Homophones versus Homonyms

Homophones are words that...
·  Sound the same;
·  Are spelled differently; and
·  Have different meanings. / Homonyms are words that...
·  Sound the same;
·  Are spelled the same; and
·  Have different meanings.
Examples of homophones:
·  Its / it's
·  Sea / see
·  Bear / bare
·  Raze / raise / Examples of homonyms:
·  Fine (= a penalty / acceptable)
·  Fair (= a market / pale)
·  Sound (= healthy / a noise)
·  Bow (= a gesture on stage / front of a ship)

In addition to homophones and homonyms, there are confusing pairs of words which trip up both native and non-native speakers alike. These pairs typically differ narrowly in spelling but broadly in meaning: e.g., amoral/immoral, besides/beside, already/all ready, lay/lie, each other/another…

In the following exercise, choose the correct word from among the given homophones, homonyms, and confusing pairs.

1.  How to (rite, write, right) just the (rite, right, write) word for a particular purpose is a challenge (four, for) every careful student of prose.

2.  Please go the fridge. Can’t you (hear, here) the cat meowing for (it’s, its, it) cream?

3.  (Whose, Who’s) laptop is lying on the counter beside the sink?

4.  Thanks to you and (you’re, your) hard work, the suggestion has been accepted, and (you’re, your) due for a promotion!

5.  The officer requested (to, two, too) pieces of identification after the accident, but we had only our iPhones with us.

6.  The first (scent, sent, cent) of spring is an occasion for celebration in many countries around the world; the many fragrances give people a (sense, cents) of beginning anew.

7.  “Your glasses are right (their, they’re, there) in front of you in (they’re, there, their) usual place.”

8.  The so-called “Salem (Witch, Which) Trials” took place in 1692, something (which, witch) is commemorated even to this day in Danvers, MA.

9.  The driver (who’s, whose) making a (rite-, right-, write-) handed turn on a green arrow does not necessarily have the (rite-, right-, write-) of-way; he has to check for pedestrians (to, two, too) .

10.  Our local (florist’s, florists) display window has advertised a variety of (new, knew) bouquets which are available in different (cents, sense, scents) .

11.  Although he did not (reign, rain, rein) for very long, the Egyptian Pharaoh Psusennis left archeologists a massive trove of precious objects in his burial chamber.

12.  Neighbors in our community have been arguing for the last 10 years about the best (cite, site, sight) for a new recycling facility.

13.  “If I had to (by, buy) an engagement ring for my fiancée, how much would a two (carat, caret, carrot) diamond ring cost?”

14.  When you come to the gas station, turn (rite, right, write) and go (straight, strait) until you come (too, two, to) the newspaper kiosk (wear, where, were) a pay phone can be found.

15.  The division of the aviation tycoon’s vast fortune was a source of great discord; at least seven grandchildren claimed to be the sole (air, ere, heir) .

16.  The general requested nothing more than a (plane, plain) (piece, peace) of paper on which to write the translated terms of the (piece, peace) treaty.

17.  The cat certainly likes (its, it’s) cream which (it’s, its) lapped up in only two gulps!

18.  Is it true that one can be (find, fined) by the police for not slowing down on the highway if (there, they’re, their) are highway workers present?

19.  Have you decided (whether, wether, weather) or not (you’re, your) coming along with us for the trip next Saturday?

20.  Apparently, the oldest surviving tree in the world is a bristlecone pine in California; however, (it’s, it, its) poor condition, with most of (it, its, it’s) bark gone, and (wood, would) rotten, means that it won’t last (too, to, two) much longer.

21.  (There, They’re, Their) upset because the (weather, whether) has taken a turn for the worse.

22.  With all of my (traveler’s, travelers, travelers’) cheques back in the hotel room, I realized that I didn’t have enough currency (too, to) make even the smallest purchase.

23.  The carpenter’s apprentice (would, wood) only agree to working every second Saturday.

24.  According to the Transit Authority, bus (fare, fair) will have to rise by 5% next year.

25.  (You’re, Your) final marks will be posted tomorrow outside the classroom; (you’re, your) course in spelling and punctuation is now officially complete.

