April 10, 2014
A meeting of the Conoy Township Board of Supervisors was held at 7:00 p.m. on Thursday, April 10, 2014, at 211 Falmouth Road. In attendance were Supervisor and Chair Gina Mariani, Supervisor and Vice-Chair Stephen Mohr, Supervisor Clyde Pickel, Supervisor Kevin McKain and Secretary Kathy Hipple. Supervisor Secretary-Treasurer Shearer was excused from the meeting for personal reasons. Also in attendance were Solicitor Matthew Creme, Nikolaus and Hohenadel; and Court Stenographer Brenda Pardun.
1. Meeting called to order by Chair Mariani at 7:00 p.m. followed by the Pledge of Allegiance and a moment of silence.
2. Motion by Mohr to approve the March 13, 2014 BOS Meeting Minutes; Second by Pickel; Motion carried.
3. Chair – Announcements and additional agenda items: Solicitor Crème asked to introduce his guest, John Krimmel, a Junior attending Lancaster Catholic High School, who is interested in practicing law and who also attend a PA Bar Association meeting with Solicitor Creme today.
4. A Public Hearing about the Draft Stormwater Management Ordinance was convened at 7:02 p.m. Proceedings were recorded by Court Stenographer Brenda Pardun. Motion by Mohr with reluctance from himself and the Board in order to meet regulations with the State effective May 7, 2014, as mandated by the State; Second by McKain; Motion carried. Public Hearing was adjourned at 7:12 p.m.
5. Secretary-Treasurer – (i) Reminder Clean-up Days April 11, 12, and 13, 2014. Correspondence: (i) Lancaster County Drug Task force 2013 year-end report is available. (ii) Nissley Vineyards Gathering Permit Application for 8 lawn concerts on Saturdays July 5, 12, 19, 26, August 2, 9, 16, 23, 2014. Mariani confirmed Nissley Vineyard would provide fire police and that was indicated in the application. Motion by Pickel to grant gathering permit; Second by McKain; Motion carried. (iii) March 24, 2014 letter received from Ed Gower, Donegal Field Hockey Booster Club fund-raising bicycle ride on Saturday, June 14, 2013; information has been posted on bulletin boards inside and outside of Township building and on post office bulletin board in Bainbridge.
6. Report of Committees / Officers:
a. Emergency Management – No report.
b. Bainbridge Fire Company – (i) Report is available: 10 calls in March: 6 – Conoy Twp; 1 – E-town Borough; 2 – East Donegal Twp; 1 – West Donegal Twp. (ii) Thank you was received from the Fire Company for assistance with and payment of postage for mailing their donation letters.
c. NW Emergency Medical Services – Reports are available; 22 calls in February; 25 in March; total of 68 calls in 2014.
d. Police – Report is available.
e. TMI – Supervisor Pickel attended TMI breakfast and reported Exelon owns Unit 1 and received permission to operate that Unit for an additional 20 years. (ii) Pickel will be attending the PSATS convention as a voting delegate.
f. Waste to Energy Plant (Incinerator) – (i) Report is available. January 2014 Host Fee was $53,329.63 and 29,627.57 Tons; (ii) 2013/2014 Comparison is available.
g. Roads – (i) Report is available; (ii) Locust Grove Road Bridge project was again delayed until the second week of April, perhaps even until April 15 due to Creek and River water levels. Solicitor advised consideration of recent weather conditions is legitimate cause for delay. Mohr advised weight limit signs were posted on 441 going north and on S. Second Street, and included was a no turn around sign.
h. Sewage Enforcement Officer – Report is available. Permit issued to S. John Williams, 2222 River Road, Bainbridge, PA 17502; Real estate transfer letter prepared for Cheryl Frederick / Uriah Derr.
i. Sanitary Sewer - BOS approved $300.00 expenditure from Sewer Fund for upgrade of Visual Utility Billing software to set up for emailing sewer bills.
j. Solicitor – (i) NWLCRT – Shocks Mill Bridge project - Solicitor advised that as part of this project an agreement with Norfolk Southern and LCSWMA is in process. The Township has questions regarding that agreement but those questions can be addressed at the May BOS Meeting. He recommended BOS take action on the Memorandum of Understanding between the Township and LCSWMA for this project. Motion by Mohr for Township to enter into MOU with LCSWMA; Second by McKain; Motion carried. (ii) Mailboxes in the Village of Bainbridge. Solicitor advised location of mailboxes either disrupt parking or parking in front of mailboxes disrupts mail delivery; post office will not deliver mail to an obstructed mail box. Postal Operation Manual suggests a Township Ordinance that regulates curbside mailboxes would be permitted and conversations with Postmaster indicate there would be no objection to some reasonable regulation of that. Mohr felt there is a need for clarification and made a Motion for Solicitor to prepare draft ordinance; Second by McKain; Motion carried.
k. Zoning Officer – (i) Report is available; (ii) (a) For information only: ZHB April 24, 2014 – Case No. HB01-14 – Cole E.
