SafeRides of Los Gatos: Adult BOARD Application

The SafeRides (SR) Board is a group of HS students who organize and direct SafeRides of Los Gatos along with the adult board coordinators. SR board members meet monthly, and work during the week including, but not limited to, after school and evening training sessions. The Adult Board is responsible for helping the youth coordinate the program, mentor the high school students, as well as volunteer at least 5 Friday nights a year. Our program mandates that one Board Member must be on duty every weekend. We are looking for enthusiastic and dedicated Board Members who want to give back to the community and mentor teens.

Thank you for your interest and support for this community service program that helps save lives and gets teens home safe.

Name: ____________________________________

Email: ____________________________________

Home Phone: _____________________ Cell Phone: _________________________

Best way to reach you: _________________________

How did you hear about SafeRides?___________________________________________________________________

Do you have children attending Los Gatos Schools? ______ If yes what grades? __________

Do you have any children who are LGHS grads? _______ if yes, year of graduation_________

Have you ever volunteered for SR? Yes or No If yes When?_____________________

Please briefly describe your reasons for participating in the SR program and why you would like to serve on the SR Executive Board: Please note any time constraints.


Attached is a list of board positions. Please indicate the top 3 positions that interest you.

______________________________ _________________________________ ________

Print First & Last Name Signature Date

SafeRides (SR) Board Positions

SR Board is comprised of 7 Adults and 15 students

Student Board members must volunteer a minimum of 6 nights (5 for adults) each school year. (2-3x as Bmod). There must to be one board member present each night SR runs. SR Board meets each month, during the school year, for 1.5 hours. The 2015/16 calendar year we are meeting on the second Tuesday of the month except December where we meet the first week.


1. Hospitality 1 Adult 4 students


Theme parties

Photos through the year, slideshow

Food at events, snacks at café hope

Friday night entertainment


2. Recruitment 2 Adults 4 Students

Frosh/Transfer Orientation

Service day at LGHS

Multiple trainings per year




4. Social Media 1 Adult 4 Students


Communication, instagram, snapchat

Build and manage the website

Post on public fb weekly

Manage signup genius

5. Fundraising/Finance Chair 2 Adult 3 Students

Donation line

JJ Magoos for pizza Saturday nights

Budget and Reimbursements


E script

One fundraiser

7. Director

Paperwork, insurance, bills, stats, awards, communication, agenda and minutes

Café Hope management

Please indicate the top 3 positions you would prefer in order of preference.

Name: _______________________________________________

Submit: digitally or mail to Karla Albright c/o CASA 20 High School Ct Way Los Gatos, CA 95030