My electron and positron.Annihilation, particles and antiparticles. So we broke morals with the help of particles and antiparticles the next step and moved from the world to the anti-world, matter and antimatter appeared. Annihilation has become a part of science. There were concepts about the baryon asymmetry of the Universe. Space and time have become a matter. Mathematical underpinnings confidently deduced physics in terms of its concept - from nature. There are some thoughts about experimental confirmations of electrino and positrino - the experience of observing cosmic objects - the starry sky above the head and the world inside us.

The proposed work tezisno set out the essence of the doctrine of the novelty of the world view of nature for mankind. I proposed for protection "MYELECTRON AND POSITRON. ANNIHILATION, PARTICLES AND ANTIPARTICLES.MY PHOTON ", which has already been more than half a century old, a claim to the discovery, and no one has disputed my authorship for this time, but I am not officially recognized either got. Designed copyright in the form of a trademark for protection, placed materials on their websites.




Electron and positron are traditionally in official science, as a particle and antiparticle, interact and this phenomenon is called annihilation. Similarly, for all other particles and antiparticles, this phenomenon is also classified - annihilation. But we remember the same electrons and positrons that have a certain state and properties that are only characterized by quantum parameters and do not have viscera, they have masses expressed in electron-volts point particles. Quantum numbers and determine their interactions with other elementary particles. Thus, morality is broken with the help of particles and antiparticles as the next step with the transition from the world to the anti-world, matter and antimatter appeared. Annihilation has become a part of science. There were concepts about the baryon asymmetry of the universe. Space and time have become a matter of course. Mathematical underpinnings confidently deduced physics in terms of its concept - from nature.

2.The simplest world.

The simplest world - no one on the planet uses the absolute symmetries already gained about the design of the world since 1964, in the construction and simplification of the concepts of bricks - quarks were the first to suggest this symmetry - the existence of electrino and positrino. But if everything is returned in morality, and imagine an electron e -, consisting of a space of four electrino E-1 \ 3 and one positron E + 1 \ 3, and a positron e + consisting of the space of four positrino E + 1 \ 3 and one electrino E-1 \ 3, it will be found that the electron e consists of elementary new particles and an antiparticle, and the positron e + consists of elementary new antiparticles and a particle, and no annihilation occurs either in the electron e - or in the positron e +, and the electron e - exists and the positron e + exists.


The electron e - consists of the space of four electrino E-1 \ 3 and one positron E + 1 \ 3:

in each vertex of the tetrahedron, all facets of which are equilateral triangles, is the center of symmetry of the space electrino E-1 \ 3,

and at the center of symmetry of this tetrahedron is the center of symmetry of the positrino space E + 1 \ 3.


The positron e + consists of the space of four positrino E + 1 \ 3 and one electrino E-1 \ 3:

in each vertex of the tetrahedron, all facets of which are equilateral triangles, is the center of symmetry of the positrino space E + 1 \ 3,

and in the center of symmetry of this tetrahedron there is a center of symmetry of the space electrino E-1 \ 3.


Electrino has an electric charge equal to one third of the electric charge of an electron of the same sign.

Electrino has a mass equal to one-fifth of the electron mass.


Positrino has an electric charge equal to one-third of the electric charge of a positron of the same sign.

Positrino has a mass equal to one-fifth of the mass of the positron.


In the electron e - is both particles and an antiparticle, in the positron e + there are antiparticles and a particle. The concept of annihilation of the traditional lost meaning - crumbling at the bottom - collapsing - annihilation in translation means disappearing forever, which by concepts does not happen ever. The concept of an antiparticle, as opposed to the concept of a particle, lost its meaning.


Similarly, there is a photon - relay of the existence of an electron and a positron - the relay race for the existence of electrino and positrino ensembles. Disappearances and no births are found in nature, there is a renaming of the concepts of synonyms - splitting - there was a photon, and this electron and positron are intertwined, now we see disintegrated when we registered the appearance of an electron and a positron.


The standard photon of 1964 consists of the electron ± ε and positron e +, which are firmly established in unity.

Electron e - and positron e +, regular tetrahedra assembled from electrino E-1 \ 3 and positrino E + 1 \ 3, are established by their vertices and are the vertices of the cube.

The edge of a tetrahedron of size equal to a, determines the size of the edge of the cube to be equal to a√2 / 2.

Electrino E-1 \ 3 and positrino E + 1 \ 3, which are the center of symmetry of the electron e - and positron e +, establish their heights of regular tetrahedra on one straight line coinciding with the diagonal of the cube.

Electrino E-1 \ 3 and positrino E + 1 \ 3, which are the center of symmetry of the electron e - and positron e +, divide the big diagonal of the cube into three equal parts equal to a√6 / 6 and are spaced at the same distance from each other when the faces of regular tetrahedra are on the same plane perpendicular to the cube diagonal intersecting in the center, the vertex of the electron tetrahedron e- and the vertex of the tetrahedron e + above the vertices of the cube along the altitude line of the tetrahedra or cube diagonal into the radius of the inscribed sphere into the tetrahedron. Further motion sets the tetrahedra to the equilibrium position of the tetrahedra and the cube - the vertices of the tetrahedra are established at the vertices of the cube - a photon has taken place.

Electrino E-1 \ 3 and positrino E + 1 \ 3, which are the center of symmetry of the electron e - and positron e +, are established identically at the center of symmetry of the cube.


Likewise, in this way, electrino and positrino ensembles can be found in protons and neutrons. All the physics of elementary particles is rethought. It is recalculated according to other concepts. We returned physics in terms of its concept - in nature. The mathematical underpinnings became in their place - not to put physics in their dependence - nature, do not go beyond the limits of the concepts of mathematics. As a postulation, we initially apply the absolute tetrahedron-cubic symmetry, which removes the anti- particle from all concepts, removes the concept of the baryon asymmetry of the universe.


There are some thoughts about experimental confirmations of electrino and positrino - the experience of observing cosmic objects - the starry sky above the head and the world inside us. The concepts of the baryon asymmetry of the universe have disappeared - they have become history. The concept of annihilation in physics collapses. Space and time do not exist in nature. Being is, there is no non-being. The world is, there is no anti-world. The matter is, there is no antimatter.

The proposed work tezisno set out the essence of the doctrine of the novelty of the world view of nature for mankind. I proposed for the protection of the "MYELECTRON AND POSITRON. ANNIHILATION, PARTICLES AND ANTIPARTICLES.MY PHOTON", which has been claiming the discovery for more than half a century, and no one has disputed my authorship for that time, but I did not receive the official recognition either. Designed copyright in the form of a trademark for protection, placed materials on their websites.

12. Literature: