We hope you will find the right family pet. Please fill out the following application carefully and completely. The application is designed to help us make the best placement possible for the pet and adopter.
Revised 7/25/11
- Be 18 years of age or older.
- Be willing and able to provide medical care and loving attention for your pet.
- Pay the adoption fee.
- Have your pet vaccinated against rabies.
- Have your pet spayed or neutered.
- Abide by city, county, and state ordinances and laws.
- Abide by all rules of our adoption agreement/contract.
- Understand that the Wetzel County Animal Shelter, the Wetzel County Animal Shelter Supporters, Inc., and the County of Wetzel reserves the right to deny any adoption application for any reason.
- Make sure your dog wears a collar with rabies tag and identification.
Revised 7/25/11
Please initial here that you have read and understand the above adoption requirements and that you meet, or agree to meet the requirements within a reasonable length of time: ______Date: ______
What animal(s) you are interested in:
Have you ever had a pitbull or pitbull mix before?
Why do you want to adopt a pitbull?
Can you provide proof that your insurance company allows you to own a pitbull?
Who is your insurance carrier?Phone#
What is your County Court/Clerk’s Phone number?
Does your Municipality and/or County, have any ordinances restricting pitbulls or pitbull mixes?
Where did you see this (these) pet(s)? Greentab Other Newspaper Ad Petfinder.com
(If Other, please explain:)
If you’re not from our local area, are you willing to come here to pick the animal up?
Would it be a week day or weekend pick-up? Note: We do NOT fly animals!
If you did not find the pet you would like to adopt today, please let us know what you are looking for:
Personal Information:
Name: Driver’s License # Its State:
(If rural address, please draw a map on the back of the application with directions.)
Home Phone # Work Phone # E-mail
Are you the owner of the home? If not, who is? Name Contact Info
Landlord’s namePhone #
Do you live in the city? or suburbs? In a house? or an apartment?
How long have you lived there? Are you planning to move in the next 6 months?
If so, what are your plans for the pet?
What hours is someone usually home? Number of people in your home?
Any children under the age of 18? If yes, what ages?
Does anyone in your household have allergies to animals? If yes, explain?
Are you willing to commit to a pet for 10 -15 years (the average life span)?
Does your family support this decision to bring home a new pet?
May we contact other family members in the household regarding this pet adoption?
Have you ever brought an animal to a shelter? If so what were the circumstances?
Pet History and Current Information:
Please fill out the following information for the pets you have owned in the last 5 years.
Pets Name / Type of Animal and Breed / Age / Spayed or Neutered? / Do you still have?If you do not still have any of the above mentioned animals, explain what happened to them:
Name and phone # of your current Veterinarian?
Prior Veterinarian(s)? (last 5 yrs.) Name and Phone #
May we contact present and/or prior vet(s)? If not, why not
Who’s name is the pet listed under at the vets?
Are you able and willing to provide necessary medical attention for your pet as long as you own it?
Do you agree to have your pet spayed or neutered within 30 days of adoption or by the age of 6 months?
If it is a female,do you agree to NOT to let it have a litter?
Why do you wish to adopt a pet? (Check)Companion Guardian Mouser Gift For children Other
What temperament do you prefer? (Check)Protective Intelligent Independent Active Playful . Easy-Going __Lap Dog Affectionate Sedate Shy Other
I would like my new pet to get along with other: (Check)Dogs Cats Birds Rabbits Farm Animals .
What type of methods will you use to exercise your dog?
Would you be willing to take your dog to training or obedience classes?
Do you allow dogs on the furniture?
Where will your pet spend most of its time? Inside Outside
Do you have: (check all that apply): A fenced in yard How HIGH is your fencing? Condition? Type of Fencing? Size of Yard? A pet door An outdoor kennel or run Type/size An over-head cable A tie-out Type/Size?
A dog house Type?Why do you have a dog box?
What method of house training do you plan to use?
Have you ever crate trained a pet?
Where will the pet sleep? If you’re not home, where will the pet stay?
If you adopt a cat, are you planning to declaw it?
May we visit you home in the future to verify the pet’s well being? ______
I hereby certify that all information in this application is true and correct to the best of my knowledge.
It is understood by and between Wetzel County Animal Shelter and (as the adopter), that as a condition of adopting this dog/cat, Wetzel County will not reveal to any person, other than an authorized County, State, or Law Enforcement Official, any of our personal information from our application or the fact that we have adopted the dog or cat in this contract, The foregoing specifically includes prior owners or custodians of the dog or cat. This agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with West Virginia State Law, and all actions shall be filed in the Commonwealth of West Virginia. The Agreement constitutes the sole Agreement between the parties and supersedes any and all prior agreements with respect hereto, and is severable, so that if any portion hereof is deemed invalid, the remainder hereof shall remain in full force and effect.
WCAS Witness: Date:
Adoption Status:
Office use only: Approved DisapprovedReasons:
Revised 7/25/11