Strickler-owner and applicant: Requesting a special exception permitted by Section 428 for a home occupation – sandblasting and cleaning; a variance from 201.7.4.D. to permit a height of a detached accessory building of 24.5’; a variance from Section from the required 50’ front yard setback to allow a 15’ front yard setback; a variance from
Section 428.7 to be permitted to have a home occupation in a detached accessory building on the property identified as
1425 Amosite Road, Conoy Township, Lancaster County, Bainbridge, PA, tax parcel 130-93043-0-0000 in the Agricultural (A) Zone. (b) Case No. HB02-14 – Ketterline Builders Inc-owner and applicant: Requesting a variance from Section 202.5, Footnote 1, to exceed the Maximum lots which could be subdivided from a parent tract by subdividing Lot 1 in the Crestwood Subdivision located at 117 Fawn Drive, Conoy Township, Lancaster County, Bainbridge, PA, tax parcel 130-91885-0-0000.
Solicitor Crème asked if Ketterline Builders case was discussed by the Planning Commission and if so they take a position. Mohr responded the issue came before the PC but they were evenly divided. McKain asked if it was originally nine lots and with this will end up being 12. Mohr explained one lot is odd shaped and has a ROW through it and the ROW was put there when emergency responders asked for another way out and the Township and builder accommodated that but with that ROW there it appears no one wants to own on both sides with the ROW through it so he is requesting to separate two lots with one additional home to be constructed. Solicitor confirmed it is naturally divided by the ROW. Mohr explained it is in the interest of the Township to get that development completed and dedicated. McKain questioned if Kettering owns the ROW. Mohr explained with the way it is deeded it will go with both sides that they will have to maintain to the middle and it will also be their access. Solicitor advised the intention was to connect to an analogous ROW if the next property out were ever to be developed and it is good planning to have the ROW there. Mohr added the reason it is not feasible it is under the utility power lines and the contour is up and down.
l. Buildings – (i) Pickel advised that someone broke into kitchen door at GS Park. He also addressed the issue that the shed at the former Zorger property was to be moved two years ago; he wants to start work May 1 on the park at that location. Mohr advised the shed will be moved if it is in condition to be moved. Mohr also advised that anyone who wants a picture of the former Zorger house take one now since Dave Brosey asked Mohr to provide a dumpster for the demolition. Mohr advised Township will wait to place he dumpster there until after clean-up days this weekend. McKain asked what we are doing with the foundation. Mohr responded we will have to see how much water is in it; we didn’t want any construction waste in there to decay and settle.
m. Personnel – (i) Motion by Pickel to hire Ronald Noll as part-time employee for mowing parks 20 hours a week at $12.50 hour; Second by McKain; Motion carried.
n. Parks and Recreation – (i) Mariani asked if equipment will be in place at the Arch Street Park before Summer Playground. Mohr responded the winter weather has set the work back; and reported GS field was rolled today; and if other fields need maintenance they did not see Mariani is to let them know. Mariani said everything else was ok Mohr asked to be advised if any fences, trees or brush on other fields needs repaired / cleaned up.
o. Planning, Subdivision and Development – No report.
7. Financial Reports – FYI – See General Fund Deposit Detail, General Check Detail and Payroll Summary reports and Sewer Fund Deposit and General Check Detail reports for March 2014.
8. Motion by Mohr to pay bills (See Unpaid Bills Detail Reports for General Fund for 3/27/14 (2); 4/1/14; 4/2/14 and 4/10/14 (2); and Sewer Fund for 3/27/14 and 4/10/14); Second by McKain; Motion carried.
9. Old Business: Mohr responded to McKain’s request at March meeting for guiderail on Turnpike Road where Halbleib house was torn down and reported the State indicated it does not meet their criteria so guiderail will not be installed.
10. New Business: (i) Mariani reported the Fire Company is requesting the Township’s matching fund-raiser money to pay bills. Mohr recalled the fund raiser money was to be put toward equipment, not operating expenses. McKain recommended keeping the money as part of the equipment fund. Solicitor advised BOS could ask if the money is a need or a want as under the 2nd class Township Code the fire company has the responsibility of accounting to the BOS on an annual basis how the money the Township provides is spent and it would not be unreasonable to ask why and for what the money is being budgeted. Mariani will inform Fire Company BOS agreed to retain the fund-raising money in the equipment fund.
11. Other Items and Public Participation: None.
12. Motion by Mohr at 7:41 p.m. to adjourn; Second by McKain; Motion carried.
Respectfully submitted,
John L. Shearer
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