SI*(sign) Sign into live mode, all work areas (A,B,C,D,E,F) T*CT-LAX Display minimum connecting times for LAX

SIF/ Sign into training mode for SAI lessons in work area F VCT* Verify validity of minimum times for itinerary

SB Move from current work area to work area B

SO Sign out of current work area WAITLISTS

SO* Sign out of all work areas 01Y1LL Waitlist 1 Y seat from line 1 of availability

0AC123Y12FEBYYZYVRLL1 Waitlist flight by specific flight number



W/-ALMEXICANA Encode Airline 0A Add ARNK segment

W/*SFO Decode city /1A Insert an ARNK after segment 1

W/-CCSEATTLE Encode city

W/-EQ*L10 Decode equipment code INSERT AFTER

W/-CYABILENE Determine 10 closest airports /2 Insert after segment 2

W/-SL(#) Select similar city from list /0 Insert before segment 1

W/*DL‡*CZ Determine Baggage and ticketing agreements /1/3 Insert segment 3 after segment 1

W/-ATLAX‡ATSNA Display miles between two cities /9/11-13 Insert segment 11-13 after segment 9

/6/9,12 Insert segment 9 and 12 after 6


125AUGYYZYVRSAC Basic availability: date, city pair, time CANCEL AND REBOOK

S25JUNYVRYUL4P Basic schedule display entry X2 Cancel segment 2

1YVRYYZ3P Current day availability request X1/3/6 Cancel multiple segments 1, 3 and 6

14JUNYYZYVR/D Specify direct/non-stop flights X1-3 Cancel segments 1 thru 3

15JANYYZYVR9A‡AC Specify carrier XI Cancel entire itinerary

1* Display more availability X1,‡1 Cancel segment and rebook 1 day later

1*R Redisplay last availability X1‡01Y2 Cancel segment and rebook from availability

1*6P Change time X1‡0030SEP Cancel all segments and rebook new date

1S2FEBJFKLHR-N‡BA Searches for first available N class seat on BA XIA,‡7 Cancel all segments and rebook 7 days later

1‡DL Specify carrier XIA,-7 Cancel all segments and rebook 7 days earlier

1DEN Specify connecting city X2‡0AC75Y12JUNYYZYVRNN1 Cancel segment 2 and rebook specific flight

1*DYOW Change departure city WC3V Change class of service of segment 3 to V

1*AYYC Change arrival city WCAB Change all classes of service to B

1‡1 Add one day to display (max. of 30)

1-1 Subtract one day from display (max. of 30)

1R9P Return flight, same day, different time TOTAL ACCESS

1R27JUN Return flight, specify date, same time 120JUNYYZORD9ASUA City pair available using direct access

1R‡7 Return flight, plus 7 days from outbound 1SR 20JUN9A Return availability using direct access

1R27JUN6P Return flight, specify date and time

1S AC Change to direct access on Air Canada


*-BROWN Display PNR by name

SELL FLIGHT *SRFCDP Display PNR by record locator

01Y1 Sell 1 seat from line 1 of availability display *-25FEB-JONES Display PNR by date and name


02Y1Y2 or 02Y1* Sell connecting flights from lines 1 and 2 *-T5P1-COOPER/D Display PNR by pseudo city and name

01F5Y6 Sell 1 F class seat from line 5 and Y class from line 6 *2 Display PNR from similar name list

0AC14Y5FEBYYZYVRNN1 Long sell flight, class, date, cities, # of seats *L Redisplay PNR similar name list

01Y1YK Sell flight from availability with YK status


(4 is AFAX, American Airlines; 3 is GFAX, all other carriers)


-SMITH/JOHN MR Add single name to PNR 3OSI DL VP IBM CORP Generate information only message to DL

-2CHIN/JIM MR/KAY MS Add same surname, multiple party 4WCHR2-1.1 Request wheelchair for pax 1.1, for seg. 2

-I/SMITH/PAUL MSTR Add infant name to PNR 3WCHR-2.1 Request wheelchair for all carriers

-2S (new name) Change name field 3VGML2-2.1 Request meal for pax 2.1 on segment 2

-2.1S (new first name) Change first name in field 2.1 DU*/SPM Display generic list of meal codes

