1. 1-63 B.W. Ninham
Asymptotic form of the coefficients of some Ising model series
Journal of Mathematical Physics 4, no. 5 (1963) 679-685.
2. 2-63 B.W. Ninham
Charged Bose gas in astrophysics
Physics Letters 4, no. 5 (1963) 278-279.
3. 1-64 B.W. Ninham
Charged Bose gas
Nuclear Physics 53 (1964) 685-692.
4. 2-64 B.W. Ninham
Specific heat of a degenerate electron gas
Annals of Physics 28, no. 2 (1964) 220-224.
5. 3-64 N. Takimoto, B.W. Ninham
Theory of zero sound in a nearly perfect Boltzmann gas
Progress in Theoretical Physics 32, no. 1 (1964) 8-28.
6. 1-65 B.W. Ninham
Note on a problem of Whittaker and Watson
Nieuw Archiv fur Wiskunde (1965) 253-254.
7. 1-66 B.W. Ninham, C.J. Powell, N. Swanson
Plasmon damping in metals
Physical Review 145, no. 1 (1966) 209-217.
8. 2-66 B.W. Ninham
Generalised functions and divergent integrals
Numerische Mathematik 8 (1966) 444-457.
9. 3-66 I.G. Darvey, B.W. Ninham, P.J. Staff
Stochastic models for second-order chemical reaction kinetics. The equilibrium state
Journal of Chemical Physics 45, no. 6 (1966) 2145-2155.
10. 1-67 J.N. Lyness, B.W. Ninham
Numerical quadrature and asymptotic expansions
Mathematics of Computation 21 (1967) 162-178.
11. 2-67 I.G. Darvey, B.W. Ninham
Stochastic models for second-order chemical reaction kinetics. Time course of reactions
Journal of Chemical Physics 46, no. 5 (1967) 1626-1645.
12 1-68 A.J. Guttmann, B.W. Ninham, C.J. Thompson
Determination of critical behaviour in lattice statistics from series expansions
Physics Letters 26A (1968) 180-181.
13 2-68 A.J. Guttman, B.W. Ninham, C.J. Thompson
Determination of critical behaviour in lattice statistics from series expansions. I.
Physical Review 172, no. 2 (1968) 554-558.
14 3-68 B.W. Ninham, W.P. Wood
Kinetic theory of sound for a polyatomic gas
Physics of Fluids 11, no. 9 (1968) 1928-1934.
15 4-68 D.J. Mitchell, B.W. Ninham
Asymptotic behaviour of the pair distribution function of a classical electron gas
Physics Letter 27A, no. 3 (1968) 154-155.
16 5-68 D.J. Mitchell, B.W. Ninham
Asymptotic behaviour of the pair distribution function of a classical electron gas
Physical Review 174, no. 1 (1968) 280-289.
17 .6-68 M Diesendorf, B.W. Ninham
Quantum corrections to the pair distribution function of a classical plasma,
J Math Phys. 9,no5, (1968), 745-752
18 1-69 B.W. Ninham, J.N. Lyness
Further asymptotic expansions for the error functional
Mathematics of Computation 23 (1969) 71-83.
19 2-69 C.J. Thompson, A.J. Guttman, B.W. Ninham
Determination of critical behaviour in lattice statistics from series expansion. II.
Journal of Physics C 2 (1969) 1889-1899.
20 3-69 W.P. Wood, B.W. Ninham
Collisional damping of plasma oscillations
Australian Journal of Physics 22 (1969) 453-458.
21 4-69 M. Diesendorf, B.W. Ninham
The effect of quantum correlations on electron-scattering opacities
Astrophysical Journal 156 (1969) 1069-1073.
22 5-69 V.A. Parsegian, B.W. Ninham
Application of the Lifshitz theory to the calculation of van der Waals forces across thin lipid films
Nature 224, no. 5225 (1969) 1197-1198.
23 6-69 B.W. Ninham, R. Nossal, R. Zwanzig
Kinetics of a sequence of first-order reactions
Journal of Chemical Physics 51, no. 11 (1969) 5028-5033.
24 1-70 R. Nossal, B.W. Ninham
Kinetic equations for surface adsorption
Biopolymers 9 (1970) 103-111.
25 2-70 J.A. Ferretti, B.W. Ninham
Nuclear magnetic resonance investigation of the helix to random coil transformation in
poly(a-amino acid). II. Poly(g-benzyl L-glutamate)
Macromolecules 3 (1970) 34-42.
26 3-70 J.A. Ferretti, B.W. Ninham, V.A. Parsegian
Theory of the helix-random coil transformation
Macromolecules 3 (1970) 1641-1651.
27 4-70 A.J. Guttmann, C.J. Thompson, B.W. Ninham
Determination of critical behaviour from series expansion in lattice statistics. IV.
