Announcements 5/14/15

· Textbook Return-We will be taking up textbooks in the lobby of the Auditorium as follows: Friday-Freshman, Monday-Sophomores, and Tuesday-Juniors. Please do not bring textbooks to the Library. Thanks!

· Scribbler-The Scribbler is here! If you would like to purchase one, have $3 and find a member of the Scribbler staff!

· Summer Program-Guidance-If you are interested in an all expense paid summer camp, where you experience real college life puck up a camp application from the guidance office or visit the Guidance website.

· Latin Club-Ms Ryder-Saluete! The Latin Club will be having it’s officer elections on Thursday, May 14th after school in Ms Ryder’s room M236 until 3. Our consuls are bringa super amazing treat, so be sure to come!

· Ecybermission-Mrs Isiip-Let’s congratulate Nilai Vemula, Rachel Fan, Grace Ma, and Conner Hofeditz . They are national finalists in ecybermission, a national science and technology competition, and are traveling to Washington, DC for the national event!

· Cheer Team-Ms Pearce-Come out this Friday to Cordova Skate Rink to support your cheer team! Mention you are here for WSHS cheer!! Tickets are $6.

· Tennis-Mr. Waller-Congratulations to Kenya Jones, Malissa S. and Elisabeth Todd for winning the regional tennis tournament and advancint to next week’s state tournament in Murfreesboro, TN!

· AP Bio-Dr. Madu-Students registered to take the AP Biology Class next school year can start picking up their summer packer from Dr. Madu’s Classroom.

· Yearbook Staff 2015-2016-Mrs. Johnson- There will be a mandatory meeting after school on Thursday May 14th in Ms Johnson’s room M239. If you are unable to attend come by and talk to the staff during 6th or 7th period. See you then!

· Senior Luncheon-Mrs. Wilson-There is a correction that needs to be made in regards to the Senior Luncheon. The Luncheon starts at 11 instead of 11:30. All seniors need to be at the Botanic Garden on May 19th by 11 am

Announcements 5/1/15

· DECA-Mrs. Skoog-Congratulations to Dena Grant! Dena qualified as a DECA National Finalist this past week in Orlando, raking in the top ten in testing, and in the top ten for her role play on Principles of Hospitality and Tourism, competing against 200 students nationally. Also congratulations to Bria Black and Tronlyn Thompson, ranking in the top 20 for their team roll-play, Buying and Merchandising. A bit Spartan shout –out goes to all White Station DECA competitors who participated in Nationals. They represented WSHS, Memphis and the state of Tennessee proudly!!

· Baseball-Coach Walter-White Station Baseball had a great end of the season win Vs. Millington. Congrats to the senior class, Sam Myers, Lance Anderson, Jake Bennett, Alex Logue and Joseph Burnett. Post season starts Monday.

· FCCLA-Mrs. Cooper-All FCCLA Seniors please see Mrs. Cooper in M237 before May 4th.

· Seniors-Mrs, Heaston, Guidance-Friday, May 1st is the last day for you to turn in your college acceptance and scholarship report forms. If you fail to turn this document in to Mrs. Heaston by 2:30 on Friday, your final transcript will be held.

· Online Classes-Mrs. Doyle-Seniors taking an online class please come by the Library to schedule your final exam. Next Friday, May 8th is the LAST day to submit classwork or take and exam!!

Announcements 4/28/15

· Latin Club-Ms Ryder-Salvete! There will be a Latin Club meeting in Ms Ryder’s room (M236) this Friday, May 1, after school until 3. There will be a specially surprising food item of happiness for al who come.

Announcements 4/27/15

· Announcement Staff-Mr. Henry-All perspective announcement staff members, Mr. Henry is out today so please turn in all paperwork to his box or to next year’s producers, Quinn Mulroy or Sydney Prather.

· Theatre-Mr. Boone-Doubt-the final play of the year opens Thursday and runs through Saturday. Show times are 7pm Thursday-Saturday with a matinee at 2pm on Saturday. Tickets are $5 at the door.

Announcements 4/24/15

· Model UN Spell-Model UN elections will take place next Friday, May 1st in Mrs. Spell’s room at 2:30. Details are in the email. See you there.

· HOSA-Dr. Madu-Attention All HOSA members, elections for next year’s officers will be held Thursday, April 30th from 2:30-3:00 in Dr. Madu’s room. Please plan to be there. Room 134

· Guidance-Mrs. Brown-Malone-Students, if you plan on taking Dual Enrollment this summer, the deadline to submit your paperwork to Mrs. Brown is May 1st. Also it is important that you download and read the steps carefully to make sure you qualify to take a college level course. If you need any assistance, see Mrs. Brown, the counselor before or after school.

