Monday, February 22, 2016


6:00 P.M.

1. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance

Mayor Brad Gunderson called the meeting to order at 6:00p.m. Members present: Kurt Hunstiger, Ellen Thronson, Steve Heinen, and Nick Sauer. Others present: Ross Olson, City Administrator, Todd Schultz, Community Development Director, Craig Nelson, Utilities Director, Terry Wotzka, City Engineer, Matt Loven, City Attorney, and Dana Furman, Administrative Services Coordinator

2. Additions or Changes to the Agenda

Todd Schultz requested to add Approve Purchase of Cable Access Equipment as agenda item 9-D.

3. Approve the Agenda

Motion: Moved by Councilperson Sauer and seconded by Councilperson Heinen to approve the Agenda as amended. Motion carried unanimously.

4. Approve Minutes

A. 2-8-16 Regular City Council Meeting Minutes

Motion: Moved by Councilperson Hunstiger and seconded by Councilperson Thronson to approve the 2-8-16 Regular City Council Meeting Minutes. Motion carried unanimously.

5. Receive and File


6. Mayor’s Communications


7. Audience Items/Visitors Total Time Limit 2 Minutes for Items NOT on the Agenda

Tom Inderieden, 224 2nd Ave N, shared with the City Council a prepared statement explaining the long running sewer back-up problems that have for years plagued the home that he owns at 224 2nd Ave N in Sauk Rapids. Inderieden provided the history of the house, which was originally built in 1955. He noted that the water and sewer issues started occurring in the 80’s. Inderieden stated that due to the utility issues at this address, the former Public Works Director, Rich Gronau, installed a flapper valve outside of his house in an effort to alleviate the problems. Inderieden said that the flapper valve appeared to be working as a solution to the sewer back-up problems until the commercial business improvements that accompanied the Sauk Rapids Bridge project took place in the downtown. Inderieden stated that in 2008 his basement again flooded due to a sewer back-up. He said that he had a company look if there was anything in his private lines that could have caused this problem and they stated that there was nothing found in the private lines.

Inderieden explained that his property again experienced a sewer back up this past January and he again had someone out to inspect his private lines. He noted that since his last sewer back-up he has spoke with several City employees. Inderieden said that following the January 2016 sewer back-up, the Utilities Department was called in to inspect and the City’s lines were filled to the top and plugged up. He said that when the lines were being inspected it was admitted that the problem was in the City’s lines. Inderiden said that the City’s Insurance Company is denying his claim. Inderieden said that he has over $4,500 in damage from this latest sewer back-up.

Inderiden noted that his property is actually rented out by Granite Care, which provides housing for residents with special needs in the area. He noted that he is rather confused as to why the City’s Insurance Company covered the damage in 2008, but would not do so today when the claim is for the exact same thing.

Inderiden stated that several Granite Care residents lost their personal possessions as a result of the sewer back-up. He said that he is looking if there is any City resources to help with this expensive clean-up that he is again having to do to his property.

Ross Olson said that he has met with Mr. Inderiden and has spoke with the League of MN Cities, which is the City’s Insurance Trust, regarding this claim. Olson said that the League of MN Cities sent a Claims Adjuster out to Inderiden’s property. He explained that the Adjuster looks at several different factors and conditions to determine if the City did anything to contribute to the problem. Olson said that the Claims Adjuster determined that the City was keeping up with its Maintenance Schedule, and the League of MN Cities rendered that there is no negligence on the City’s behalf. He noted that he did not recall the rationale behind the 2008 League of MN Cities’ decision.

Olson explained that with the League of MN Cities stating that the City is not at fault for the sewer back up at Ineriden’s property, he would have to consult with Legal as to whether or not public dollars coud be used to help cover the cost of something that the City’s own insurance trust has denied a claim on. Olson said that he and Craig Nelson, Utilities Director, have discussed over the phone this case with the League’s Adjuster and the League did not change their opinion on this case.

Councilperson Heinen asked if the Utilities Department will increase the number of checks/inspections when there are known problem areas, like this one. Nelson stated that while the Maintenance Schedule calls for cleaning this system every five years, the Utilities Department has been cleaning this particular system in this location once a year to prevent problems from occurring.

Olson said that there are uniquenesses all over town which causes staff to deviate from the plans to address and prevent problems. He noted that at the Department Head meeting earlier today, staff was brainstorming what could be doe to try to better manage and prevent problems, like this.

Councilperson Hunstiger said that he knows that there is a business in town that has caused problems with flushable wipes, so he questioned if the City is doing anything to educate residents and business owners on the risks associated with flushable wipes. Olson said that staff does talk to area businesses to acknowledge and prevent problems associated with flushable wipes. He noted however that these items continue to be sold despite pleas by cities regarding the havoc that they cause in the stormsewer systems.

Nelson noted that that the storm sewer system near Inderiden’s property was cleaned in June of 2015 and June of 2014.

Inderiden stated that his concern is that if the system was cleaned in June of 2015, then this means that system already plugged up within six months. He said that he wants this problem resolved, so he is thinking that the lines need to be cleaned more often than once a year in this location. Inderiden noted that he feels that his back is up against the wall with his tenant as this is not something that is fair for them to have to continusoulsy deal with either. He said that Granite Care is a local business, and it should be treated and respected as such.

Olson said that City staff will work to resolve issues and deviate from its maintenance plan to manage the utilities already in place. He said that the homeowner has asked staff about having a check valve installed. Olson stated that Legal would advise for the City to not go on private property to install any type of check valve. Olson noted that the Utilities Director is consulting with experts in the field to see if there is anything else that can be done to prevent future issues at Inderiden’s property.

Councilperson Hunstiger asked if this issue could be sent back to the Public Works Committee to look further into and to discuss possible solutions.

Mayor Gunderson said that he was thinking the same thing that this is something that the Public Works Committee should look into.

Councilperson Hunstiger noted that he would not want an incident like what has happened to Inderiden to occur in his basement. He stated that he would like to see if there is anything that can be done to help this homeowner out.

Mayor Gunderson stated that he, too, wants more details concerning this claim, because he is not saying at this moment that he agrees with the City’s Insurance Company.

Councilperson Heinen stated that he would like more details as to why the City’s insurance trust paid for a similar claim a few years earlier.

Henry Oehrlein, 3425 Golden Spike Road, stated that he sympathizes with Mr. Inderiden as he used to work in the plumbing industry. Oehrlein noted that people throw the damndest things in the manholes. He said that one must really understand the sewer systems to understand what is all going on in the sanitary sewer system.

8. Public Hearings


9. Consent Agenda

A. Approve 2016 Plumbing and Mechanical Contractor Licenses

B. Approve 2016 Legislative Session Resolution for St. Cloud Area Cities’ Goals/Recommendations

C. Approve 2015 Funds Transfer

D. Approve Purchase of Cable Access Equipment

Motion: Moved by Councilperson Heinen and seconded by Councilperson Hunstiger to approve agenda items 9A-9D. Motion carried unanimously.

10. Regular Agenda


11. Other Staff Items


12. Other Council Items and Communications


13. Approve List of Bills and Claims

Motion: Moved by Councilperson Sauer and seconded by Councilperson Thronson to approve the List of Bills and Claims. Motion carried unanimously.

14. Adjournment

Motion: Moved by Councilperson Sauer and seconded by Councilperson Heinen to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried unanimously.

Mayor Gunderson adjourned the meeting at 6:31p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

Dana Furman, Administrative Services Coordinator

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