Chair of Governors

Jean Bailey – Co-Opt Governor -

Jean was a Teaching Assistant at a local school, who has since retired. She has worked in the education system for many years.

Vice Chair of Governors

Pheris Humphrey Dip Soc, B A Hons, J P

Retired Payroll & Pensions Manager at(SOAS) School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London

Founder member of SOAS Womens Club

Treasurer for 8 years for the Students Body

Served asAdministrative Representative of AUT (Association of University Teachers)

Volunteer Youth Worker for 10 years

Volunteer worker at Josina Machel Supplementary School

Mentor on the Magistrates Shadowing Scheme on behalf of Operation Black Vote and the Department for Constitutional Affairs

Retired Justice of the Peace

Jill Jones – Head Teacher

Patricia Douglas – Co-Opt Governor

Pat graduated from Middlesex University with a BA (hon) in Primary Education after having a career outside the education system. She joined Four Swannes School (FSS) in 2002 as a Class Teacher and progressed to Key Stage 2 leader and then Deputy Head in 2012 being responsible for many areas of the school curriculum and school life. Whilst at FSS Pat gained a masters degree in education with the Open University. Pat has had much experience with many situations within the school setting.

Patsy Spears – Co-Opt Governor

Patsy was a local midwife and practice nurse from 1975 to 2016. She took aninterest in the voluntary sector in 2000 and presently chairs the Ethnic Minority Association (EMA) Broxbourne, the Society of Caribbean's and Africans (SOCA) and the Waltham Cross and Theobald Safety Forum group. Her other voluntary roles include being a trustee of Hertfordshire Regional College, and the Community Voluntary Services for Broxbourne and East Herts. Patsy has run as a Borough councillor for past two years.

Barbara Beech – Co-Opt Governor

Barbara has been a Teaching Assistant at Four Swannes School for 22 years. During that time, she has also been an Assessor for Hertford Regional College, assessing Teaching Assistant’s for their NVQ programme.

Sacha Kanatli – Safeguarding Governor

Sacha began her career in the media, representing writers and directors for film and television. She has worked at Four Swannes School for 13 years and has recently completed her Degree in Education. She is the Year 1 teacher doing her NQT

Neeloo Karim

I'm a mother of 2 young children one of whom attends Four Swannes in year 1. We moved to Waltham Cross approximately 1.5 years ago from Islington and so far we are enjoying all the green space. Previously I have worked in higher and further education in the admissions and recruitment sector. Currently I am taking time out to raise my family and pursue my business in crafting.