River Pool at Beacon 9th Annual Great Hudson River Swim
Saturday July 21st Planned Swim
Kayaker fact Sheet
Your primary responsibility is to insure the safety and well being of ALL swimmers. Your help is also to keep the swimmers and kayakers “on-course”. The key to a successful and safe swim is communication. That said, we ask that all kayakers please do the following:
*** All kayakers MUST wear life vests during the swim in order to participate***
* If you own a marine radio, please bring it (fully charged).
* Whistles will be provided, please return at end of swim.
* Pool noodles will also be provided, also to be returned at end of swim
During the swim, circumstances may change according to the weather, the water conditions and the needs of the swimmers. The following guidelines/facts will be helpful:
* Please check riverpool.org the night before the swim for swim status/updates.
* Kayak check in is at LONG DOCK Park/Scenic Hudson (Beacon) between 7:00 and 8:30am.
* Kayakers devoted/assigned to a specific swimmer will be marked w/ a ribbon, please tell us when
you register if you are with a particular swimmer.
* Please remember to not leave kayaks on docks in Newburgh prior to the swim.
* We will be heading over to Newburgh in “pods” of 15-20 as kayakers arrive, PLEASE wait to
get directions and the go ahead before heading over to Newburgh. Please…do not travel across
the river on your own.
* Please guide the swimmer, do not let the swimmer guide you! Also, keep an eye on, and verbal
contact w/ swimmers is necessary if there is any reason for redirection or assistance.
* Prior to the swim, kayakers not devoted/assigned to a particular swimmer will be given a
number. These numbers will correlate to a group of swimmers (1 through 4or5). Kayakers should
from an “alley” on the north and south side of where the swimmers enter the water, then start
heading across the river with the swimmers in their designated groups. Swimmers with assigned
kayakers will be in the last group to splash in.
* The channel is closer to the West side of the river – a plus, since the finish is on the East side.
* The swim exit is on the floating dock (not the ferry dock or the dock where kayaks entered).
There will be a kayaker stationed off the long dock to help you differentiate between these.
* After the mid way point, kayakers should start to key into the finish area. Also, the Woody
Guthrie (sail boat assisting the swim) will be stationed in front of the docks as a guild prior to
getting to the dock area (look for the large red sail).
* Kayakers devoted/assigned to a particular swimmer, please keep an eye on other swimmers in
your general vicinity and help/advise other kayakers of any issues.
* Some swimmers will need a break; they may rest on your bow or stern with out penalty. This is a
swim not a race. This technique will be demonstrated prior to the swim on the Newburgh side.
* Swimmers in need of assistance should hang on the bow of your kayak, if needed, the stern is the
second choice. Always avoid port or starboard.
* Signal boaters that a swimmer is in need of emergency assistance by raising your paddle
(straight up) and blowing your whistle at the nearest boater until acknowledged. Swim
noodles will be used to reach out to a swimmer in need of assistance; this will give them
something to hold onto to rest as needed until help arrives. Stay as close to a swimmer in
trouble as possible.
* There will be “lead” kayakers on the river who may ask for your assistance in a specific area
or with a specific swimmer. Please follow their direction to help ensure safety for everyone.
* When your swimmer or group of swimmers reaches the floating dock in Beacon, double back
to support other swimmers; the back of the pack needs the most kayak support at this time.
Predicted swimmer Splash-in time: 9:15-9:30 Swim to Beacon approximately: 9:30-11:30
Thank you in advance for your assistance and support, this swim could not happen with out you!