RESULTS, RESULTS Educational Fund Friends and Family Letter Writing Campaign Materials
Sample Follow up Call Script:
You: Hey Grams, how are you?
Grams: Oh, hi honey – it’s great to hear from you.
You: Thanks Grammy. Hey, I wanted to call and find out if you had received the fundraising letter I sent to you about RESULTS? I sent it out a couple of weeks ago.
Grams: Oh honey I did get that, thank you so much, you are doing such good work.
You: I was wondering if you had any questions about the letter that I could answer?
Grams: No I don’t think I do, and I’m just not sure if I can do much right now.
You: Oh, that’s ok Grams – I wouldn’t want you to give at a level that is uncomfortable for you – I just want you to know that no matter what, your donation is so helpful to us, and will really make a difference. And that if you decide to make a gift you can use the envelope that I sent and send it straight back to RESULTS. And please call me if you have any questions, I would love to talk with you about it anytime.
Grams: Thanks so much.
You: Ok, Super-G, we’ll talk really soon!
Ok, some of you may be shaking your head right now about my sample conversation. But the truth is these are calls to your friends and family - the further away we stay from the slippery slope of RESULTS-isms that ultimately lead to the glassy-eyed stares or dead silence on the other end of the phone line, the better.
Tasty Tips:
Call your low hanging fruit first – your best friend, mom, sister – the person you are most comfortable practicing with, only after those calls do you move to the big dogs.
Keep this conversation light and simple, and listen for their questions.
Make a direct ask for money if appropriate.
If people ask how much to give, refer to your own giving. “Shawn and I have been monthly donors for several years and we give $xx a month, would you consider joining us there?” OR “When I first began to donate to RESULTS I gave $X, does that sound about right?”