North American Energy Standards Board
Request for Initiation of a NAESB Business Practice Standard, Model Business Practice or Electronic Transaction
Enhancement of an Existing NAESB Business Practice Standard, Model Business Practice or Electronic Transaction
1. Please fill out as much of the requested information as possible. It is mandatory to provide a contact name, phone number and fax number to which questions can be directed. If you have an electronic mailing address, please make that available as well.
2. Attach any information you believe is related to the request. The more complete your request is, the less time is required to review it.
3. Once completed, send your request to:
Rae McQuade
NAESB, Executive Director
1301 Fannin, Suite 2350
Houston, TX 77002
Phone: 7133560060
Fax: 7133560067
by either mail, fax, or to NAESB’s email address, .
Once received, the request will be routed to the appropriate subcommittees for review.
Please note that submitters should provide the requests to the NAESB office in sufficient time so that the NAESB Triage Subcommittee may fully consider the request prior to taking action on it. It is preferable that the request be submitted a minimum of 3 business days prior to the Triage Subcommittee meetings. Those meeting schedules are posted on the NAESB web site at http://www.naesb.org/monthly_calendar.asp.
North American Energy Standards Board
Request for Initiation of a NAESB Business Practice Standard, Model Business Practice or Electronic Transaction
Enhancement of an Existing NAESB Business Practice Standard, Model Business Practice or Electronic Transaction
Date of Request: _01-03-2005______
1. Submitting Entity & Address:
______NAESB Members of the ESS/ITS _
2. Contact Person, Phone #, Fax #, Electronic Mailing Address:
Name : Roman Carter_____
Title : Project Manager, Southern Company Generation_
Phone : __205.257.6027___
Fax : __205.257.6428___
Email : __
3. Description of Proposed Standard or Enhancement:
NAESB_Standard R03013 was approved by the Executive Committee in May, 2004 and ratified by the general membership in June 2004. Standard R03013 identifies the market-supported processes necessary to facilitate Interchange transactions. It specifies the arrangements that need to be made and the data that needs to be communicated to the Interchange Authority (IA) in order for Interchange to take place between the Source and Sink Balancing Authorities.
Unfortunately, the Standard does not address the fact that Industry is transforming into Version 0 Standards and the entities which will perform the reliability functions under Version 0 may not be the same entities performing those functions today as this Standard suggests (e.g., Tagging Authority). Also, there are definitions which were purposely excluded from this Standard but now are necessary for clarity (e.g. Reliability Coordinator, Balancing Authority, Purchasing-Selling Entity).
Furthermore, NERC’s Coordinate Interchange Standard Drafting Team has including Timing requirements within their proposed Standard which previously were not considered. The NERC timing requirements for the reliability period no longer make it necessary for the NAESB Standard to include these reliability timing requirements in its R01013 Standard. As a result, the Standard should no longer require the Requesting PSE to provide the RFI to the Reliability Entities for reliability assessment as previously required.
Finally, Industry participants have provided several recommendations on re-wording some of the requirements within the Standard to make the intent of the requirement more clear and understandable.
Request for Initiation of a NAESB Standard for Electronic Business Transactions or
Request for Enhancement of a NAESB Standard for Electronic Business Transactions
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4. Use of Proposed Standard or Enhancement (include how the standard will be used, documentation on the description of the proposed standard, any existing documentation of the proposed standard, and required communication protocols):
As stated above, this revised Standard will be used to identify market-supported processes necessary to facilitate interchange transactions. It specifies the arrangements that need to be made and the data that needs to be communicated to the Interchange Authority in order for Interchange to take place between Source and Sink Balancing Authorities. As revised, this Standard will better accomplish the intent of the original Standard.
A preliminary copy of this revised Standard will be provided for discussion for the Triage conference call scheduled for January 10th and the JIC meeting scheduled for January 18th.
5. Description of Any Tangible or Intangible Benefits to the Use of the Proposed Standard or Enhancement:
By including the changes and revisions recommended in the revised Standard, Industry will be better able to understand their function and responsibilities to implement a bilateral Interchange Transaction.______
6. Estimate of Incremental Specific Costs to Implement Proposed Standard or Enhancement:
___Not available______
7. Description of Any Specific Legal or Other Considerations:
It is recommended that the NAESB Standard R03013 not be submitted to FERC until these changes and revisions are allowed to be included in the Standard and NERC’s Coordinate Interchange Standard has been adopted by the NERC Board of Directors. It is imperative that both the NERC and NAESB Coordinate Interchange Standards be implemented by Industry in a coordinated effort.______
8. If This Proposed Standard or Enhancement Is Not Tested Yet, List Trading Partners Willing to Test Standard or Enhancement (Corporations and contacts):
9. If This Proposed Standard or Enhancement Is In Use, Who are the Trading Partners :
10. Attachments (such as : further detailed proposals, transaction data descriptions, information flows, implementation guides, business process descriptions, examples of ASC ANSI X12 mapped transactions):