Quizzes - Proverbs & Sayings

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Choose an idiom to replace the expression in the brackets:

1. He was told by his boss that (what he does is important and not what he says) and that he must come to work on time in the future.

(a) all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy (b) a bad workman blames his tools (c) actions speak louder than words (d) there's no accounting for tastes

2. The man knew nothing about repairing a car and he was (not able to teach someone else) when he tried to show his friend how to fix it.

(a) between the devil and the deep blue sea (b) better to be safe than sorry (c) all fair in love and war (d) like the blind leading the blind

3. (The decision was made) and they decided to sell the company with no possibility of changing their mind in the future.

(a) The die was cast (b) The customer is always right (c) A cat has nine lives (d) Crime doesn't pay

4. The school board knew that (there was lots of money available) so they began to look for a famous architect to design the new school.

(a) easy come, easy go (b) it is easier said than done (c) money was no object (d) the exception proves the rule

5. The group of young men had come to the city to watch the football game and they planned (to enjoy themselves without care) for the entire weekend.

(a) that enough is as good as a feast (b) to eat, drink and be merry (c) that the fat is in the fire (d) that empty vessels make the most noise

6. The supervisors believed that the workers needed many rules and that if they (gave them a small amount of freedom, they would soon ask for more).

(a) at first didn't succeed then they must try, try again (b) did, then the exception proves the rule (c) make their bed then they must lie on it (d) give them an inch, they will take a mile

7. The long holiday was (what was needed) and the man was able to return to work refreshed and productive.

(a) just what the doctor ordered (b) more haste, less speed (c) out of the frying-pan and into the fire (d) a first time for everything

8. The older couple always had an attitude of (tolerance) toward other people and they were not bothered by the different lifestyles in their neighborhood.

(a) let the dead bury their dead (b) love is blind (c) love me, love my dog (d) live and let live

9. The weather was wonderful so the couple decided (to take advantage of it) and finish painting the outside of their house.

(a) that many hands make light work (b) that a miss is as good as a mile (c) to make hay while the sun shines (d) that money doesn't grow on trees

10. The mother had not heard from her daughter for several weeks but she thought that (not hearing anything meant that everything was probably all right) so she didn't worry.

(a) necessity is the mother of invention (b) no news is good news (c) there is no smoke without fire (d) nothing succeeds like success

11. The teddy bear was (no longer visible) and the little boy soon forgot all about it.

(a) once bitten, twice shy (b) out of sight, out of mind (c) in for a penny, in for a pound (d) nothing ventured, nothing gained

12. There is (no point worrying about) the TV that he had broken as there is nothing that he can do about it.

(a) no use crying over spilt milk about (b) no time like the present for (c) the pot calling the kettle black for (d) the fact that prevention is better than the cure for

13. (Ideas are greater than using force) and throughout history this has been proven over and over again.

(a) He who pays the piper calls the tune (b) One man's meat is another man's poison (c) Pride comes before a fall (d) The pen is mightier than the sword

14. The girl was (careful with small amounts of money) but would spend large amounts of money on extravagant and wasteful things.

(a) in for a penny, in for a pound (b) better safe than sorry (c) penny wise and pound foolish (d) following the practice of waste not, want not

15. It seems that for the woman (her problems always come at the same time) and when this happens she finds it difficult to continue with her daily life.

(a) it never rains but it pours (b) the road to hell is paved with good intentions (c) the proof of the pudding is in the eating (d) practice makes perfect

16. The man believed that (it would take time and effort to finish the job).

(a) when in Rome do as the Romans do (b) a rolling stone gathers no moss (c) what's good for the goose is good for the gander (d) Rome was not built in a day

17. In some good restaurants if you are well-known then you will find that (you may receive better treatment than others).

(a) you may spare the rod and spoil the child (b) some people are more equal than others (c) the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak (d) still waters run deep

18. Everybody believes that (you can make a lot of money) in the capital city so they are moving there in large numbers.

(a) silence is golden (b) seeing is believing (c) it is third time lucky (d) the streets are paved with gold

19. You must always remember that (dealing with a problem immediately will save time later).

(a) there is a time and a place for everything (b) time and tide wait for no man (c) a stitch in time saves nine (d) time is a great healer

20. It was (the good intentions behind her action) that was important and everyone soon forgave the teacher because of her sincerity.

(a) the thought that counts (b) none so blind as those who will not see (c) to tell the truth and shame the devil (d) these things that are sent to try us

21. (Everything is different now) and the old fashions of last year are no longer seen on the streets of the city.

(a) Time flies (b) Times change (c) Time is money (d) Tomorrow is another day

22. (More people than useful were around) so we finally had to ask some of those who were trying to fix the computer to leave.

(a) Two wrongs don't make a right (b) Two's company, three's a crowd (c) Two heads are better than one (d) Too many cooks spoil the broth

23. The woman's philosophy is that (always doing new and different things is the best way to live).

(a) tall oaks grow from little acorns (b) it takes all kinds to make a world (c) variety is the spice of life (d) truth is stranger than fiction

24. (If you are determined enough then you can succeed) and you will be able to do what you have set out to do in life.

(a) The wish is father to the thought (b) You're only young once (c) Where there's a will there's a way (d) It is the thought that counts

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