Summer Riding Camps

Riding lessons, horsemanship theory & games.

Don’t miss this opportunity to enhance your riding skills and general horse management knowledge. Quality instruction in riding English or Western and will cover informational sessions on tack, feeding, conditioning, trailering, bandaging, vet, identification and conformation. Must bring your own footwear with heels and ASTM/SEI-approved hardhat.

Sunnybrook Stables, home of hypo-allergenic

North American Curly horses.

Deanna Jean, English rider level one AEF certificate,

30 years instructional experience.


Summer Riding Day Camps


Tentative Schedule

Arrive 8 AM

Feed horses, clean stalls & prepare tack

8:30 Groom horses and tack up

9:00 Ride till 10:30

10:30 Unsaddle, brush horses, water and put away horses

10:50 Snack

11:00 Stable management

12:00 Feed horses

12:15 Lunch

1:00 Groom horses and tack up

1:30 Ride till 2:30

2:30 Unsaddle, clean tack, groom horses, water and put away horses

3:00 Stable Management

3:20 Snack

3:30 Crafts

4:30 Feed horses, clean stalls and water horses

5:00 Finished

Depending on the experience of the riders we do a trail ride or show on the last day


Stable Management

Beginners Advanced

Day 1 AM Grooming Grooming

PM Tack Care Tack Care, ID & Uses

Day 2 AM Feeding Lunging

PM ID, Colours & Breeds Trailering & Bandaging

Day 3 AM Points of the Horse Conditioning

PM Vet Unsoundness


Sunnybrook Stables must receive entries accompanied by a cheque or money order, payable to Deanna Johnson, for the full entry fee one week prior to the camp. Limited to 8 members per session.

Applicationss should be made payabe to and sent to:

Deanna Jean

Box 35

Sunnybrook, AB


For additional Information contact:

Deanna Jean (780) 628-2126

Email is the best contact. If you do not receive a confirmation of booking, you are not.

All participants must be members of the Alberta Equestrian Federation. We can help with app.

All participants must wear an ASTM/SEI-approved hard hat and boots with heels at all times when working with the horses.

All participants must sign a waiver.

Overnight accomodations for students is availabe for an additional fee of $35/night with supper.


Entry fee and signed waiver must accompany entry forms. Management will not be responsible for errors or omissions. Pre-entries close one week prior to each session. Entry fee includes lunch, craft supplies and stabling. Stundents must bring snacks and their own feedif they bring their own horse.

Session dates applied for ______________________


AEF Number __________________

(Membership is needed for insurance purposes)

Name and Age of Rider Number of times ridden 0-12 _____, 12-50 ______, more ________


Address______________________________________ Town _________________PostCode________

Phone__________________ AHC# _________________________________

Own Horse ? Age_____ Experience ________________________ Breed ____________ Height _______

Is this the horse you normally ride?______ Any problems? _____________________________________

Ride English________ or Western___________

____________________________________________________ __________________________

Signed (Parent or guardian signature if under 18 yrs. of age) Date

EMERGENCY CONTACT # ____________________________________


Every person riding, handling, training, showing or participating in any activity at, or around Sunnybrook Stables shall carefully read this notice before signing. I,______________________ the undersigned, wish to participate, or wish to have my child(ren} _____________________ participate in the activities at Sunnybrook Stables for 20__, including such events as: Camp, Trail Rides, Lessons, Training, Shows, Clinics, Etc., at or around Sunnybrook Stables.

In consideration of acceptance of this application, or any of my child(ren) being permitted to take part in this event, I hereby agree as follows;

1. To save harmless and keep indemnified Deanna Johnson, her organizers and her respective agents, officials, servants and representatives, from and against all claims, actions costs and expenses and demand in respect of death, injury, loss or damage to me or my child(ren), howsoever caused, rising out of or in connection with my or my child(ren) taking part in these activities , and limited to taking part in these activities, and notwithstanding that the same may have been contributed to or occasioned by the negligence of the said bodies or any of them, their agents, officials, servants or


2. That I acknowledge that there are inherent risks associated with these activities and that I or my child(ren) could sustain personal injury through participation in these events and I am hereby accepting to take that risk on behalf of myself or my child(ren).

“Inherent risks” shall mean those dangers or conditions which are an integral part of equine

activities, including, but not limited to:

a. The propensity of any equine to behave in ways that may result in injury, harm or death to persons on or around them and/or damage to property in their vicinity.

b. The unpredictability of an equine’s reaction to such things as sounds, sudden movement and unfamiliar objects, persons or other animals.

c. The equine’s response to certain hazards such as surface and subsurface objects.

d. Collisions with other equines, animals people and objects.

e. The potential of a participant to act in a negligent manner that may contribute to injury to the participant or others, such as failing to maintain control over the equine or to act within his or her ability.

Signed this _______day of _________________ 20__

________________________ ____________________________

Participant (parent or guardian to sign for Junior) Witness

This release and acknowledgment shall remain in effect untill December 31, 20__.