/ Petroleum Development Oman LLC / Revision: 4.1
Effective Dec-15

Petroleum Development Oman L.L.C.

Well Activity Coordination and Control

Document ID / PR-1098
Document Type / Procedure
Security / Unrestricted
Discipline / Operations and Engineering
Owner / Functional Operations Manager - UOP
Issue Date / October December 20154
Revision / 4.2

This document is the property of Petroleum Development Oman, LLC. Neither the whole nor any part of this document may be disclosed to others or reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form by any means (electronic, mechanical, reprographic recording or otherwise) without prior written consent of the owner.

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Document Authorisation

Authorised For Issue – March 2012

ii  Revision History

The following is a brief summary of the 4 most recent revisions to this document. Details of all revisions prior to these are held on file by the issuing department.

Revision No. / Date / Author / Scope / Remarks
4.2 / Dec-15 / Philip Hatherton UOP61 / Incorporation of the Audit Form, Small amendments to Scope, Key Personnel and the drawing on page 16.
4.1 / Oct-14 / Revision to incorporate minor amendments
4.0 / Mar-12 / Robin Norman UOP6 / Del Ellbec UOP7 / Review and reformat. Refere to Addendum 1 for main changes
3.1 / Jun-09 / Robin Norman UOP6
Del Ellbec UOP7 / Changes to Figure 1 page 10. Added separate entry for WPH and two notes (highlighted in red)
Minor changes to WLCTF – Removal of C&WI
3.0 / Jan-09 / Robin Norman UOP6 / Reworked Transfer Form and updated procedure accordingly. Major changes
Change of Custodian

iii  Related Business Processes

Code / Business Process (EPBM 4.0)
EP.71.02 / Operate Wells and Facilities

iv  Related Corporate Management Frame Work (CMF) Documents

The related CMF Documents can be retrieved from the CMF Business Control Portal.

Refer to Appendix 4


i Document Authorisation 3

ii Revision History 4

iii Related Business Processes 4

iv Related Corporate Management Frame Work (CMF) Documents 4

1.1 Background 67

1.2 Purpose 67

1.3 Distribution / Target Audience 67

1.4 Changes to the Document 67

1.5 Step-out Approval 67

2 Roles and Responsibilities 78

3 Well Activity Coordination and Control Procedure 910

3.1 Scope 910

3.2 Typical Well Site Activities 1011

4 Well Location Custodianship Transfer Form 1415

4.1 Purpose 1415

4.2 Key Personnel 1415

4.3 WLCTF Process 1415

Appendix 1 – Example of a Well Location Custodianship Transfer Form 1920

Appendix 2 – Well Activity Control Sheet 2324

Appendix 3 - Well Location Custodianship Transfer (WLCTF) Audit Link to Form 2425

Appendix 4 – Abbreviations 2627

Appendix 5 – Related Documentation 2728

Appendix 6 - User Feedback Page 2829

Addendum 1 – Changes at Revision 4.0 2930

1  Introduction

1.1  Background

Wells owned by the Asset will periodically require to have work performed on them by Well Engineering or Completion & Well Interventions (C & WI). The nature of this work can require that the well custodianship be handed over for the work to be carried out. It is essential for Well Site Safety that there is a formal means of exchange of custodianship of a Well Site between the various parties that are involved in work. Custodianship transfer shall be required whenever the services to the well(s) are disconnected and/ or removed.

It must also be ensured that full compliance is being observed when work other than that requiring a Transfer of Custody is being undertaken. The PDO permit to Work system shall be extended to cover work undertaken by Completion & Well Interventions (C & WI), formerly known as ‘Well Services’ and / or Wireline Contractors therefore negating the requirement for Transfer of Custody

1.2  Purpose

The purpose of this procedure is to detail the steps required for the consistent transfer of custodianship of a Well Site. In addition it provides guidance on the requirements for Permit to Work for work not covered by custiodianship transfer.

1.3  Distribution / Target Audience

This procedure is intended for use Production Operations, Area Engineering, Well Engineering, Completion & Well Interventions (C & WI), Offplot Development Contractor and any other parties tasked with carrying out well work on behalf of PDO.

1.4  Changes to the Document

Responsibility for the upkeep of the Document shall be with the Functional Production Manager UOP, the Owner. Changes to this document shall only be authorised and approved by the Owner.

Users of the Document who identify inaccuracy or ambiguity can notify the Custodian or his/her delegate and request changes be initiated. The Requests shall be forwarded to the Custodian using the “User Feedback Page” provided in this Document.

