AP Calculus AB Course Information The AP Exam is on Thursday May 5, 2016

Textbook: Calculus Early Transcendentals - 5th Edition by Larsen and Edwards

Welcome to our class! I look forward to working with each of you in order to extend and enhance your understanding of mathematics.

In this challenging course, we will cover the material in the course description for AP Calculus as designed by the College Board. There are two AP Calculus courses-AB and BC. However, AB is not a prerequisite for BC. The AB course allows a student to spend a full academic year in the study of what most colleges would represent as one full semester course of freshman college calculus. There is time for review of math content as needed. The BC course is an extension of the AB course (60% AB topics, 40% BC topics) so that in a full academic year the student completes what most colleges would represent as two semester courses of freshman college calculus.

Topics of Study:

·  Limits & Continuity

·  Differentiation

·  Graphical Analysis

·  Differentiation Applications

·  Integration

·  Integration Application

·  Slope Fields & Differential Equations


·  Notebook: to keep all your assignments, notes, quizzes, and tests. A 1 -inch or 1 1/2 inch binder will be fine. Keeping this notebook organized will better help you prepare for upcoming exams.

·  Graphing Calculator (TI-83+ or TI-84+ are recommended). We have a class set of calculators that may be used in the classroom, but homework will often require use of a graphing calculator.

·  Notebook Paper

·  Graph Paper (Just a small package)

·  200 3” x 5” Notecards

·  Sharpened Pencils with Erasers

·  Red Pens

·  Textbook (covered)

·  1 package of expo markers

·  2 Boxes Kleenex

Classroom guidelines: We will follow the school rules as outlined in your Student Handbook. Just remember to treat everyone with courtesy and respect.

Grading Policy: We will adhere to the G.I.S.D. grading policy.

Tutorial help: If you are having difficulty with assigned material, you should seek help as soon as possible. Tutorials are held before school daily in my room, 222, from 8:15 – 8:45 am. I will also be available after school Monday through Thursday in my room from 3:45 – 4:30. The only exceptions to the tutorial schedule would be on days that I am assigned to duty or mandatory meetings. I will announce those as early as I am able to, and post them on my door. Additional tutorials may be available upon request.

Contact information: My email address is and my phone number is 512-943-1800 extension 8056. All class assignments are posted on the math department website, along with other important class information, which you can locate under Our Faculty & Staff on the EVHS website.