Region 5 Archive
Region 5 News
October 2007
Volume 1, Number 2
Hello again, Region 5 ASHHRA members! Don’t you just love fall, especially in the upper Midwest? As I was driving to work this morning, I really noticed all the reds in the trees. To many of us, the fall means annual meetings, and then there’s the national conference, speaking of which….
Annual Conference
I can’t believe it came and went so quickly, but what a wonderful experience! We had a record number of attendees again this year, with more than 680 in attendance. The general sessions were the best ever, and the learning sessions were excellent, too. The Board of Directors and the Conference Committee have worked diligently to ensure that each speaker provided “take-homes” in the form of policies, handouts, and other information to help you quickly implement what you’ve learned. The exhibit hall and exhibitors were terrific, and the Centre for Excellence, in its second year, has grown into a perfect place to network.
Picture from left: Carol Bank, Randy Schade, Tom McCrawley, Julie Mann, and Doug Jontz.
Our region was well represented at the conference, with 162 registered attendees from Region 5. Chapter leaders from Illinois, Wisconsin, and Indiana were present, as well as Doug Jontz, Region 5 Advocacy Committee member.
Region 5 had some outstanding chapters and individuals who received recognition in Anaheim. Barbara Palmer, immediate past president, received the Outstanding Leadership and Service Award, a well-deserved acknowledgement of her years of service with ASHHRA. Other award recipients are as follows:
Outstanding Chapter Achievement Award
Sue Edminister (pictured with Carol above), Affinity Health System, Menasha, Wis.
Jack Moss, Illinois Valley Community Hospital, Peru, Ill.
Maureen Van Duser, Akron General Medical Center, Akron, Ohio
Outstanding Chapter Officer Award
Canise McComb (pictured above), Graham Hospital, Canton, Ill.
Debra Palmer, Adena Health System, Chillicothe, Ohio
Randy Schade (pictured below), Aspirus-Wausau Hospital, Wausau, Wis.
Chapter Management Award
Ohio Society of Healthcare Human Resources Administrators - Three Stars
Wisconsin Society for Healthcare Human Resources Administrators - Four Stars
Best Practices
“Optimize Organizational Priorities with Integrated Human Capital Strategies,” Janice Bultema (pictured above), University of Wisconsin Hospital and Clinics, Madison, Wis.
Also, I want to share with you that Liz Appleton from Four County Counseling Center in Macy, Ind., was the winner of the MetLife scholarship in Region 5.
Congratulations to all of our winners!
Also refer to the ASHHRA Awards page for an entire list of names and photos of all ASHHRA Awards Program winners.
And Speaking of the MetLife scholarship….
MetLife made the first donation to the new ASHHRA Foundation, which represents the opportunity to support and fund education, research, and development of healthcare HR leaders. More information about the Foundation will be sent out to you early next month. Please consider the many ways you and your organization can support the Foundation, as well as benefit from the resources.
Region 5 Conference? I think we’re on!
Plans continue to move ahead for a Region 5 Conference. Thanks to the many of you who responded to the survey inquiring about interest. Based on your responses, we are planning a one and one-half day event on Thursday and Friday, March 13 and 14, 2008 in Milwaukee, Wis. This is a “save the date” notice. We are working on the details of the locations and programming and will keep you advised. Mark your calendars now!
Chapter Visits
I’ve been fortunate to have the opportunity to visit two chapters this year. Wisconsin’s WSHHRA invited me to their annual meeting in Lake Geneva in the spring attheir September board meeting at Stevens Point.
And the Illinois CISHHRA invited me to share ASHHRA news at their conference in Springfield in late September.
Check the Web Site
Two new items have recently been added to the ASHHRA site – the Healthcare HR Career Center and the Healthcare HR Buyers Guide. Both online services are available free to all healthcare HR professionals.
Vote Early, Vote Often
Just a reminder that the elections for the 2008 board slate are open. An electronic ballot was sent to everyone this week via e-mail. You have until November 15 to submit your ballot; do it now before it gets lost in your inbox.
Other Information
I’d love to include your calendar of events in future newsletters. Please send me details of upcoming meetings or conferences you’d like to share with the entire region.
Contact me!
Carol Bank
Vice President, Human Resources
Divine Savior Healthcare
P. O. Box 387, Portage, WI 53901
Phone: 608-745-5620
Fax: 608/745-5181