North Central Special Education Cooperative
1200 South Jay StreetPhone: (605) 626-3359
Aberdeen, SD 57401 Fax: (605) 626-3360
NCSEC Governing Board MeetingDate and Time: Monday, August 7,2017 at 7:00 pm
Location: Warner School 110 1st Avenue Southwest Warner, SD 57479 (Main Door Entrance #1)
Proposed Agenda:
Call Meeting to Order
Approve Agenda
Potential Conflict Disclosure Pursuant SDCL 23-3
Election of officers
- Groton Area School District is President as per the school agreeement
- Nominations for Vice- President
- Record Keeper – appoint business manager
Set Meeting dates, time and location
Old Business:
- Business Manager/Fiscal Agent Report: (Mike Weber, Business Manager)
- Motion to ratify the bills and financial statements from the Fiscal Agent Board Meetings held on: May 8,2017, June 12,2017, June 26,2017, and July 10,2017
- Budget Hearing held on July 10, 2017 at 8:00 pm
- North Central Special Education Cooperative Staff Salaries published as follows:
- Jennifer Deutsch - $60,677.87; Cathy Goethel - $55,385.62; Mary Hempel - $50,647.24;
Kristi Hilzendeger - $76,440.00; Paula Johnson - $52,458.65; Susan Neiger - $50,841.35;
Andrea Northey - $26,040.00; Lyndsay Rassmussen - $48,747.97; Diane Reyelts - $57,603.66;
Roxana Uttermark - $71,216.73; Diane Waltman - $46,150.00 and Mike Weber - $10,725.00
- Advisory Board Report: (Joe Schwan, Advisory Board President, Groton Area School District)
- Motion to ratify the action items from the Advisory Board Meetings held on June 5, 2017
- Director Report: (Kristi Hilzendeger)
- Report on Discussion and Information items from Advisory Board Meeting held on June 5, 2017
- Cooperative updates
New Business:
- Consent Agenda Items:
1.Designate Groton Area School District #06-6 as LEA/Fiscal Agent of the North Central Special Education Cooperative
2.Approve minutes from May 1 and May 17,2017 Governing Board Meetings
3.Approve bills and financial statements from July 2017
4.Approve School Agreement for the 2017-18 School Year
5.Adopt NCSEC Handbook for the 2017-18 School Year
6.Designate First State Bank of Groton as official depository
7.Designate Aberdeen American News as official newspaper
8.Authorize NCSEC Advisory Board of Superintendents to make recommendations to the Governance Board and LEA/Fiscal Agent concerning employment of personnel, budgets, policy and other concerns deemed necessary
9.AppointRodney Freeman as legal counsel/cooperative attorney
10.Designate Title IX Coordinator and Director of Federal Programs – Cooperative Director
11.Designate South Dakota Retirement authorized agent – Cooperative Business Manager
12.Authorize business manager to continue existing funds, establish new accoutns and to invest and borrow money
13.Adopt NCSEC Special Education Comprehensive Plan
14.Approve Eide Bailley as auditor
15.Approve Liability Insurance with EMC Insurance
16.Declare Items Surplus to be disposed of
- Approve reducing local share amounts to $325,000 from the $350,000 presented in May
- Preliminary Budget Review – approval by Fiscal Board in September to be ratified at next Governing Board Meeting
- Approve Technology Agreement with the Warner School District
- Approve Amendent to Business Manager, Mike Weber’s Agreement
- Approve 2 additional days of work for Administrative Assistant to be completed in June
- Approve contract with Santee Community School for Phonics Workshop
- Authorize the NCSEC Advisory Board of Superintendents to approve the August, September and October bills for LEA/Fiscal Agent payment to be ratified at the next Governance Board Meeting
Meeting adjourned at ______pm