The Document Owner and the Document Custodian should ensure review and re-verification of this procedure every 3 years.

1.5  Step-out Approval

This procedure is mandatory and shall be complied with at all times. Should compliance with the procedure be considered inappropriate or the intended activity cannot be effectively completed or safely performed, then step out approval must be obtained from the Asset Manager - using the PR-1001e – Operations Procedure Temporary Variance, prior to any changes or activities associated with the procedure being carried out.

2  Roles and Responsibilities

All affected personnel shall read this procedure. If they do not understand something within the procedure they shall ask their line supervisor or The Operating Integrity Coordinator (Interior) to explain it. It is the line Supervisor’s Responsibility to ensure that all his subordinates have read and understood this procedure. When the procedure is read and understood they shall sign the Record of Procedure Understanding Form.
Role: / Responsible for:
Operations Manager / ·  Accountable under the Director for the Asset
Delivery Team Leader / ·  Responsible under the Operations Manager for the Asset
·  Ensure compliance to all the requirements of the Well location Custodianship Transfer Form (WLCTF)
·  Ensure compliance to the PDO Permit to Work System through delegation to subordinates
Production Coordinator / ·  Accountable for the safe operation of all Assets within the area
·  Ensure compliance to all the requirements of the Well location Custodianship Transfer Form (WLCTF)
·  Authorises transfer and acceptance of well / well site or delegates to subordinates this responsibility
·  Ensure that the Record of Procedure Understanding Form is correctly completed and retained in a central location within each area.
Production Supervisor / ·  Responsible to Production Coordinator for safe operation of all Assets within the area
·  Can acts as a delegate to the Production Coordinator for Authorisation of transfer and acceptance of well / well site
·  May act as Responsible Supervisor within the area for Permit to Work
·  Ensures compliance of Permit to Work System with the area
·  Ensure all technicians under his supervision read and understand the procedures and sign the Record of Procedure Understanding Form
Area Authority / ·  Responsible to Production Supervisor for safe operation of all Assets within the area
·  Validates the Permit to Work
Drilling / Hoist Supervisor / ·  Requests or oversees request for Transfer of Custody
·  Authorises acceptance and transfer of well / well site during Transfer of Custody
·  Ensures compliance to in force Permit to Work system
Completion & Well Interventions (C&WI) Supervisor / ·  Ensures compliance to in force Permit to Work system
·  May act as Permit Applicant / Holder when undertaking work that is covered under PDO Permit to Work
Maintenance Staff / ·  Comply with this procedure
·  Ensure the procedures are read and understood and they sign the Record of Procedure Understanding Form

3  Well Activity Coordination and Control Procedure

3.1  Scope

The scope of this procedure covers the activities that may require to be carried out at a Well Site. The procedure shall also describe the process to be followed when handing over ‘custody’ for the works to be carried out.

Two forms are provided to enable the process, which are:

1)  Well Location Custodianship Transfer Form (WLCTF)

The WLCTF (refer to Appendix 1) is used when Well Engineering require to undertake work at the well site that requires ‘custodianship’ being transferred. The form provides a record of the ‘transfer of the ‘custodianship’ and ‘HSE administration” from the Asset Owner to those charged with performing or overseeing the work.

NOTE: For the purpose of this procedure “well site” is the well pad area. Any work carried off pad shall be assessed and may require a PDO PTW to be in place.

2)  Well Activity Control Sheet (WACS)

The WACS is used by the asset to provide current status of well activity work being carried out in the area.

The relevant permits specified on WACS (refer to Appendix 2 and Figure 1 – Summary of Permits and Requirements) should be obtained before commencement of the work.

The Production Supervisor shall normally be appointed as the ‘focal point’ for the WACS and shall ensure that commencement and completion of works is reported and recorded accordingly.

