Second Grade Book Reports
Book reports are due on the last school day of each month. If the book report is turned in late, it will be docked 1 grade each school day it is late. (Example: Due on Monday and turned in on Wednesday and the starting grade would be A-)
All books for the report books must be at least 30 pages. The reading level needs to be at or above your child’s reading level. I will need to approve all books before they are used for a report. Please encourage your child to choose a variety of books. They might be surprised and find something new they like to read.
The book reports for each month are listed below. All instructions and/or forms for these book reports are in this folder. If you lose the instructions or forms, please let me know, I will get you another copy. If you have any questions about any report, please ask.
Mrs. Lawton
September – due on ______- Main Character
October – due on ______- A Book Cover
November – due on ______- Location,
Location, Location,
January – due on ______- The Setting Banner
February – due on ______- Here’s What Happened
March – due on ______- A Mobile Report
(must read Realistic Fiction – could really happen)
April – due on ______- Just the Facts
(much read a nonfiction book)
May – due on ______- Patch Work Quilt
(must read a mystery book)
Name: ______Date ______
Main Character animal
Book Report imaginary creature
Book Title ______
Author ______
Illustrator ______
Write a complete sentence that tells about the character.
Would you like to have the character as a friend? Yes No
In a complete sentence tell why or why not.
The character is
a person an imaginary creature an animal
Name ______Date ______
Book/Project Main Character Book Report
1. Printing is neat and legible 25 pt. ______
2. Capitalization is used where needed 25 pt. ______
3. Punctuation is used correctly 25 pt. ______
4. Spelling – Words I should know are spelled correctly
and copied words are copied correctly. 25 pt. ______
5. Book Report Passed In on Time (-) pt. ______
(Each Day Late - 5 points)
Date Received ______
Total Points ______
Reading Grade ______
Writing Grade ______
A Book Cover
Individual Book Report Project
1. Fold a piece of construction paper in half to make cover. If you need construction paper please ask me.
2. Draw a picture (neatly) on the cover that would tell me something about the book.
3. Write the title (first letter of each word should be in capitals) and the names of the author and the illustrator on the cover.
4. Cut out the form below and glue to the inside of the cover.
A Book ReportMy favorite part of the book is ______
______/ The Characters in this book are ______
I liked ______best
because ______
Name ______Date ______
Name ______Date ______
Book/Project Book Report Cover
1. Coloring and printing is neat and legible 10 pt. ______
2. Capitalization is used where needed 20 pt. ______
3. Punctuation is used correctly 20 pt. ______
4. Sentences are complete 20 pt. ______
5. I have written at least two sentence about 10 pt. ______
my favorite part (my favorite part and why
it is my favorite part)
6. I have listed at least two characters and describe 10 pt. ______
character in a complete sentence.
7. Spelling – Words I should know are spelled correctly 10 pt. ______
and copied words are copied correctly.
8. Book Report Passed In on Time (-) pt. ______
(Each Day Late - 5 points)
Date Received ______
Total Points ______
Reading Grade ______
Writing Grade ______
Location, Location, Location
Book Report Form
city neighborhood
forest country
Title ______
Author ______
Illustrator ______
Where did the story take place? ______
Write three clues to the location:
Name ______Date ______
Book/Project Location, Location, Location
1. Printing is neat and legible 10 pt. ______
2. Capitalization is used where needed 20 pt. ______
3. Punctuation is used correctly 20 pt. ______
4. Sentences are complete 20 pt. ______
5. I have written a complete sentence when writing 20 pt. ______
my three location clues and not just listed my clues
(The clues that helped me realize
the location in my story are………)
7. Spelling – Words I should know are spelled correctly 10 pt. ______
and copied words are copied correctly.
8. Book Report Passed In on Time (-) pt. ______
(Each Day Late - 5 points)
Date Received ______
Total Points ______
Reading Grade ______
Writing Grade ______
The Setting Banner
Book Report Project
Title ______Author ______Illustrator ______
______/ Time
Name ______Date ______
Book/Project The Setting Banner
1. Printing is neat and legible 5 pt. ______
2. Capitalization is used where needed 20 pt. ______
3. Punctuation is used correctly 20 pt. ______
4. Sentences are complete 10 pt. ______
5. I have written a complete sentence when writing 20 pt. ______
where the story takes place with one reason
(The story takes place ……….. because there are
tall building…..
6. I have written a complete sentence when writing 20 pt. ______
when (time) the story takes place with one reason
(The story takes place ……….. because there are
leaves on the ground and the sun is setting)
7. Spelling – Words I should know are spelled correctly 5 pt. ______
and copied words are copied correctly.
