Sample Script for Fulfillment Calling at the Pitt TeleFund

Good morning/afternoon/evening, may I please speak with prospect’s full name?

Hello, ________________, my name is ____________________ and I’m calling from the University of Pittsburgh on behalf of the Annual Fund. How are you doing today?

Great! Well, I’m just calling regarding a pledge you made to the Annual Fund. Our records indicate that you made a pledge to allocation in the amount of $________. Does that sound correct?

Do you recall getting the pledge reminder form? (If no, make sure we have updated demographics for the prospect and move on).

I would love to be able to take care of that for you today! We accept Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and bank debit cards. Which do you prefer?

If yes: proceed with taking down the information, thank them, and close the call.

If no: Using your credit card is like supporting the University a second time. It streamlines our processing costs and can put your money to work as soon as tomorrow. Could you help Pitt out in this way? (If appropriate, also discuss deferred and split payment options and address security concerns.)

If no: I certainly understand. We will mail you out a new pledge form which you should receive in 7-10 days. You can return it in the business reply envelope. Could you get that back to us in two weeks? (If no: find out when they expect to be able to return it and proceed with the close and thank them.)

(If they do not wish to fulfill their pledge, find out why so that we can pass the concerns on to the appropriate person, thank them for their time, and ask them to keep us in mind for next year.)