· Guidance-Mrs. Brown Malone-Students the Annual Freshman, Sophomore and Junior Honor program is this Monday, at 6:00 pm. Students don’t forget to invite your parents.

· Counseling Department-Mrs. Heaston-Shelby County Mayor’s Charitable Foundation Scholarship-Five scholarships, each valued at $2,000 will be awarded to graduating seniors of Shelby County Government employees. Each person must meet minimum requirements of GPA of 3.25, outstanding leadership and community service, and child of Shelby County Government employee. Applications are available in the scholarship book in the Guidance Complex. Deadline is May 4, 2015.

· Counseling Dept-Mrs. Heaston-Four $5000 freshman-year scholarships will be funded and awarded to successful applicants who plan to enroll in a four-year public college or university within the State of Tennessee’s Board of Regents or University of TN systems. Eligibility guidelines, application materials and selection criteria are available for down loading and printing through our Society’s website at Applications must be postmarked no later than May 31, 2015.

· Project Graduation- May 24th Ridgeway Baptist Church-Tickets price: $25. Tickets will be sold during all lunches in Cafeteria from April 27 – May1.

· Poplar-White Station Library- Andrea King, Teen Services Representative-The Poplar-White Station library is looking for volunteers this summer during Explore Memphis! I will be having a volunteer orientation next Wednesday, April 29th at 3:30 for anyone who wants to help. This training is necessary if you want to volunteer just a few hours a week or if you want to volunteer all summer (Schedules are flexible!) Come by the school library if you are interested in more information!

Announcements 4/22/15

· E-Board-Mrs. Browne-This is just a reminder: do not forget to turn in blood drive permission slips! E-Board will be at the stage accepting them during all lunches.

· Delta Fine Arts-Dr. Elion-Congratulations are in order for Mr. Darrel Denton. He participated in the Poetic Prose and Theater Production on Sunday. He won a summer internship with the Hattiloo Theatre.

· Yearbook Staff-Mrs. Johnson-All incoming yearbook staff members must complete staff commitment forms by Friday and turn into Mrs. Johnson’s mailbox.

· Dual Enrollment Biology-Dr. Madu-Students interested in taking the dual enrollment Biology course through U of M should indicate it on their course selection form, and pick up the registration form from their Chemistry or Dr. Madu’s classroom, Room M134.

· Counseling Dept-Mrs. Heaston-Seniors, your Scholarship Report and College Acceptance Report are due to Mrs. Heaston April 30th. Your awarded scholarship will not be listed in the graduation program if your scholarship report and proof of awarded scholarship is not turned in by the designated date!! Thank you, Guidance Department

· Art Dept-Mr. Berlin-Do you want to see some of the Best Art Work in the entire county? Ya’ll come to White Station Art Night this Thursday Night from 6:00-8:00 in the School Library! See the most amazing talent from your school’s best artists!

· Counseling Dept-Mrs. Heaston-The Memphis Chapter of the Association for the improvement of Minorities at the Internal Revenue Service (AIM-IRS) plans to award two scholarships, a $1000 scholarship and a $500 scholarship, to two graduation high school seniors for the 2014-15 school year. To be eligible for consideration, the student must:

1. Have an overall (State of TN “unweighted”) GPA of 2.75 or higher

2. Plan to pursue higher education at two or four year school

3. Be a student who is involved in community service

Applications and other requirements are available in the guidance complex. Deadline is May 8, 2015.

· Counseling Dept-Mrs. Heaston-Balanced Man Scholarship-UT Knox-The Sigma Phi Epsilon Fraternity is seeking young men to apply for their scholarship for graduating male seniors enrolling at the Univ of TN Knoxville in the fall of 2015. There is no obligation to join Sigma Phi Epsilon or any other fraternity at TN. Complete the application online at Applications are due Friday, June 5th.

Announcements 4/17/15

· Guidance-Mrs. Brown-Malone-If you are interested in an internship in a health related field, St. Francis Hospital is sponsoring Health Explore Post. This is a wonderful opportunity for students who want hands on experiences I the health care field. In order to sign up, students must report to St. Francis Hospital this Saturday morning, April 18th at 10:00 am in the conference room. For more info pick up a flyer in the main office or counselors’ office.

· Seniors Only-You may wear your college t-shirts on Friday, April 24, 2015. These shirts must be worn with a uniform bottom. Let’s see where our seniors are headed next year. No jeans allowed.

· Guidance-Mrs. Brown-Malone-UT Health Science is now taking applications for UT SCORE. UT Score is a week-long summer event for rising high school sophomores and juniors. This program is designed to educate students about college and introduce them to the skills it takes to be successful in earning a degree. Go to the guidance link at www.whitestation .net for eligibility, or pick up an application in the counselor’s office.

