Natural Resource Conservation ServiceFOR CNMP LAND TREATMENT(8/06)

Name: / County: / NRD: / State: / Acres Planned:

This conservation plan applies to all land identified in the Comprehensive Nutrient Management Plan (CNMP) for manure application.

The land treatment alternatives presented here have been identified as those most likely to result in reduced potential for loss of Phosphorous (P) in runoff from application acres.

Implementation of the CNMP on this operation depends on implementation of the land treatment alternatives chosen within this conservation plan. P-Index scores and manure application rates used in the CNMP are dependent on implementation of the chosen alternatives. Any deviation from this plan must be discussed with NRCS representatives.

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Natural Resource Conservation ServiceFOR CNMP LAND TREATMENT(8/06)

Field(s) / Average Soil Loss / P-Index / Conservation Treatment Alternatives (Check all agreed to) / Planned Impact of Selected Alternative
Enter P-Index Value for each:
Current Conditions ______
Planned Conditions______
Notes: Current P-Index is based on
Assumed/ Actual (circle one)
soil test P levels of ____ ppm. If soil test P levels increase ___ ppm, current P-index will become ____ within ____ years. / Nutrient Management (required) – Producer will implement nutrient management according to Practice 590. Agrees to site-specific sampling.
____ Waste Utilization – Producer agrees to implement waste utilization according to Practice 633.
____ Residue Management – Producer agrees to implement residue management to address soil loss levels (329B, 329C, 344)
____ Terraces – Producer agrees to install terraces and underground outlets as identified on attached plan map (600, 620)
____ Grassed Waterways/Setbacks – Producer agrees to install Grassed Waterways and maintain setbacks as identified on attached plan map (412)
____ Setback buffers next to streams/watercourses – Producer agrees to install vegetated buffers as identified on attached plan map (393, 390)
____ Phosphorous-based application rates – Producer agrees to apply manure and commercial fertilizer based on the agronomic rates for phosphorous.
____ Phosphorous-based plan with single multi-year application in single year, and no application until end of multi-year cycle.
____ Producer plans to implement no-till system (329A)
____ Other, describe ______/ Soil erosion rate is reduced from ___ t/yr to ___ t/yr, resulting in lower potential for P loss.
Field slope lengths are reduced, resulting in lower soil loss and lower potential for P loss.
Distance to surface waters is increased and gully/ephem. erosion is controlled, resulting in lower potential for P loss.
Distance to surface waters is increased and runoff from field is filtered.
Crop removal of P prevents increases in soil P levels.
Allows for crop removal of P over a longer period.
Soil erosion is reduced, lowering potential for P loss.
I have reviewed this Conservation Plan prepared for me in accordance with NRCS Comprehensive Nutrient Management Planning technical guidance and planning policy.
I understand that the alternatives selected directly affect my CNMP and, if applicable, directly affect the requirements of my state or federal pollution control permit(s).
I agree to implement the provisions of the plan in good faith. If circumstances change that require plan modification, I agree to contact the local NRCS field office for assistance.

Producer Signature: ______Date: ______

NRCS Representative: ______Date: ______

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