
Roger M. Slatt

Gungoll Family Chair Professor of Petroleum Geology and Geophysics and Director, Institute of Reservoir Characterization

School of Geology and Geophysics, University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK 73091

(ph. 405-802-9220; FAX 405-325-3140; )


A.A. San Francisco City College, 1961

B.A. California State Univ. San Jose, 1965

M.S. University of Alaska, 1967

Ph.D. University of Alaska, 1970


2009-pres. Gungoll Family Chair Professor of Petroleum Geology and Geophysics, University of Oklahoma

2007-09 Lew and Myra Ward Chair in Reservoir Characterization

2005-07 Gungoll Family Chair Professor of Petroleum Geology and GeophysicsUniversity of Oklahoma

2000-05 Director, School of Geology and Geophysics, University of Oklahoma

1992-2000 Professor and Head, Dept. Geology and Geological Engineering, Colorado School of Mines

1990-92 Manager, Reservoir Evaluation, ARCO International Oil and Gas Co.

1983-90 Director of Lithostratigraphic Evaluation, Director of Reservoir Geology, and Manager of Stratigraphic Exploration Research, ARCO Research and Technical Services Co.

1980-83 Stratigraphy Research Manager, Cities Service Co.

1978-80 Senior Research Geologist, Atlantic Richfield Co.

1976-78 Visiting Assistant Prof. of Geology, Arizona State Univ.

1970-76 Post-doc Fellow, Assist./Assoc. Prof. of Geology, Memorial University of Newfoundland (Canada)


Slatt, R.M., 2013, Stratigraphic reservoir characterization for petroleum geologists,

geophysicists, and engineers, 2nd Edition, Elsevier Publ. Co. 671p.. (1nd Edition published 2006, 492p.

Slatt, R.M. and C. Zavala (eds.) 2011, Sediment transfer from shelf to deepwater, AAPG

Studies in Geology 61 (co-published with SEPM), 214p.

Slatt, R.M. and others (eds.), 2006,Reservoir Characterization: Integrating Technology and Business Practices, 26th Ann. Gulf Coast Section SEPM Found. Bob F. Perkins Research Conference, 1257p. CD Book

Weimer, P. and R.M. Slatt, 2006, Introduction to the petroleum geology of deepwater

settings, AAPG Studies in Geology Series (CD book), 816p.

Slatt, R.M.(ed.), 1998, Compartmentalized reservoirs in Rocky Mountain basins, Rocky

Mtn. Assoc. Geol. 1998 Symposium Vol., 250 p.

O'Brien, N. R, Slatt, R. M., 1990, Argillaceous Rock Atlas, Springer-Verlag, N.Y. 141p.


R.M. Slatt and N.R. O'Brien, 2013M Microfabrics related to porosity development, sedimentary and diagenetic processes, and composition of unconventional resource shale reservoirs as determined by conventional scanning electron microscopy, AAPG Memoir 102, Chapter 5, p. 37-44.

Cadena, A.F. and R.M. Slatt, 2013, Seismic and sequence stratigraphic interpretation of the area of influence of the Magdalena submarine fan, offshore northern Colombia, Interpretation, Aug. (inaugural edition), p. SA53-74.

Slatt, R.M., Rodriguez, N.D., 2012, Comparative sequence stratigraphy and organic geochemistry of gas shales: Commonality or coincidence?, Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering (2012), doi:10.1016/j.jngse.2012.01.008

Slatt, R.M., P.R. Philp, N. O’Brien, Y. Abousleiman, P. Sing, E.V. Eslinger, R. Perez, R. Portas, E. T. Baruch, K. J. Marfurt, and S. Madrid-Arroyo, 2012, Pore-to regional-scale, integrated characterization workflow for unconventional gas shales, , in Breyer, J. (ed) Shale Reservoirs—Giant Resources for the 21st Century, AAPG Memoir 97, p. 127-150,

Slatt, R.M., 2011, Important geological properties of unconventional resource shales, Cent. Europ. J. Geosciences, p. 435-448.

Slatt, R.M. and N.R. O’Brien, 2011, Pore types in the Barnett and Woodford gas shales: contribution to understanding gas storage and migration pathways in fine grained rocks, AAPG Bull. P. 2017-2030.


-Present numerous short courses and field trips on Reservoir Characterization, Sequence Stratigraphy, Petroleum Geology of Deepwater Depositional Systems, and Geology of Unconventional Resource Shales to national and international government organizations and petroleum companies.

-Member American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Society of Petroleum Engineers, Geological Society of American, Society of Exploration Geophysicists, and Society of Sedimentary Geology (SEPM)

-Director of current research program in Unconventional Resource Shales ($245,000 from petroleum industry) involving 15 students.


I have graduated 79 M.S./Ph.D. students since 2000 (OU)