
Red, White, and Blue: The Story of the American Flag

Tic-Tac-Toe Reading Choice Board

Directions: After reading the story, complete three activities to complete a TIC-TAC-TOE. Mark your choices with X’s or O’s and staple your completed work together.

Make a picture dictionary with each of your vocabulary words. It should have the word, the definition, the word used in a sentence, and a picture of the word. / VOCABULARY

Use the dictionary to look up the meanings of these words. Write the definitions, use them in sentences and illustrate each.

patriotic allegiance
frayed indivisible / CAUSE AND EFFECT
Why did some people want eleven stars removed from the American flag? Write at least 5 sentences. Illustrate your work.
Fold a paper into 4 squares. In each square write a sentence from your reading book that uses quotation marks. Illustrate each sentence. / WORKING WITH WORDS
Make a chart with the headings –ed and –ing.
Write all of your spelling words under the
correct heading. Use three of your spelling
words in sentences. / FACT AND OPINION
Think about the story The Story of the American Flag. Make a chart with the headings Fact and Opinion. Write 2 facts about the American flag. Write 2 opinions about the American flag.
What is the main idea or most important idea of the story? Write at least five sentences for each answer. / AUTHOR’S PURPOSE
Why did the author write this story? Write at least six sentences and illustrate your work. / COMPREHENSION
Fold a paper into thirds. Label the parts: Beginning, Middle, End. Retell the story, telling what happened in each part. Write at least 6 sentences for each part and illustrate each part.