Peer Teaching Assignment

Psycho-Social Aspects of PE

Dr. Cummiskey

Peer teaching is designed to simulate the application of various behavior management strategies. Students will play the role of physical educator, target student, and non-targeted student. Target students will display inappropriate behaviors in class in accordance with a small slip of paper distributed just prior to instruction. The target student, typically one person but possibly two or the whole class, will not be disclosed to the teacher prior to instruction. Keep in mind target students should conduct themselves professionally and try to accurately represent behaviors which exist in the public schools. This includes not laughing or joking around. If the teacher is using effective behavior management strategies, the target student should in MOST instances, diminish their off-task behavior. On occasion, target students may continue to be disruptive even though proper behavior management strategies are being employed. The behavior management strategies you employ MUST be primarily related to your chosen approach: behavioral, humanistic, and biophysical. However, you may occasionally use techniques from any approach.

Students will be organized into partners. One student will teach while the other completes an observation analysis.

v  First lesson/Partner A – The first lesson will be taught by partner A. The lesson must be between 10 and 12 minutes and be developmentally appropriate for your chosen grade level (HS, MS or Elementary). The lesson must include a brief set induction, 1 or 2 activities, and a closure. You may teach educational games, cooperative activities, and/or skill development activities. Whatever you choose to teach must be novel, meaning known by few members of the class. That way, everyone in class can expand their repertoire of PE activities. A list of available equipment is provided at the end of this assignment. You do not need to submit a lesson plan. Your teaching will be recorded via a wireless microphone and webcam directly into a laptop. Bring a FLASH DRIVE so that at the conclusion of class, the video may be transferred. If you have a class directly following, I suggest informing the instructor you may be late.

v  Debriefing/Partner A & B – During Partner A’s lesson, partner B will observe the efficacy of the behavior management strategies and complete the “Partner Observation” (appendix A). Afterwards, partner B will share his or her findings in a constructive manner and give partner A the completed observation form. You are responsible for bringing a blank copy of the form to class.

v  Second lesson/Partner B – Partner B may teach an activity completely unrelated to the one taught by partner A. The same parameters apply except this time; partner A will complete the observation form.

v  Debriefing/Partner A & B – Same as above.

The grading rubric for the role play instruction is included as Appendix B. Be certain to familiarize yourself with the criteria prior to instruction.

*If teaching, you must return the equipment used to the equipment closet. If not teaching, your help would be appreciated…thanks

Suggestions for Peer Teaching

□  Use an index card or the actual lesson plan if necessary to organize your instruction and reduce the likelihood of forgetting rules or directions.

□  Maximize activity time if appropriate (don’t have students sitting around waiting)

□  DO NOT be afraid to get involved when you see a problem, better to learn and possibly make a mistake than to not intervene at all.

□  Students learn more when the teacher provides feedback. Do not be silent.

□  Plan out what you want to say for transitions (how, where, when) including what to do after transition and how to handle equipment.

□  Begin class with a “Good morning” instead of “How are we doing today.”

Available Equipment

Between 15 and 10 minutes prior to class, I will be at the equipment closet distributing equipment for the day’s lessons. You are responsible for taking the equipment to the gym and returning it after class. If teaching the first lesson, set up in advance. The following lessons will set up in a different area of the bubble/gym. You should plan for approximately 22 “students.” The following equipment is available; I suggest planning a lesson that does not need an abundance of equipment.

Badminton rackets/birdies / Rope (50ft) / Hula hoops (30+)
Stretchy bands (~7) / Kickball (1) / Cones (various sizes)
Beanbags (some animals) / Empty plastic soda bottles (50+) / Pinnies
Wiffle ball bats (7) / Soccer balls (20+) / Scooters (3)
Parachute (1) / Maracas (20+) / Nerf footballs (10+)
Basketballs (20+) / Fleece balls (20+) / Yoga mats (~7)
Medicine balls / Lolli-pops (6) / Pickleball paddles (20+)
Dyna-bands / Rings (~10) / Frisbees (15)
Lacrosse Sticks (20+) / Dumbbells – 3 to 5 #’s (~10) / Golf clubs (20+)
Hockey sticks (20+)

Appendix A - Partner Observation Teacher: ______

Psycho-Social Aspects of Physical Education

Dr. Cummiskey Observer: ______

1. Identify three successful strategies which contributed to effective behavior management.




2. Identify two recommendations for ways to improve behavior management.



3. Identify two observations you made which the teacher may not be aware of.



Points of Consideration:

§  Clear, concise directions

§  Use names when addressing students

§  Effective and timely transitions

§  Appropriate tone and demeanor

§  Praise and positive interaction

§  Feedback at rate of 1 per minute

§  Use of non-invasive management first

§  Proactively manages small situations to nip them in the bud

§  Circulate around the classroom

§  Back to the wall and if not, swivel your head

§  Consideration of root cause of misbehavior

§  Utilization of classroom rules/routines

Appendix B. Peer Teaching Grading Rubric Name: ______

Criteria / I / D / T / Comments
(I=insufficient, D=developing, T=target)
Appropriately addressed situations which arose using specified approach (beh, hum, bio) (2)
Novel lesson activity
Clear directions and expectations which specifically tell students what is expected (2)
Use of names (at least 3 times)
High activity time while minimizing waiting, transition, and off-task time (minimize effect on instruction) (2)
Use of introduction and closure
Appropriate tone and demeanor for the situation; game face
Feedback or praise at rate of 1 per minute
Use of non-invasive management techniques first (proximity, eye contact, name in sentence, vocal variety)
Proactively notices and manages small situations to nip them in the bud
Student spacing and organization aid behavior management
Circulate around the classroom
Back to the wall or swivel head in middle
Appropriate volume (gym voice)
Use of a no-break music CD to start/stop activity
Bring a flash drive with enough space for a 30 MB file.
Complete observation form and submit to partner following instruction (must bring your own form)
Bonus: Using one of the strategies from a poster, clipboard, or the binder (+1.5)