Newbury Dolphin Motor Club
The Pistons & Props Classic Car Tour
24th September 2017
1. Newbury Dolphin Motor Club will organise a Charitable Classic Tour on Sunday, 24th September 2017 in aid of the British Heart Foundation.
2. The meeting will be governed by the General Regulations of the MSA (incorporating the provisions of the Sporting Code of the FIA), by these Supplementary Regulations, and any written instructions that the organising club may issue for this event.
3. MSA Permit No: 102330
4. Clerk of the Course – Nigel Lack ' 07899 961145
Secretary – Ian Harrison ' 07500 166210
Entries Secretary – Paul Hardy ' 07766 482260
All officials and named marshals will be deemed Judges of Fact and will be on duty throughout the day to observe general driving standards.
5. Entries open on publication of these Regulations and close on receipt of sixty-five entries (five of these will be of reserve status) or at close Friday 18th August, whichever is earlier. Should the minimum of 20 entries not be reached the organisers reserve the right to cancel the event and return all received monies.
6. Valid fully completed entry forms will be accepted strictly in order of receipt. Please post if sending a cheque or email / use the online entry form (available via if using BACS transfer.
7. Entries must be made on the official entry form or the online entry form (via and be accompanied by the entry fee of £60 (driver and one passenger). Please indicate any additional donation made to the British Heart Foundation on the Entry form. Any cheque should be made payable to Dolphin Motor Club (Newbury) Ltd. Entry payment can also be made via BACS transfer to Account No: 70212121 Barclay’s Bank - Sort Code: 20-59-14 Please use the following reference, your initial & surname prefixed with CT (i.e “CT J BLOGS”).
8. The entry fee of £60 will cover a “tulip” style road book and a personalised tour plate with an image of the entrant’s vehicle, which is to be affixed to the front of your vehicle. Also included are personalised mugs for each crew member, entry to the final location along with afternoon tea and cake and bacon sandwiches together with tea or coffee for driver and passenger at the start venue. Additional passengers will be accepted at a fee of £17.50 each. Additional passengers will receive a personalised mug, breakfast at the start venue and entry to the final location along with afternoon tea and cake.
9. Entries should be sent to the secretary of the meeting:
Paul Hardy, 7 Henshaw Crescent, Newbury Berkshire, RG14 6ES.
or Email: ' 07766 482260
You will be contacted within two days of receipt of your entry to inform you of acceptance, reserve, or refusal status. Final Instructions will be emailed in the week preceding the event.
10. The Entry Fee will be refunded up to the closing date without penalty although entrants wishing to cancel after this date will be refunded less a £15 administration fee.
11. The event will start The Two Watermills PH, Newbury RG14 7RH Map Ref: 174 / 472½ 651½.
12. The route will be covered on OS Landranger Maps 173, 174, 184 and 185 however, these are not a requirement of the event as the route will be given in an easy to follow “tulip” road book issued at signing on.
13. The total event mileage is approximately 120 miles. The organisers’ mileage will be deemed as correct
14. To confirm entrants have traversed the prescribed routes there will be strategically placed code boards along the route that will need to be recorded together with manned passage controls where a signature will be required.
15. To add further interest an observation test has been added to the event. Details will be given in the road book.
16. Whilst this is not a timed event entrants may be requested to wait at manned controls to allow the event to maintain reasonable gaps between cars.
17. Fuel is available at the start venue; Tesco (Map ref 174/4741/2 6513/4 and just before the half way lunch halt at Middle Wallop. A343 Murco (Map ref 185/307 400). After the event fuel is available in Calne. Oxford Road Esso (Map Ref 173/998 7131/4).
Eligibility and Documentation
18. The event is open to three and four wheeled cars manufactured up to 1992.
19. The event is open to members of the organising club, members of the HRCR and invited MSA affiliated clubs. Members of the Federation of British Historic Vehicle Clubs (FBHVC) are also invited to participate.
