Extra Credit – World History
Requirements: Must have at the end of the semester at least 90% in 2 of 4 grade categories; homework, projects, tests, conduct.
Why only for those students already with some success?
Because extra credit is designed to help people who do not have the grade they want despite working hard all semester. It is not intended to be a last minute bail out for a student who has been slacking off.
Possible Extra credit project topics include but are not limited to:
1)Attendance and analytical write up (must include pictures of YOU there) of the Renaissance faire (late August)
- Analysis must examine the dress, customs, music, food etc. you observe
- Compare/reflect on how what you see/hear/taste/experience matches up with what we learn in class.
- What did you learn and feel about your experience.
- Must be a minimum of 2 pages double spaced to receive credit.
2)Attendance and analytical write up (must include pictures of YOU there) of the Dickens faire (weekends between Thanksgiving & Christmas)
- Analysis must examine the dress, customs, music, food etc. you observe
- Compare/reflect on how what you see/hear/taste/experience matches up with what we learn in class.
- What did you learn and feel about your experience.
- Must be a minimum of 2 pages double spaced to receive credit.
3)Attendance and analytical write up (including pictures) of a historic museum exhibit such as DaVinci’s sketches or the clothing of Marie & Antoinette and the court at Versailles
- Include the admission ticket to the exhibit proving you went.
- Take pictures or – if pictures are not allowed – print up images to go along with your visit
- In-depth analysis of your observations as they relate to the period we studied in class.
4)“What if?” Paper, analyzing an important and consequential historic event and writing a detailed, educated and imaginative description of how the world would be different today and why if that event had transpired differently.
- Description of the event itself
- Analysis of what could have changed and how/why it would change
- Immediate effects of the “what if” change actually happened
- Long term effects of the change with a detailed and imaginative description of how our world would be different today had that event transpired differently.
- At least 3 pages double spaced to receive credit.
5)Researched, written analysis of any topic which parallels the timeline of the class but does not overlap a specific topic we discuss in class. Examples include:
- Analytical study of music from a specific time period
- Analytical study of art from a specific time period (after the Renaissance)
- Analytical study of military tactics & technology from a specific time period
- Analytical study of any other topicagreed on with Mr. Hirsch from a specific time period we’ve studied.
6)Bring in food for the class to share from a historical period we’ve studied with an analysis of why that food with those ingredients was chosen to eat in that time period, and the cultural significance of that cuisine. Must be pre-approved with Mr. Hirsch.