Research shows that in order to comprehend science content, students must understand the meaning of vocabulary that makes up the content. Regurgitation of a definition from the glossary of a text does not assess comprehension!

Define all words using the definitions from the text.
Create a picture to help you comprehend the meaning of the word.
(note cards optional) / Define all words using the definitions from the text. Write 2 different acrostic poems for 2 vocab words (as the main word), using more vocab words in each poem. (Acrostic poems = poems in which each letter of the word is used to form the first letter of a word or phrase related to the main, vertical word) / Define the words from the text making a foldable.
Write a sentence using each word
Draw a picture.
Create a crossword puzzle using Each Word.
The definitions Will be the “Clues” at the bottom. / Define all words using the definitions from the text.
Create a “My Science Space” page using the pre-formatted page
/ Create a multiple choice quiz using at least 10 of the vocabulary words. The definitions must come from the text. Words not used must also be defined.

Directions: When vocabulary words are assigned for each chapter or unit, choose a square from the menu above in order to complete the vocabulary assignment.