-4S Delete 4th name field 42S (new info) Change AFAX item 2

*N Display name field from PNR 35S Delete GFAX item 5

*P3 Display GFAX


9416-535-1234-A Basic format for agency phone

9403-234-4321X234-B Business phone with extension REMARKS

9YOW613-234-9011-H Home phone with city code specified 5SEND SKI BROCHURES General information remark

92S (new phone) Change 2nd phone field *P5 Display all remarks

93S Delete 3rd phone field 5‡ HAVE A NICE TRIP Remarks prints on Itinerary

*P9 Display phone field *‡ Display itinerary remarks only

5-CASH Form of payment – Cash

5-*AX3733123455678800‡02/01 Credit card form of payment

TICKETING FIELD 50/-CASH Insert FOP at top of remarks

7TAW20MAR/ Future ticket date; for placement on queue *- Display FOP remark only

7T-A Show PNR as ticketed 5/123 MAIN STREET Client address; prints on itin.

7TAW/ Immediate ticketing */ Display client address only

7STAW6FEB/ Change ticketing field 5H-ADVISED NON REF Add Historical remarks

7S Delete ticketing field *P5H Display historical remark only

*P7 or *T Display ticketing field of PNR 5C‡ ZE CD-1234 Coded remark for hotel

53S(new info) Change remark number 3

FREQUENT FLYER 54S Delete remark number 4

FFAA12344567-1.1 Frequent flyer entry for name 1.1 5‡S2 SEATS AT AIRPORT Segment associated remark

FFUA63746735/AC Frequent flyer entry for partner carrier

*FF Display frequent flyer field in PNR SEATS

PT*AC Display partnership agreements 4GA/NA Assign aisle seats for all segments

4GA/NW-1.1 Assign window seat for name 1.1 all segs.

END TRANSACTION 4G1/NA Assign aisle seats for segment 1

E End transaction 4G1/9B Assign seat 9B for segment 1

EM End transaction and email PNR to passenger 4G3* Display seat map for segment 3

EC End transaction and clone air segments 4GXALL Cancel all seats, all segments

ICAPD Ignore and clone all passenger data *B Display seats


FQYYZYVR20JAN-AC Display adult fare quote on AC FSYYZORD12FEB Fare shoppers quote for all airlines

FQYYZLAX3FEBNL-AA Display adult one way fares FSYYZYVR20JUNEX Fare shop for EX fares, all airlines

FQ9FEBYYZYVR6MAR-AC Fare quote by ticket purchase and travel date FSYYZYUL3FEB*9FEB-AC-CP Specify date range

FQL1/2 Fare quote from line 1 and 2 of CPA FSS5 Fare shop from segment 5 of itinerary

FQ* Redisplay Fare quote FDYYZORD12MAR Fare shop applicable to travel date

FLYYZLAX12MAY-AC Display fare quote with breakdown of taxes

FAYYZYVR6FEB‡R15FEB-AC Fare applicable including return date All FQ shortcuts can be used with FA, FS and FD

16FEBYYZYULåFA Display availability with fare applicable


FARE QUOTE SHORTCUTS RD2 Display fare rules for line 2 in FQ display

FQR Reverse the direction of Fare quote display RD2-US Display rules for line 2 in FS display on TW

FQ*-UA Change fare quote to United Airlines RDYYZYVR5FEBVE14NR-AC Display rules for VE14NR fare on AC

FQ*AYUL Change arrival city RD2*M Display fare rule menu for line 2 in FQ

FQ*DYOW Change departure city RD*M Redisplay fare rules menu

FQ*YYZYYC Change arrival and departure city RD2*5/7 Display category 5/7 from rule menu 2

FQ*SC Change to new fare type display RD*PN Display rule penalty information

FQ*/USD Change fare quote to another currency



FQNRTSIN12FEB-JL/JPY Fare quote, specify currency DC*CUR Display list of all countries currency codes

FQYYZLHR5FEB//LON-BA FQ specify currency of purchasing city DC*CUR/A Display currency codes for countries A

FQCHINYC5FEBAD-TW/USD Display add-On fares DC‡ CAD200/USD Convert 200 Canadian dollars to USD

WNDFWLONCAITYOLAXDFW Sector mileage FC‡ NUC5000/JPY Convert 5000 NUC to Japanese Yen

MP5 Maximum permitted mileage by FQ line nbr.


