Members Present BVCOG Staff
Dawn Marie Baletka, Citizen Roger Sheridan
Sherrie Barratt, Grimes County Juvenile Rebecca Hill
Brandon Borski, Cen-tex Juvenile Probation
Jade Bracewell, Citizen, Madison County
Irma Cauley, Brazos County Commissioner
Donna Gomez, Washington County Sheriff’s Office
Herbert Gilbert, Madisonville Police Department
Todd Greene, Grimes County Sheriff’s Office
Chris Kirk, Brazos County Sheriff
Jennifer Long, Madison County Juvenile Probation
Robert Meyer, TAMU Police Department
David Patterson, Bryan Police Department
Robert Reed, MHMR
Jody Shulz, National Alliance on Mental Illness
Doug Weedon, Executive Director, Twin City Mission
Brenda Williams, Victim Coordinator, Grimes County
I. Call to Order and introductions – Meeting called to order at 9:32 AM by Ms. Barratt. Introductions were made by all members and staff present.
II. Approval of September 24, 2015 meeting minutes – Minutes for the September 24th meeting were reviewed. Mr. Weedon moved to approve the minutes as presented. Commissioner Cauley seconded. Motion carried.
III. Criminal Justice Planner Update:
Item A – OOG Activities –
- OOG Activities - Ms. Hill shared that there are no current OOG activities to report.
- Reasonable Budget Expectations (RBEs) – CJD will send out reasonable budget expectations for the four funding solicitations scored by the CJAC by the end of January. Ms. Hill pointed out that RBEs were not sent out in previous years, except for the JAG solicitation and the RBEs allow the committee to make a more thorough recommendation for funding. The RBEs will be sent out to the committee as soon as they are received.
- Update on Application Process - Ms. Hill provided eGrants training to 5 agencies on January 7th and 6 agencies on January 11th. Ms. Hill reminded the committee that applications are due by February 26th at 5:00 pm.
IV. Action and/or Discussion of the following items:
Item A - Consider for approval Brazos Valley Strategic Plan. Ms. Hill directed the committee to the Executive Summary included in the packet. The only major change to the plan was the addition of the Homeland Security section. The main priority is interoperable communications and the other priorities include up-to-date emergency operations plans, mutual aid agreements and training and exercising. The priorities are ranked in the Homeland Security portion of the plan. Mr. Greene made a motion to accept the Brazos Valley Strategic Plan as written. Commissioner Cauley seconded the motion. Motion passed.
Item B - Consider for approval FY 2017 General Victims Assistance score sheet. Ms. Hill explained that CJD is no longer providing score sheets for the committee to use during the scoring and prioritization meeting. Each CJAC must develop score sheets for each of the funding solicitations. Six committee members met on January 20th to review the requirements for the score sheets and the draft score sheets provided. The first four questions in the General Questions section are the portion required by CJD. Mr. Greene made a motion to approve the FY 2017 General Victims Assistance score sheet. Mr. Patterson seconded. Motion passed
Item C - Consider for approval FY 2017 Violence Against Women Justice and Training Program score sheet. Mr. Weedon made a motion to approve the FY 2017 Violence Against Women Justice and Training Program score sheet. Commissioner Cauley seconded. Motion passed.
Item D - Consider for approval FY 2017 Juvenile Justice Local Grant Program score sheet. Commissioner Cauley made a motion to approve the FY 2017 Juvenile Justice Local Grant Program score sheet. Ms. Schulz seconded. Motion passed.
Item E - Consider for approval FY 2017 Justice Assistance Grant Program score sheet. Commissioner Cauley made a motion to approve the FY 2017 Justice Assistance Grant program score sheet. Mr. Meyer seconded. Motion passed.
Item F – Consider for approval BVCOG Juvenile Justice Alternatives Grant – Ms. Hill directed the committee’s attention to the last page of the packet to review the funding break down of the juvenile justice alternatives grant over the last four years. The funding is always used by the probation departments. Commissioner Cauley made a motion to approve the BVCOG Juvenile Justice Alternative grant. Ms. Bracewell seconded. Motion carried.
V. Public Comment. Mr. Sheridan asked if there were any issues with the grant process working with the state that can be presented to the state at a scheduled February 3rd meeting. Mr. Weedon stated that CJD needs to update data system and software for entering grant information. Each state agency has their own access codes and systems which makes it difficult to keep up with requirements. Ms. Barratt wants detention reimbursement to be allowed in the juvenile justice grants. More juvenile facilities are being shut down and the state is tightening up who can be send to TJDC. Mr. Weedon shared the concern that a lot of grant dollars are shifting from residential to non-residential services. There is a shift in mentality that a program or meeting one hour a week can fix many of the same issues as a residential program.
Mr. Sheridan asked if other sections should be added to the Strategic Plan. Medical and Fire are two additions that may be helpful for the region. Fire departments may be able to use the plan to get funding for equipment and know what equipment is available. The Regional Advisory Committee is the regional medical component and has several different grants and committees that would be able to add to the plan. Ms. Gomez thinks it would be great to add new components to the plan so that every agency is aware of the resources available in the region.
VI. Important Dates
A. February 26, 2016 at 11:59 pm – Grants must be submitted and certified in eGrants
B. March 21, 2016 at 9:30 am – CJAC Scoring Subcommittee Meeting and CJAC Meeting (Meeting Date Changed due to Good Friday holiday)
VII. Adjourn – Mr. Weedon motioned that the committee adjourn. Mr. Greene seconded. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 10:24 AM
Approved by:
Sherrie Barratt, Chairperson
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