26.  A guilty (conscious, conscience) can only be soothed by repentance and sorrow.

27.  In the sentence “He is becoming who he must be” the structure “who he must be” is called a (complement, compliment) to the verb phrase “is becoming”.

28.  If they (loose, lose) (they’re, their, there) composure, they must discipline (themself, themselves) and try again.

29.  Have you ever (scene, seen) a tree which has been hit by a (lightning, lightening) bolt during a storm?

30.  Remember that (it’s, its) usually considered good (manors, manners) to (compliment, complement) the host or hostess on the meal (whether, weather) you enjoyed it or not.

31.  The soccer player, who had been given a yellow card for his illegal move, was (incredulous, incredible) at the severity of the penalty.

32.  In an era of increasing global tension and complexity, what we need now more (than, then) ever is (disinterested, uninterested) observers.

33.  Someone who has uncontrollable reactions to events is sometimes called a (lose, loose) cannon.

34.  As the student has been found guilty of academic plagiarism by the committee, the facts are clear. What is needed now is a (comprehensive, comprehensible) review of our procedures in such cases in the future.

35.  Would the (edition, addition) of an appendix at the end of the book be helpful in giving readers quick reference to the important points?

36.  In order to (insure, ensure) that each jury member experiences no pressure from anyone, voting as to ‘innocent’ or ‘guilty’ will be in secret.

37.  Although the judge (implied, inferred) to the jury that the defendant was guilty, they (implied, inferred) the opposite from his speech.

38.  Any doctor, who opens a publically funded medical (practice, practise) in the province, must be licensed in advance.

39.  Realizing that the earth’s climate is warming, some scientists believe that more severe (climatic, climactic) events will occur.

40.  Any student who requires (advice, advise) on how to fill out this questionnaire electronically will unfortunately have to go online to the website for information.

41.  With the advent of “Massive Open Online Courses” (MOOCs) on the internet, many students can go (farther, further) in their careers without having to travel (farther, further) than they wish.

42.  (Flaunting, Flouting) the law is the common (practice, practise) of those people the English language typically refers to as ‘scoff-laws’.

43.  (Stationary, Stationery) maintenance is a division of engineering which deals with upkeep and monitoring of large, industrial, and immobile devices.

44.  Today, modern proficiency tests such as TOEFL and IELTS typically comprise four sections: Reading, Writing, Listening, and Speaking; however, many test-takers find the last two sections, which test (aural/oral, oral/aural) skills to be the most difficult.

45.  The (principal, principle) reason for the confusion at last night’s opening performance was the fact that the curtain never completely closed.

46.  The nurse’s attempt to (council, counsel) the distraught parent met with only limited success.

47.  The response, which everyone anticipated would be critical and harsh, was instead of an (all together, altogether) different kind.

48.  All (except, accept) those who have not signed the petition may leave the room now.

49.  It is expected that in the near future, the (number, amount) of applicants for MBA programs online will increase dramatically.

50.  It doesn’t matter how many resolutions in favor of vegetarianism are (past, passed) if the wolf is of a different opinion.

51.  All students are encouraged to attend the after-school meeting concerning promotions (specially, especially) those whose marks are borderline.

52.  The analysis of all applications submitted before the deadline reveals that (fewer, less) families from the lowest tax bracket are interested in this initiative than there were last year.

53.  (Lying, laying) a mere 100 metres farther up the slope, the treasure escaped the notice of everyone except Luke.

54.  At this level of responsibility, one’s (personnel, personal) file remains the property of the company.

55.  If you (set, sit) the vase right on the window sill, the flowers will not need to be watered on a regular basis.

56.  Although your pulse has returned to normal, I still think that we (had better, would rather) call the doctor.

57.  Since you’re (already, all ready) to give your part of the presentation and I’m still struggling with mine, why don’t you go first?

58.  While her twins are always arguing with (one another, each other), why is it that your triplets never do the same with (each other, one another) ?

59.  When my socks are (compared with, compared to) your ties, my colors are far more vivid; however, when my shoes are (compared with, compared to) your shoes, yours are much more elegant.

60.  He behaves (like, as though) the king of this castle, and acts (like, as though) he built it too.