Montana Associated Students
2/16/2018 Meeting Minutes
●CTO @ 10:04am
●Roll Call: Helena College, University of Montana, Chase Greenfield, MSU-B, Northern, Montana Tech, Dawson [guest]
●Approval of Minutes
●Campus Updates
- Butte: Student Senate struggling with senator absence.
- Helena College
- UM: Program prioritization, 6-mill levy, president Bodner, reworking student input on funding allocation and how ASUM works with money
- MSU-B: chancellor candidates visiting campus next week
- Northern: prepping for building opening next moenth, looking at some policies, stadium presenation for board
- Dawson: had to indict a senator for general lack of performance and violating some of the values of the Associated Students. Working to be more involved with the community around them, trying to expand criminal justice program through internships with sherriff, possibly other agencies
●Dues/Budget Summary
- Brenna reviewed the executive meeting discussion on dues. Potentially adjust what different institutions pay, format of dues structure, reallocating based on size
- Dawson and Flathead will be offered a discounted rate if they choose to join MAS.
●Committee Reports
- Marketing: Website updates for documents, links, info. Setting aside budget for marketing material and expenses. Uploading minutes and agendas to fill the current gap, fix links to various student government pages, updating Helena College’s acronym and title.
- Tribal Outreach: seven tribal colleges listed in what Collin sent, Northern has talked to Aaniiih Nakoda College and is looking to initiate contact with them. Planning Fort Peck and Stonechild, Collin had developed a
- 6-Mill Levy: working with strat 360 as advisory. There was some new polling showed the old number of 46% said they’d vote yes, now there’s about 60% approval. Forecasting shows 54% passing of 6-Mill. Associations should be talking with their senates but keeping a marketing blitz until closer to the vote. Developing campaign material to be ready for deployment next academic year.
●Fee Taskforce Report
- Per campus fees
- BoR policy updates to 940.8
●2018-2019 Student Regent Hiring
●Letter to the Regents
●Other/General Discussion
- Scheduling Meetings: Since some schools were having trouble with making the past meeting time, Brenna sent a new When2Meet form for people to fill out.
●Adjourn @ 10:58am