ITINERARY PRICING FAYYZYVR5FEB‡ R20FEB-AC Fare applicable including return date

WP Price itinerary in class of service booked JA4 Check for flights using fare from line 4

WPNC Price itinerary at lowest available fare JA3*2 Check flights using fare on line 3 for 2 pax

WPNCB Price at lowest available fare and rebook

WPPADT/CHD‡NCB Price ADT + CHD at lowest fare and rebook TICKETING

WPS1/4‡NC Price specific segment at lowest available fare W‡ Issue ticket from retrieved PNR

WPN1.1‡NC Price specific name at lowest available fare EW‡ End transaction and issue ticket

WPB25JUN Price itinerary for booking date of June 25 W‡KP8‡ADL Issue ticket using secondary codes

WPMCAD Price itinerary in currency specified W‡PSCR‡KP5 Issue ticket specify passenger type

WPNI Price new itinerary; check for lower fare W‡TE Tax exempt – will delete any taxes in base

WC‡2X Choose option 2; cancel current itinerary W‡EDVALID AC ONLY Add Endorsement info to ticket

WPQBE7NR Command pricing using BE7NR fare basis W‡AUA Specify validating carrier

WPS1*QBA3‡S2*QMA3 Command pricing specify segments/fare basis DIN‡DP Issue invoice/itinerary

WPQ/CD10 Command pricing for Senior citizen DIT‡DPI Issue itinerary only

FPKP5‡FCASH‡DP Future processing line; ticket instructions W‡BA*02P Specify baggage allowance


FPS Delete FP line NLX Adult/Normal excursion fare CH Child fare

WS Store priced fare in record GRP Group fare MIL Military fare

WSPADT/CHD Store priced fare for specific passenger types GVT Government fare SC Senior fare

WSM-UA QUOTE 385.00 Store manual price information EXC Adult/Child excursion fare INF Infant fare

*WS Display stored fare

WSH Display history of stored fare PASSENGER TYPE CODES

ADT Adult CHD Child


.2HK Change segment status line 2 to HK SCR Senior MIL Military

.HKALL Change segment status all segments to HK

.3XK Cancel segment; no message sent to carrier CALCULATOR/CALENDER

‡ Add - Subtract * Multiply / Divide


2AC918 Flight info; take-off/landing times etc. TS50‡ 50 Add 50 and 50

2UA768/10JAN Flight info for UA using previous date TS50*2 Multiple 50 times 2

VITUA485/12JUN View flight routing for UA 485 on June 12th TS20MAR-14 Display date 14 days before March 20th

VA*2 Check flight info from line 2 of availability TS20FEB-30MAR Display number of days between dates

TSOCT Display calendar for October (current year)

PNR RETRIEVAL TSNOV/02 Display calendar for November 2002

*-GREEN/JOHN Display PNR by last name

*-15FEB-GREEN Display PNR using departure date and name STARS

*-AC124/5FEB-SMITH Display using flight number and name NX File away currently displayed STAR

*3 Display name 3 from similar name list NBIBM NB – Build first level star, name IBM

*L Display similar name list NASIBBM CORPORATE NAS –Now add subject line to STAR

*SPLKRN Display by Sabre record locator NAPCHARGE TO VISA NAP – Now add priority line

*I Display Itinerary only NAA9416-535-1234-B NAA – Now add always move line

*H Display history record of PNR NE End STAR build – store the completed STAR

NBIBM-JONES NB – Build second level STAR for Jones

DIVIDE PNR NM Move all A lines to the PNR

D3 Divide 3rd name field from PNR NMX4 Move all A lines except line 4 to the PNR

D2*3 Divide 2nd and 3rd name field from PNR NMX3-6 Move all A lines except lines 3 through 6

D2.1*3.1 Divide specific name numbers from PNR NMO9 Move O line 9 after all the A lines have moved

F File divided PNR NMX2åO5 Move all A lines except 2 and O line 5

,3 Increase number in party from 1 to 3 NS3A9416-532-1234-B Change line 3A (must be in build mode – NB)

