If the redraw results in another non-sufficient fund, the parent will receive a phone call from the business office informing them when the 3rd attempt will be made.
- If the second redraw results in a third non sufficient funds, the prior month’s payment & current month’s payment will end up drawing same day. If one and/or both payments remain unpaid then a written correspondence with final date for payment of all unresolved payment is sent to parent. This amount will need to be paid directly to the Business Officeby the requested date. If payment is not received, the student with be removed from the school.
- Unpaid balances are sent to collections at time of removal.
Bi Weekly Payors– Unresolved after 1 draw
- If two months of payments (four payments) have gone unresolved the family must immediately pay or the students are removed from school. (Same time frame as monthly pays).
- Unpaid balances are sent to collections at time of removal.
Closed Checking Accounts – No New Account Setup Prior to Next Draw
- First month – Warning - written letter is sent to parent
- Second Month –If no action, student(s) is removed from school
- Unpaid balances are sent to collections
Repeat Offenders
Within the same school year billing period – two consecutive incidents the student(s) is removed.
Within the same school year billing period – non-consecutive incidents (Two different 2 month bounce periods) the student(s) is removed
Different Years – Family must be presented to Finance Committee for approval for re-entry. An updated Pastoral Recommendation Form must also be resubmitted.
Application of Credits
EdChoice scholarships are applied to accounts once applications are approved and the FACTS account is established to pay for the Consolidation Fee.
EdChoice Financial Aid (if requested) is applied to accounts and FACTS account is established.
- If not approved for Financial Aid by the Sate of Ohio, families will be given EdChoice Work Study Option
- The Business Office will add back to account the difference between tuition and EdChoice scholarship amount if not electing EdChoice Work Study Option
- EdChoice Work Study will be applied to account if family elects to work off difference between tuition and EdChoice Scholarship amount – FACTS must be established
- EdChoice Work Study must be arranged through the EdChoice Liaison. Work study must be performed on a regular basis and to be treated like a job (on time, dressed appropriately, etc.)
- Any EdChoice Work Study Hours not completed prior to May 31st of the school year will be the responsibility of the family to pay the school for the number of uncompleted hours times the hourly rate that they were being credited.
- Scholarships to be applied upon notification from granting body and establishment of family’s FACTS account
- Scholarship to be determined on a yearly basis
- Failure to comply with terms of scholarship will result in revocation
- TCS scholarships require an extra 20 hours of service work
T.R.I.P. (Tuition Reduction Incentive Program) and Kroger credit will be applied semi-annually to accounts of families earning credit
- Applied to tuition first; fees second
- First half credits are applied November 20/December 5
- Second half credits are applied May 20/June 5
- All earnings are forfeit for your personal account upon withdrawal/graduation from TCS
- Families can designate credits to another family upon leaving
- Unclaimed funds transfer automatically to the Barnabas fund
Credit Balance Forward
- Any credits from the prior year will be applied to the family’s FACTS account once established for upcoming year
- Credit will be distributed across all payments on payment schedule
- Families will be refunded if student graduates or upon withdrawal in good standing
Enrollment Cancellation Fee
If your family is enrolled on June 30 and withdraws after this date, there will be a $250 per student cancellation fee. If tuition has already been paid, $250 per student will be applied to cancellation fee and not refunded. If tuition has not been paid, $250 per student will continue to be charged to your account and no records will be released until payment is made in full. Student withdrawals must be confirmed by the Business Office before they are final.
Year End Balances
If you have a balance dueyou will be unable to re-enroll until balance is resolved. No seat will be held for your child until outstanding balances are paid.
Re-Enrollment Fees – Due By March 1st
$150 per student re-enrollment ($450 Family Maximum) is due with online re-enrollment prior to 3/1. After 3/1 it is $300 per student with a family maximum of $600 (Re-enrollment fees are non-refundable).
New Student Fees – (Non-refundable)
$175 per student, $525 max per family is due with application.
Consolidation Fee
This fee includes the following: fund raising fee, Middle School and High School sports participation fee, lab fee, band fee, choir fee and K-8 class activity fee. The fee will be billed with other fees and/or tuition and spread over a 12 month school year for the convenience of our parents. Families may offset this fee by participating in designated fund raising activities. First half credits will be applied November 20/December 5, second half credits will be applied May 20/June 5. Fundraising over and above the family’s Consolidation fee will be retained to the General Fund. Amounts cannot carry over from year to year and cannot be transferred between families. Class activity, Sports Teams, Band, and other fundraisers do not count toward the Consolidation fee - only those offered through the Development Office. The 2012/2013 fees per student are as follows:
High School: $600
Middle School: $575
Elementary, Preschool, Kindergarten: $375
Parent Service Hours
We are all working together to provide the best educational experience to the students. Building our community with involved parents will help your student attain educational excellence. Each TCS family is required to work 20 service hours per year (10 hours if all students are Caleb). Service hours are defined as hours served in any capacity that benefits the school at large.
Declaration of Moral Integrity Policy
Toledo Christian Schools expects all parents and guardians to model the same values and lifestyles it seeks to instill in its students. Therefore all parents must agree to read and follow the following Declaration of Moral Integrity. If for some reason, a parent feels they cannot sign it, please call the school office to setup an appointment to explain.
“I am not engaging in, and promise that I will not engage in inappropriate sexual conduct. Inappropriate conduct includes, but is not limited to, such behavior as heterosexual activity outside of marriage (e.g., premarital sex, cohabitation, and extramarital sex), homosexual activity, sexual harassment, use or viewing of pornographic material or websites, or sexual abuse or improprieties toward minors as defined in Scripture and federal and state law.”
We understand that our failure to comply with the above will forfeit our student’s privilege of attendance.
Toledo Christian Schools, Inc.
Admissions Policy & Financial Policy
Version: v1.0
Date Last Updated 10/12 sdg/ksgPage 1