/ Activity Description / Permit Requirements / Responsible Parties /
1.  / Preparation of well site / PDO Permit to Work including Excavation Certificate (not required for preparation work on ‘greenfield’) / Production Supervisor / Area Authority / Permit Holder
2.  / Engineering works (existing facility) / PDO Permit to Work including Excavation Certificate; Mechanical Isolation Certificate; Electrical Isolation Certificate; Gas Testing Certificate; Confined Entry Certificate (if working in deep cellar) / Production Supervisor / Area Authority / Permit Holder
3.  / Engineering works (new location) / No Permit[1] or Contractor’s Permit to Work System (accepted and approved by PDO) / Project Engineering Team Lead (OXO3)
4.  / Materials delivery / No Permit to Work required if outside of restricted area / Production Supervisor / Area Authority
5.  / Clearing Materials / No Permit to Work required if outside of restricted area / Production Supervisor / Area Authority
6.  / Flowline and / or Beam Pump construction / PDO Permit to Work including (if required) Excavation Certificate; Mechanical Isolation Certificate; Electrical Isolation Certificate; Gas Testing Certificate; Confined Entry Certificate (if working in deep cellar) / Production Supervisor / Area Authority / Permit Holder
/ Activity Description / Permit Requirements / Responsible Parties /
7.  / Well test including Deep well and VX / PDO Permit to Work / Production Supervisor / Area Authority / Permit Holder (C&WI or Wireline Supervisor)
8.  / Well Stimulation / Fracturing + SMS
WIT / SIT/Annulus Investigation / Wellhead Maintenance /Electric Line / Wireline / Logging / PDO Permit to Work / Production Supervisor / Area Authority / Permit Holder (C&WI or Wireline Supervisor)
9.  / Well Pulling Hoist (WPH) / Well Location Custodianship Transfer Form & Contractor’s Permit to Work System (accepted and approved by PDO)
NOTE: If pumping from the well side to the flowline is required to be undertaken then a PDO PTW is required in addition to the WLCTF / Production Coordinator or Prod. Supervisor / Well Engineering (WPH Supervisor)
10. / Well Engineering Work involving disconnection of Services / PDO Extended Period Isolation (EPI) for isolation of flowline & wellhead and other systems e.g. gas lift, electrical supplies ESP, cathodic protection etc.
NOTE: Requirements prior to handover of well / Production Supervisor / Area Authority / Permit Holder
Well Location Custodianship Transfer Form & Contractor’s Permit to Work System (accepted and approved by PDO) and PDO EPI (signed by Operations) / Production Coordinator or Prod. Supervisor / Well Engineering (Drilling Supervisor), WPH Supervisor
11.  / Well Commissioning / PDO Permit to Work / Production Supervisor / Area Authority / Permit Holder
12.  / Handover of New Well / Well Location Custodianship Transfer Form / Production Coordinator or Prod. Supervisor / Well Engineering (Drilling Supervisor), WPH Supervisor

3.2  Typical Well Site Activities

3.2.1  Site Preparation

Site preparation involves activities that shall prepare the well site for further work if required.

If the site is new and there are no wellheads installed, then site preparation could involve levelling and grading using earth moving equipment. In this instance the Permit to Work systems shall not be implemented, but the contractor shall be required to submit an HSE plan.

If the site has wellheads installed and / or exiting services (flowlines, pipelines and / or power lines) then the Contractor shall make application for a Permit to Work and Excavation Certificate. The Responsible Supervisor (normally the Production Supervisor) shall ‘authorise’ the Permit and Area Authority shall validate it.

Reference: PR-1172 – Permit to Work System / PR-1002 - Operations Excavation Procedure

3.2.2  Engineering Works

Engineering works (construction and fabrication) carried out on an existing well site shall be strictly controlled by the Permit to Work System. The work site shall be inspected by the applicant and the responsible supervisor before the Permit to Work is authorised and shall be validated by the Area Authority before issue.

Where cellars are to be constructed below a depth of 1.5 metres then a ‘Confined Space Entry’ Certificate shall be required in accordance with the Permit to Work system.

Excavation using mechanised equipment shall require an ‘Excavation Certificate’ in accordance with the Permit to Work System.

Isolation of existing mechanical or electrical equipment and services shall require completion of the appropriate ‘Mechanical’ and ‘Electrical’ Isolation Certificates.

Work that is to be carried out on ‘greenfield’ sites where no existing services are installed shall not require a Permit to Work to be implemented but may be classed as a ‘No Permit Job’ and completion of the requisite certificate in accordance with the Permit to Work System. The contractor carrying out the work shall be required to demonstrate their own system to ensure safe working practices are maintained.

Reference: PR-1172 – Permit to Work System / PR-1002 - Operations Excavation Procedure / PR-1076 – Isolation of Process Equipment / PR-1148 – Entry into a Confined Space / PR-1154 – Gas Testing Procedure

3.2.3  Supply of Materials

Supply of materials to site where a transfer of custodianship is not in force will require to be covered by the relevant section of the Permit to Work if those deliveries are inside the ‘hazardous area’. Those deliveries made to a suitable laydown area outside of the ‘hazardous area shall not require Permit to Work.