N*IBM Display first level STAR IBM


X2 Cancel itinerary segment 2 in PNR

X1/3 Cancel itinerary segments 1 and 3 QUEUES

X1-2 Cancel itinerary segments 1 through 2 QC/ Display queue count for agency

XI Cancel entire itinerary Q/5 Access queue 5

X1, ‡3 Cancel segment 1 and rebook 3 days later QP/65/11 Queue place PNR on queue 65 with PIC of 11

QR Remove PNR from queue

QXI Exit queue and ignore the PNR


W/-CRBUDGET Encode car company name QU Place PNR on unable to reach queue

W/CR*ZD Decode car company code QL Place PNR on left message to call queue

Y/CAR/NBR Car company table QXR Exit queue and remove PNR from queue

DU*/CAR/TYP Display car type list QXE Exit queue and end transaction on the PNR

DU*/CAR/EQP Display car equipment list I Ignore PNR on queue and move to next PNR

QXIR Exit queue and retrieve PNR off of queue



M-Mini C-2 door car A-Automatic R-Yes IN In terminal ON On airport property

E-Economy D-4 door car M-Manual N-No OFF Off airport S-IN In terminal; shuttle to car

C-Compact W-Wagon

I-Intermediate R-Recreational vehicle CAR MILEAGE INDICATORS

S-Standard T-Convertible UN Unlimited mileage FM Partial free mileage

F-Full size F-Four wheel Drive TM Time plus mileage KM Kilometers

P-Premium S-Sports car

L-Luxury J-All terrain vehicle CAR RATE PLANS

X-Special K-Track D Daily E Weekend

W Weekly M Monthly


CF1/2 Car shop referencing PNR air segments OPTIONAL CAR QUALIFIERS

CF1-5FEB-3P Pick up using segment 1; specify return date /ARR- Arrival time /NM- Customer name

CFYYZ/5FEB-8FEB/9A-4P Manual entry using pickup/return date and time /BS- Booking source /PD- Pick-up date

CF3/4/ICAR Car shop using PNR segment and car type /CD- Corporate discount /PH- Phone

CF*R1 Rule display for line 1 of Car shop response /CF- Confirmation number /PUP- Pick-up location

CF*P2 Car policy display for vendor on line 3 of CF /CT- Car type /RC- Rate code

CF*X3 Extra day/hour display for selected line number /DO- Drop off location /RD- Return date

CF*2 Car Quote display for line 2 of CF response /DOC- Drop off charge /RET- Return time

CF*‡CAD Change currency of displayed Car Shop /FT- Frequent flyer number /RG- Rate guaranteed

CF* Redisplay shoppers quote /G Guarantee /SI- Special information

/ID- Frequent renter number /SQ- Special equipment

CAR QUOTE /NC- Number of cars /W- Request written confirmation

CQ1/2ZE Car Quote using PNR; specify car company

CQ1ZE-5FEB-3P Pick-up using segment 1; specify return date SELL CAR

CQZDYYZ/2FEB-5FEB/9A-4P Manual entry using pickup/return date and time 0C2 Sell car on line 2 of CF or CQ

CQ3/4ZE/ICAR Car quote using PNR segments and car type 0CARZDIC2 Short sell from itinerary

CQ3/4ZE/RC-HAW99 Request specific rate code 0CARZDIC3/ID-123445/ARR-6P/DO-SAN Short sell with qualifiers

0C3/SI-RED CAR Sell car with qualifiers


CM2/PD-15JUN Change pickup date on car segment 2 of PNR CAR POLICY

CM3/SI- Delete special information from segment 3 CP*ZEYVR Display Hertz car policy in Vancouver

X3 Cancel car segment (segment 3 of itinerary) CP*ZDCORP Display corporate car policy for Budget

CP* Redisplay car policy record


HOT1/3NT2 Display availability, segment 1, 2 adults HOD*3 Display hotel description from line 3 of HOT

HOT1/3FEB2 Availability segment 1, specify check out date HOD34024 Hotel description using property number

HOTYVR/3FEB-6FEB2 Availability without air segments HOD3424/3FEB-5FEB2 Hotel description using check-in/out date

HOT1/6NT1/C/SI,HL Availability segment 1 using qualifiers HOD*G Display guarantee/deposit information

HOT* Display additional hotel properties HOD‡3 Display description for segment 3 of itinerary