1709 W. McRainey Rd. Parkton, NC 28371

Adoption Contract

Name(s):_____________________________________ Date: ___________________________

Address: _____________________________________________________________________

City _______________________ state ____ zip _________

Phone #s: home ________________cell #________________ work # ____________________

Email _______________________________________________________________________

Place of employment: ___________________________________________________________

Do you own or rent your home?___________________________________________________

If you rent, do you have permission to have this pet at your residence?____________________

Name and telephone # of Landlord_________________________________________________

Who is your veterinarian? _________________________Phone # ______________________

Under what name will your record be listed? ________________________________________

Do you agree to take your pet to the veterinarian of your choice for regular examinations and vaccines as recommended by your vet? ____________________________________________

Animal’s Name: ________________________Description of animal breed ________________ color______ weight _____ Age______sex: Male or Female Spayed or Neutered? ____

If animal has not yet been spayed or neutered, you must have this done by the age of 6 months or within 30 days of adoption. Date procedure must be done by: _______________Do you agree to do this?_______________________________________________________________

Do you agree to get your new pet yearly vaccines as recommended by your veterinarian?_____

For dogs, do you agree to keep your new pet on monthly heartworm preventative and to get a yearly heartworm test?__________________

For cats, do you agree to get a yearly Felv vaccine?___________________________

Do you agree to keep your new pet on monthly flea and tick preventative?_________________

We do a home visit within the first month following the adoption. Do you agree to allow us to come to your home to check on your new pet’s progress?______________________________

Do you agree to give the animal back to Thundering Paws Adoption Center, INC. if you are ever unable to keep him or her for any reason? _______________________________________

You must agree to spay/neuter the animal, keep it current on vaccines, give monthly heartworm/flea/tick preventative. At any time you can always contact Rob and Katherine Gable for advice, help or assistance in re-homing your pet. If you lose your new pet’s medical records, we keep a copy of them. We can be reached at 910-858-2771 or 910-261-8793.

1709 W. McRainey Rd. Parkton, NC 28371

Applicants Signature: _______________________________________ Date: __________________________

Thundering Paws Representative Signature: ____________________________Date: _____________________