· Science Olympiad-Mrs. Davis-Conrats to the 2015 Spartan Science Olympiad team who placed 2nd out of 136 teams at the state tournament last weekend. Way to go Spartans!

· Math Team-Mrs. Cui-Congrats to the Math team who placed 1st and 2nd at the Vanderbilt University Math Competition for TN High Schools last weekend. Ohm Patel, Jennifer Xiao, and Ben Armstrong placed 1st, 2nd and 3rd place for individuals.

· Announcement Staff-Mr. Henry-Announcement staff try-outs will take place Tuesday, April 21st through Thursday April 23rd in Mr. Fernandez’s room, M117. A sign-p sheet has been placed outside his door. See Mr. Henry for more details.

Announcements 4/15/15

· Ms Shirley/Mr. Flippo –To all travelers on the Summer 2015 trip to France and Spain: Please stop by Mrs. Shirley’s classroom to receive some important information immediately after school.

· Counseling Dept-Mrs. Heaston- Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity is seeing candidates for their 2015 Annual Beautillion-presenting talented young men to society. The Beautillion is being provided with an orientation toward helping young men currently enrolled as high school juniors to grow and develop their leadership talents in every phase of human endeavor. Interested young men should see Mrs. Heaston for an application. Deadline is May 1, 2015.

Announcements 4/14/15

· Mrs. Holland-Important WSHS Dates- Please read all information as there is likely something here that applies to your student!

o Seniors-Scholarship Report and College Acceptance Report forms are due to Mrs. Heaston April 30th…Scholarship will not be listed in the program if they are not returned by that date!

o Students currently in AP Courses-AP permission slips are past due. AP tests begin at 7:30 and 11:30 May 4 through May 15. Parents please help us ensure students are on time.

o We have emailed students regarding AP applications for the 2015-2016 school year. We are currently processing appeals and all students should be notified today about pending appealed courses.

o Cheerleading-Cheer parent meeting Tuesday April 14th in the library. Tryouts are scheduled for April 21-23.

o Dual Enrollment-Registration window is April 13-May 1. Any questions contact Mrs. Brown-Malone.

o EOC Test Dates: Proctors needed! Between 7:45/8:00 until 11 am-please email to volunteer on any of the following dates:

§ April 30-Algebra I

§ May1-Algebra II and English I

§ May 4-English II and English III

§ May 5-Biology and Chemistry

§ May 6 – Make up day

o April 27th – Honors Assembly for 9th -11th grades in Auditorium

o Course Selection Sheets – going out this week. Students will be selecting classes for next year through their English Teachers. These forms are due back Monday. Counselors will be available for questions.

o Pre-Registration Forms – If you did not return your pre-registration for next school year and need another copy, please have your student request another form in his or her grade level office. This form should have come home for you to make changes and return so that your pre-registration process goes more smoothly.

o Summer ACT/PSAT Workshop-The summer workshops will be held June 1-12. The registration form is posted at: under the “resources tab on the left.

o Senior information that was distributed to students March 30, 2015:

o Monday, May 11th Pick up Graduation Tickets in the Cafeteria during all lunches (11:00-12:25) and

o Tuesday, May 12th - Pick up Graduation Tickets in the Cafeteria during all lunches (11:00-12:25)

o (Parents or students may pick up tickets; whoever picks them up must count and sign for them. Students should bring a signed note from parents if they are picking up their own tickets.)

o Tuesday, May 12th Caps/Gowns Distribution ( Seniors will go to cafeteria at 1:25 p.m. to receive caps/gowns)

o Wednesday-Thursday, May 13th-14th Senior Exams ( May 13th 2nd/4th/6th period, May14th 1st/3rd/5th/7th period)

o Tuesday, May 19th - Senior Luncheon – Botanic Gardens 11:30 am – 1:30 pm

o Students are responsible for their own transportation. Students are not to be on campus the day of the luncheon, they should report straight to Botanic Garden at the time of the luncheon. Students should dress up as if they are attending an awards luncheon. Dress for young men might include dress slacks/dress shirt and for young ladies would include dress pants or skirt with a dress top or dress. No shorts. No jeans. No exceptions.

o Thursday, May 21st - Seniors are notified by this date of academic deficiencies which will prohibit their participation in graduation ceremony. All monies owed to the school must be paid by TODAY to avoid having the diploma withheld.

o Friday, May 22nd Rehearsal begins promptly at 10:30 am at the Cook Convention Center. There will be only one rehearsal for graduation. Any senior not at the rehearsal will not be allowed to participate in the ceremony. Students should park underneath the Convention Center and guests are not allowed.

o Sunday, May 24th - GRADUATION DAY

2:10 p.m. Check in with homeroom teacher in the assembly area. Students should be in their assigned seats in the backstage area by 2:25 at the very, very latest!