RMSSAMT Fall Board of Director Meeting

Saturday, October 8, 2016 Sheraton Hotel Greenwood Village Colorado


President Celeste Grande (AMT) called the RMSSAMT fall board of directors meeting to order at 4:25 pm. Board Members answering the roll call as follows: President Celeste Grande MT (AMT), Treasurer Marty Hinkel MT (AMT), Secretary Rhonda Furney RMA (AMT), Lucy Leyva RPT (AMT), Colleen Hutchins MT, (AMT), Nickolette Perschino, RMA (AMT), Jacquetta McFarland, RMA, (AMT), Legislative chair George Cook, MT, (AMT). Also present were the newly elected board members, Anita Ott RMA (AMT), Jill Carlson RMA (AMT), and Mary Newell RMA (AMT).

There were a total of 11 board members present.

Vote Count is 11.

Rhonda Furney RMA (AMT) Presented the minutes from the BOD minutes from Saturday, April 2, 2016 in Worland WY. There were no additions or corrections.

Motion to accept minutes as presented by JacquettaMcFarland, 2nd Collen Hutchins: Motion passed unanimously, vote count 11.

Celeste spoke about how the Letter to The Editor in the fall newsletter was censored and asked to be removed from the newsletter by Nancy Gabl and Edna Anderson The newsletter had been posted on the website already so it had to be updated and reposted without this section. Nancy and Edna felt even though the topic was on professionalism it was posted anonymously and did not meet appear to reflect a positive insight. The floor was open to discussion. See the newsletter editor’s report for a full explanation.

Discussion was held to add delegate professionalism criteria following AMT Standards of Practice under RMSSAMT’s SOP to state all members will maintain a professional demeanor while at a national convention and/or the member will forfeit representing the state and will forfeit any stipend that was to be paid to the member. Marty Hinkel volunteered to make these changes and send out to the board for review before sending on to the Judiciary Council for approval.

Old Business

President Celeste discussed the process of submitting speaker information for state meetings to the home office for approval.

New Business

· Spring meeting Pueblo Colorado April 1st or the 8th 2017

· Request meeting be held in a hotel

· George requesting to move some money into CD’s. This will wait until the national board meets and decides on the future of handling state societies’ treasury

· Increase Speaker Stipend to $50.00

Motion to increase speaker stipend from $25.00 to $50.00 by George Cook, 2nd Rhonda Furney. Motion passed unanimously, vote count 11

· National Awards: Celeste Grande read the guidelines for the national awards.

o Chet Dziekonski Education award to be moved to spring meeting

o Becky Award - no one Qualified

o Distinguished achievement award

o O. C. Skip Skinner

o Pillar Award

o Exceptional Merit

o Silver Service



o MT

o Cuviello Excellence in Education.

Floor opened for nominations for O.C. Skip Skinner Award: Nominee: Anita Ott

Motion to close nominations by Rhonda Furney, 2nd by Jill Carlson to accept by acclimation, Motion passed unanimously, vote count 11

O.C. Skip Skinner nominee: Anita Ott.

Floor opened for Distinguished Achievement award can have three. Nominees: Colleen Hutchins, Jacquetta McFarland

Motion by Lucy Leyva, 2nd by Colleen Hutchins to accept by acclimation. Motion passed unanimously, vote count 11

Distinguished Achievement award nominees: Jacquetta McFarland and Colleen Hutchins

Floor opened for Pillar award can have three. Nominees: Jill Carlson, Celeste Grande Robert Newberry.

Motion to close by George Cook 2nd by Rhonda Furney accept by acclimation. Motion passed unanimously, vote count 11.

Pillar award nominees: Jill Carlson, Celeste Grande, Robert Newberry

Floor opened for nomination for Exceptional Merit. Nominees: Lucy Leyva

Motion by George Cook, 2nd by Nickolette Perschino to accept by acclimation. Motion passed unanimously, vote count 11.

Exceptional Merit nominee: Lucy Leyva

Floor opened for Silver Service Award. Nominee: Barbra Garrido

Motion to close by Jill Carlson, 2nd by Anita Ott to accept by acclimation. Motion passed unanimously, vote count 11

Silver Service Award nominee: Barb Garrido

Floor opened for nomination for RPT of the year. Nominees: no qualifying members for 2016

Floor opened for nominations for RMA of the year. Nominee: Anita Ott

Motion to close nominations by George Cook, 2nd by Lucy Levya to accept by acclimation. Motion passed unanimously, vote count 11.

RMA of the year nominee: Anita Ott

Floor opened for nominations for MT of the year. Nominee: Terri Bruckner

Motion to close nominations by Marty Hinkel, 2nd by Colleen Hutchins to accept by acclimation. Motion passed unanimously, vote count 11.

MT of the year nominee: Terri Bruckner

Floor opened for nominations for Cuviello Excellence in Education Award: Nominees: no member qualifies for 2016

Motion by George Cook, 2nd by Celeste Grande to accept by acclimation. Motion passed unanimously: vote count 11

Marty Hinkel asked the board if she and Anita could start planning the 2017 fall meeting in Grand Junction, Colorado (zone 2) at the Wine Country Inn in Palisade since reservations must be made 1 year in advance. The board agreed for them to get dates and pricing to be presented to the board for final approval.

Motion by George Cook, 2nd by Jill Carlson to adjourn the board meeting at 5:28pm. Motion passed unanimously: vote count 11

Respectfully Submitted,

Rhonda J. Furney RMA (AMT)

RMSSAMT Secretary

Celeste Grande RMA (AMT)

RMSSAMT President

Attached Reports: Attendance Roster