8. Book Report Passed In on Time (-) pt. ______
(Each Day Late - 5 points)
Date Received ______
Total Points ______
Reading Grade ______
Writing Grade ______
Here’s What Happened
Book Report Form
TitleAuthor / Illustrator
First (Beginning)
______/ Next(Middle)
______/ Last(End)
The most important part of the book was ______
Name ______Date ______
Book/Project Here’s What Happened
1. Printing is neat and legible 10 pt. ______
2. Capitalization is used where needed 10 pt. ______
3. Punctuation is used correctly 15 pt. ______
4. Sentences are complete 5 pt. ______
5. I have written a complete sentence when writing 10 pt. ______
what takes place first (or at the beginning).
(In the beginning of …………., Mrs. Lawton
takes attendance…..)
6. I have written a complete sentence when writing 10 pt. ______
what takes places first (or at the beginning).
(In the beginning of …………., Mrs. Lawton
takes attendance…..)
7. I have written a complete sentence when writing 10 pt. ______
what takes places next (or in the middle).
(Next we all have lunch downstairs.)
8. I have written a complete sentence when writing 10 pt. ______
what takes places last (or at the end).
(The last event in the story……is when we pack
up to go home)
9. I have written a complete sentence when writing 15 pt. ______
about the important part of the book and another
complete sentence why it is an important part.
10. Spelling – Words I should know are spelled correctly 5 pt. ______
and copied words are copied correctly.
10. Book Report Passed In on Time (-) pt. ______
(Each Day Late - 5 points)
Date Received ______
Total Points ______
Reading Grade ______
Writing Grade ______
A Mobile Report
Fill in the information in each box
Cut the boxes out
Hole punch top of each box
Attach string or yarn through hole punch
Attached string at various lengths to a wire coat hanger
My Mobile Book Report______
Title ______
Author ______
Setting – Place
______/ Setting – Time
______/ Character
______/ Character
Name ______Date ______
Book/Project Mobile Book Report
1. Printing is neat and legible 10 pt. ______
2. Capitalization is used where needed 10 pt. ______
3. Punctuation is used correctly 10 pt. ______
4. Sentences are complete 5 pt. ______
5. I have written a complete sentence when writing 20 pt. ______
where the story takes place.
6. I have written a complete sentence when writing 20 pt. ______
when (time) the story takes place.
7. I have written about at least two main characters. 20 pts. ______
I have also included a sentence describing this (10 pts each character /
character. + 10 pts for third character)
8. Spelling – Words I should know are spelled correctly 5 pt. ______
and copied words are copied correctly.
9. Book Report Passed In on Time (-) pt. ______
(Each Day Late - 5 points)
Date Received ______
Total Points ______
Reading Grade ______
Writing Grade ______
Just the Facts
Book Report Form
TitleAuthor: / Illustrator:
Three facts that I learned:
1. ____________
2. ______
3. ______
Name ______Date ______
Book/Project Just the Facts
1. Printing is neat and legible 20 pt. ______
2. Capitalization is used where needed 20 pt. ______
3. Punctuation is used correctly 20 pt. ______
4. I have written a complete sentence when 30 pt. ______
writing about a fact I learned (10 pts per fact)
5. Spelling – Words I should know are spelled correctly 10 pt. ______
and copied words are copied correctly.
6. Book Report Passed In on Time (-) pt. ______
(Each Day Late - 5 points)
Date Received ______
Total Points ______
Reading Grade ______
Writing Grade ______
Patch Work Quilt
Materials Needed:
1 large piece of colored poster board
8 x 8 sheets of white paper
markers or crayons
1. Write/type the information on the 8 x 8 sheets
of paper.
2. Draw pictures of main characters and favorite parts
3. Glue 8 x 8 sheets of paper to poster board
4. Decorate poster board to look like a quilt
Title of BookAuthor / Draw a picture of the
main character
Describe the setting
of the story
(Time and Place) / Student’s Name
Write a paragraph telling about
your favorite
part of the story. / Draw a picture of your
favorite part of the
Please glue the rubric to the back of the poster board/quilt
Name ______Date ______
Book/Project Patch work Quilt
1. Printing and coloring is neat and legible 20 pt. ______
2. Capitalization is used where needed 20 pt. ______
3. Punctuation is used correctly 20 pt. ______
4. I have written two complete sentences about 10 pts. ______
the setting of the story. One sentence each
for time and place.
5. I have written a five sentence paragraph telling 20 pts. ______
about my favorite part. My paragraph has an
opening and closing sentence.
6. Spelling – Words I should know are spelled correctly 10 pt. ______
and copied words are copied correctly.
7. Book Report Passed In on Time (-) pt. ______
(Each Day Late - 5 points)
Date Received ______
Total Points ______
Reading Grade ______
Writing Grade ______