IB Group IV Project 2015-2016
Kitchen Science
Science is all around you…even in your kitchen!
Create an actual project that explores a way in which science is used in the kitchen
Purpose: Collaboration of multiple disciplines on ONE project related to kitchen sciences.
Potential Project Ideas:
1. Design /Carry Out a Laboratory Investigation or Field Work
2. Carry out a Comparative Study (Experimental or Otherwise) in collaboration with another school
3. Collate/Manipulate/Analyze Data from other sources (scientific journals, environmental organizations, science/technology industries, government reports, etc)
4. Design/Use a Model or Simulation
5. Lead a class or workshop in the community or at a local school
Presentation Format: The sky’s the limit. Impress us. Must be 8-10 minutes long. Teachers will have 5 additional minutes to ask clarifying questions. All group members must be part of the presentation.
Number: 81010 Code: @ibg4
DATE / CHECKPOINT / DETAILSDec. 4 / Project & Groups Assigned / Initial Meeting and Team Brainstorming Session with Mentor Teacher
Dec. 18 / Mentor Teacher Checkpoint
(on Google Forms) / Project Proposal Due to Mentor Teacher
o Mentor Teacher will approve it and/or give feedback within a week
January / No “Checkpoint” BUT… / …Continue working as a TEAM
…Continue your Contribution Log as a TEAM
Feb. 5 / Mentor Teacher Checkpoint
(on Google Forms) / o Topic has been chosen and is focused
o Claim/Thesis is clear, original, and relevant
o Data has been acquired and processed
o Possible presentation formats are identified
o All members are contributing equally (Evidence: Contribution Log)
March 4 / Mentor Teacher Checkpoint
(on Google Forms) / o Research and Data is finalized
o Conclusion is clear, original, and relevant
o Presentation format is finalized
o All members are contributing equally (Evidence: Contribution Log)
April 12-13 / PRESENTATIONS! / On this day, you must submit:
o Completed Contribution Log (signed by everyone)
o Peer Evaluation (individually after you present)
o Self-Reflection (individually after you present)
Using Google Drive to Save and Share your Work:
1. Go to www.google.com and click SIGN IN at the top right corner.
2. Login to your CMS Google Drive using the following information:
o EMAIL: StudentID#@student.cms.k12.nc.us
(ex. )
o PASSWORD: Your birthday in YYMMDD format.
(If this is not your password, you have either changed it, or you forgot and need to reset it!)
§ Using the following link, gain access to the “MPHS IBG4 2015-2016” Folder (When you get to the folder link, you will have to click “Open in Drive” in the top right to add it to your Google Drive)
§ Create a folder called “IBG4 15-16 Team X,” but use your Team’s Number in place of the X.
§ When you create your folder, right click on the folder and click “Share” from the list. In the bottom right corner of the box that pops up, click “Advanced.”
§ Under the section that says “Who Has Access,” click the link that says “Change.” You will want to select the “Off – Specific People” option and then click save (No one will have access to view your folder except who you invite to view/edit your folder). When you save, you return to the screen where you can invite specific people to view/edit your folder.
§ Share your IBG4 Team Folder with your TEAM MEMBERS by typing in their email address and give them PERMISSION to EDIT.
§ Share your IBG4 Team Folder with ALL THE TEACHERS by typing in their email address (see below) and give them PERMISSION to VIEW your work.
Mr. Peltack
Ms. Toth
Mr. Baum
Ms. Pittinaro
§ When you CREATE documents, do so in your IBG4 FOLDER in your Google Drive. All documents should include your team number (e.g. “TEAM 12 Research Document 1”). This is how your Home Teacher will read your work and provide feedback. You can also UPLOAD other important resources and reference material to this folder, so that all team members can have access.
§ Your final assignment is to complete the Student Information Profile INDIVIDUALLY by the end of the work session TODAY!
Presentation Tips
· Let the pictures or graphics tell the story, and MINIMIZE the use of text.
· Use slides to present key information and visuals.
· If your audience is reading the slides, they are not paying attention to you.
· If you have more than 25-30 words on a slide, that’s probably too many.
Visual Elements
· Make sure you use colors that provide enough contrast to be seen clearly (Light on dark or dark on light).
· Font size must be large enough to be easily read. Size 28 to 34 with a bold font is best
· It is distracting if you use too wide a variety of fonts
· Animation effects can be interesting when used in moderation. Use animation to bring information piece by piece into the slide so that you don’t overload the audience with text all at once.
· Too much animation is distracting.
· Plan out ahead what each person will say.
· Speak clearly and distinctly.
· Don’t hide behind anything.
· Don’t read directly from slides and don’t read directly from your notes.
· Keep your eyes on the audience
· If you can’t answer a question, say so. Say, “I don’t have that information” or “We did not investigate that further.” Don’t apologize or make stuff up.
How Will We Be Graded??
Class Grade, using Rubric. Counts as a Formal Grade in ALL classes.
75% of Your Grade = Team Score (using rubric below)
25% of Your Grade = Peer Evaluation Evaluation of Contributions
Category / Description / Excellent / Needs minor improve-ment / Needs major improve-ment / Barely or not addressed at allThesis / Hypothesis / An original thesis or hypothesis related to the umbrella topic is clearly stated / 100 / 90 / 80 / 0-70
Data Collection & Processing / Sufficient data relevant to the hypothesis is collected either by experiment, survey, or research. Appropriately rigorous methods of processing are used. / 100 / 90 / 80 / 0-70
Conclusions / Valid conclusions about the hypothesis are drawn from the data. Limitations of the findings are acknowledged and discussed. / 100 / 90 / 80 / 0-70
Presentation / Project is clearly presented during allotted time using communication methods appropriate to the project. All students are familiar with content and their roles. Students are able to elaborate on specifics of project upon request. (See Presentation Tips) / 100 / 90 / 80 / 0-70
Citation / Sources of information are properly and thoroughly cited using either MLA or APA format. Parenthetical citations are used within the project to reference assertions that are not common knowledge. / 100 / 90 / 80 / 0-70
Teamwork / Team collaborates and communicates to meet deadlines, complete project, and present product.
All members contribute equally. Google Form deadlines are met. Shared Folder shows evidence of everyone’s participation. / 100 / 90 / 80 / 0-70
Please Keep in Mind:
*You are Juniors in the IB Diploma Program. We expect your project to reflect appropriate rigor.
*Impress us!
*It’s about (1) the working collaboratively, (2) doing scientific work, and (3) being original.