Scenario 21: ConscriptsThe Prize
Knothead struggled to keep from crying out in pain. He didn't think that Taskmaster Grundy's,, had kick to his knee had broken anything, but the pain was almost more than he could bear. Grundy's warband was under strict orders of silence, and Knothead knew that to utter even a soft whimper would mean his immediate demise.
Knothead watched as the Taskmaster led the Magus up the wooden ramp, toward the excavated hole. An eerie, scintillating blue glow danced from the door-shaped opening, providing the sole source of light in the huge excavation chamber. Clouds of smoke (or was it steam?) occasionally wafted out of the hole, obscuring the climbing Orc and the human wizard from his view. Once the construction of the ramp and the excavation had neared completion, the Magus had trusted no one but Grundy to be anywhere near the aperture. After days of toiling alone with pick and hammer, Grundy had opened a passage into the glowing chamber. wasted time werearoundabouthelped create was participating in the creation new andof new
Knothead could see the Magus, bathed in the flickering blue light, peering through the hole. Knothead saw him nod and say something to the Taskmaster. The Orc nodded back, and then the two leaders headed back down the ramp towards the cavern floor.
As the two leaders approached the group of Orc warriors, Knothead heard the Magus cackling softly to himself. As the Magus was about to pass Knothead, the wizard turned and faced him.
"Bring me Khal'jara," the wizard ordered, an evil grin on his face. "Bring me my prize!"
Knothead lead the warband up the ramp and toward the glowing opening, wincing as his aching knee complained with every other step. Great, he thought. After weeks of lugging rocks, the warband would have to…what, carry treasure? What was the "prize" the Magus had mentioned? What is a "Khal'jara", anyway? Why couldn't they make any noise? The racket the warband had made while excavating could have easily awakened the dead. Knothead neared the hole, not sure what to expect.
His injured knee gave out beneath him.
Knothead landed hard on his chest, knocking the wind from his lungs. Gasping for breath, he got his first glance into the hole just as a puff of smoke obscured his view.
The smoke was icy cold! Struggling to clear the ice crystals from his eyebrows, Knothead vigorously rubbed his face. When he opened his eyes, he could see the source of the blue glow in the chamber beyond the hole. He could see…
…Khal'jara.thehis thrusts,Erinn leapt from concealment as the woodsman raced along the treeline toward her. The twigs and dried leaves tangled into the nightblade’s **Sharon: even though incorrect capitalization, we agreed that the visual identification of the fiction name with the figure base name was important** dark hair, the scratches creating a bloody thatch patch on her exposed skin—no doubt she looked like some kind of feral woods creature. But there would be no mistaking the bright flash of her sword held in a downstrike grip. She crouched, carved curved the blade around and held it across her body, barring the path.
The woodsman carried an ax, but he was harried from the long chase through the woods he and had no spine left for a fight. Not here. He broke and ran into the cleared fields, abandoning any hope of hiding in the forest. Further along the treeline, another potential recruit was flushed from hiding, chased out by a bloodsucker and a pair of rogue altem guardsmen.
“There’s a third recruit around here somewhere,” Gavin said, the ‘stalker appearing next to her as if materializing. He wore armor and carried a heavy bow, and Erinn had never figured out how the other elf managed to move almost silently. Wearing armor, dragging his heavy bow, Erinn had never figured out how the other elf moved so quietly. “Not a bad day.”
“Well, it still might be,” she told him, her voice betraying foreboding. dark and brooding. “Look.” Across the field, a squad of cavalry had formed up. They barred any escape for the elves’ victims. Likewise, though, they were unlikely to simply turn them over to the Sect. “Those are our recruits.”
Gavin nodded, drew an arrow from his quiver and nocked it. “Explain it to them,” he said simply.
BACKGROUND:With all the recent fighting, warhosts are suffering under from the loss of good soldiers. Enemy armies descend upon a ruined town to recruit warriors.A warband has located Khal'jara, a sleeping Polar Ice Dragon. The warriors spread out and prepare to subdue the beast just at it awakes from its slumber...
OBJECTIVE:As the attackerRecruit the townsfolk. , subdue Khal'jara while limiting your losses. As Khal'jara, inflict maximum casualties on the attacker.Capture or eliminate the enemy forces.eseeir
TIME LIMIT:None50 minutes.
ARMY SIZE:Two-player game, 200 points per player. Player 1 is the attacking warband with a 500-point army. Player 2 is the Polar Ice Dragon Khal'jara.
SETTING THE SCENE: Player 1 is the first player and sets up using any combination of the four starting areasPlace Use three standard Dwarven Berserkers to represent the townsfolk..
- The two Ponds "R" are shallow water.
- 1. Due to the confines of the cavern, the Dragon may not be placed within 2 inches of any battlefield edge.Townsfolk are neither friendly nor enemy figures, and may not be the target of any actions other than a capture attempt.
- After waking, 2.Khal'jara is groggy. The Dragon starts with a total of six clicks of damage divided between its four combat dials any way Player 2 wishes. Toughness or Invulnerability does not prevent this damage.
- To subdue Khal'jara, damage each section until at least one skull is showing on each combat dial. If this condition is met, the Dragon is immediately subdued and the game ends.
- No player may withdraw.Turn sequence is as follows: Player 1, Player 2, Townsfolk (until all Townsfolk are captured). On the Townsfolk turn, move each townsfolk figure in a straight line away from the closest player-controlled figure. If a townsfolk comes into contact with the edge of the battlefield, continue its move down along the edge. If a townsfolk comes into base contact with a player figure base, end its movement.
WizKids LLC grants permission to copy this document for personal use and for registered Mage Knight events.
SPECIAL RULES (continued)
3. No player may withdraw.
Player 2 wins if Khal'jara is eliminated. Otherwise, Tthe winner of the scenario is the player with the highest Victory Point total at the end of the game.
Victory Point total =
eliminated Eliminated opposing figure points
+ 4captured Captured opposing figure points x 3, but only if they are in your starting area00 points if you subdue Khal'jara
+ captured Captured opposing figure points that are not in your starting area
+ captured Captured Townsfolk figure points x 4, but only if they are in your starting area
+ captured Captured Townsfolk figure points x 2 that are not in your starting area
+ + friendly Friendly non-captured, non-demoralized figure points that have survived the entire game. If all of a player’s figures are either subdued and / or demoralized, add zero0 points.
WizKids LLC grants permission to copy this document for personal use and for registered Mage Knight events.