20. Drivers must hold a valid driving licence although a specific competition licence is not required.
21. All cars must hold a V5C Registration Document, be taxed for use on the public highway and have a valid MoT, if applicable.
22. It is the entrants’ responsibility to ensure that the vehicle is taxed and insured for the purpose being used and all drivers are included. The organisers have the right to exclude any vehicle deemed inappropriate or unsafe. Cars may not carry any door mounted numbers or advertising unless by previous agreement.
23. Entrants will be issued with road books, rally plate and route check cards upon successful completion of vehicle checks and signing-on.
24. Rally plate to be affixed to the car in a forward facing position – cable ties will be provided or suction caps can be purchased (please see entry form).
25. The programme of the event will be as follows:
18th August Entries close
10th Sept Final Instructions posted or emailed
24th Sept 08:00 Vehicle check opens for signing-on & documentation
09:00 First car starts
15:00 First car finishes
16:30 Awards Presentation
26. Please supply us with a colour photo of your vehicle. This will be used to create your commemorative finishers’ award available to all finishers that have completed the prescribed route within the specified time.
27. We are also able to produce white tee shirts (see back of entry form for sizes) with a sketch drawing of your supplied photo. Please note that Tee shirts cannot be ordered after the Entry closing date.
28. There will be others awards for the Best Car, Best Period Costume Crew and for the Observation element of the event.
29. Entrants who are travelling a distance may wish to enjoy the hospitality in the historic market town of Newbury. Visit and type in “Newbury, Berkshire” for a selection of hotels and B&B’s. For things to do and places to see in Newbury, please visit
Newbury Dolphin Motor Club
The Pistons & Props Classic Car Tour
24th September 2017
Entry Form
DRIVER / PASSENGERName: ______/ Name: ______
______/ Address:______
Tel:______/ Tel:______
Email:______/ Email:______
Addition passenger(s)
Make: ______/ Model: ______/ Reg No: ______
Year of Manufacture: ______/ Colour: ______/ Engine Size: ______
I declare that I have been given the opportunity to read the General Regulations of the Motor Sports Association and the Supplementary Regulations for this event and agree to be bound by them. I declare that I am physically and mentally fit to take part in the event and I am competent to do so. I acknowledge that I understand the potential risk inherent with motor sport and agree to accept that risk. Further, I understand that all persons having any connection with the promotion and/or organisation and/or conduct of the event are insured against loss or injury caused through their negligence.
I declare that the use of the vehicle hereby entered will be covered by insurance as required by the law which is valid for such part of this event as shall take place on roads as defined by the law and further declare that the information given above is true.
Drivers Signature(s): ______/ Date: ______
FEE PAID / Entry Fee (driver + passenger) / £60 (includes a charitable donation to the British Heart Foundation).
Additional passengers (£17.50 each) /
Additional donation to BHF
Tee Shirts, S,M,L,XL,XXL (£ see over )
Suction caps, 4 required (50p each)
Total / ______
I have emailed the Entries Secretary a colour picture of my vehicle to include in the Road Book, on my personalised mug and on my tee shirt(s) (if ordered). r (please tick box)
Payment made by BACS / enclosed Cheque (please circle) / BACS, (20-59-14) 70212121
Please Email () or return to Paul Hardy, 7 Henshaw Crescent, Newbury. RG14 6ES
Official use only / Payment received:______Acknowledgement Sent:______
Newbury Dolphin Motor Club
The Pistons & Props Classic Car Tour
24th September 2017
Tee shirt sizes (width x length in inches)
Male: S – 17.6” x 27.2”, M – 18.6” x 27.2”, L – 19.6” x 28.3”, XL – 20.6” x 29.1”, XXL – 21.6” x 30.3”
Female: S – 16.6” x 24.4”, M – 17.6” x 25.6”, L – 18.6” x 26”, XL – 19.6” x 26.8”
Tee shirts are £10 for one. Subsequent tee shirts are priced at £7 each (i.e 2 tee shirts would be £17). Please clearly indicate on the entry form, the quantity, size and whether for a male or female.