Journal of Physics C 3 (1970) 1641-1651.
28 5-70 B.W. Ninham, V.A. Parsegian
Van der Waals forces across triple-layer films
Journal of Chemical Physics 52, no. 9 (1970) 4578-4587.
29 6-70 B.W. Ninham, V.A. Parsegian
Van der Waals forces: special characteristics in lipid-water systems and a general
method of calculation based on the Lifshitz theory
Biophysical Journal 10, no. 7 (1970) 646-663.
30 7-70 V.A. Parsegian, B.W. Ninham
Temperature-dependent van der Waals forces
Biophysical Journal 10, no. 7 (1970) 664-674.
31 8-70 B.W. Ninham, V.A. Parsegian
Van der Waals interactions in multilayer systems
Journal of Chemical Physics 53, no. 9 (1970) 3398-3402.
32 9=70 B.W. Ninham, V.A. Parsegian, G.H. Weiss
On the macroscopic theory of temperature-dependent van der Waals forces
Journal of Statistical Physics 2, no. 4 (1970) 323-328.
33 1-71 P. Richmond, B.W. Ninham
Calculation using Lifshitz theory of the height vs. thickness of vertical liquid helium films
Solid State Communications 9 (1971) 1045-1047.
34 2-71 P. Richmond, B.W. Ninham Calculations of van der Waals forces across films of liquid helium using Lifshitz theory
Journal of Low Temperature Physics 5, no. 2 (1971) 177-189.
35 3-71 P. Richmond, B.W. Ninham
A note on the extension of the Lifshitz theory of van der Waals forces to magnetic media
Journal of Physics C 4 (1971) 1988-1993.
36 4-71 V.A. Parsegian, B.W. Ninham
Towards the correct calculation of van der Waals interactions between lyophobic colloids in an aqueous medius
Journal of Colloid & Interface Science 37, no. 2 (1971) 332-341.
37 5-71 B.W. Ninham, V.A. Parsegian
Electrostatic potential between surfaces bearing ionizable groups in ionic equilibrium with physiologic saline solution
Journal of Theoretical Biology 31 (1971) 405-428.
38 6-71 K.W. Sarkies, B.W. Ninham, P. Richmond
Van der Waals forces and critical phenomena
Journal of Physics C 4 (1971) L235-L237.
39 7-71 D.J. Mitchell, B.W. Ninham, P. Richmond
Exact interaction energy between two anisotropic polarizable
Journal of Physics B 4 (1971) L81-L83.
40 1-72 H. Silver, N.E. Frankel, B.W. Ninham
A class of mean field modelsJournal of Mathematical Physics 13, no. 4 (1972) 468-474.
41 2-72 P. Richmond, B.W. Ninham
Calculation of van der Waals forces across mica plates using Lifshitz theory
Journal of Colloid & Interface Science 40, no. 3 (1972) 406-408.
12. 42 3-72 D.J. Mitchell, B.W. Ninham
Van der Waals forces between two spheres
Journal of Chemical Physics 56, no. 3 (1972) 1117-1126.
43 4-72 K.W. Sarkies, P. Richmond, B.W. Ninham
Physical theory of fluid interfaces near the critical point
Australian Journal of Physics 25 (1972) 367-385.
44 5-72 D.J. Mitchell, B.W. Ninham, P. Richmond
Exact energy of interaction between nonpolar molecules represented as dipoles
Australian Journal of Physics 25 (1972) 33-42.
45 6-72 G.A. Horridge, B.W. Ninham, M.O. Diesendorf
Theory of the summation of scattered light in clear zone compound eyes
Proceedings of the Royal Society B 181 (1972) 137-156.
46 7-72 D.J. Mitchell, B.W. Ninham, P. Richmond
Van der Waals forces between thin anisotropic cylinders
Journal of Theoretical Biology 37 (1972) 251-259.
47 8-72 D.J. Mitchell, B.W. Ninham, P. RichmondOn black body radiation and the attractive force between two metal plates
American Journal of Physics 40, no. 5 (1972) 674-678.
48 9-72 B. Davies, B.W. Ninham
Van der Waals forces in electrolytes
Journal of Chemical Physics 56, no. 12 (1972) 5797-5801.
49 10-72 P. Richmond, B. Davies, B.W. NinhamVan der Waals attraction between conducting molecules
Physics Letters 39A, no. 4 (1972) 301-302.
50 11-72 J. Mahanty, B.W. Ninham
Dispersion forces between oscillators: a semi-classical treatment
Journal of Physics A 5 (1972) 1447-1450.
51 1-73 V.A. Parsegian, B.W. Ninham
Van der Waals forces in many-layered structures: generalizations of the Lifshitz
result for two semi-infinite media
Journal of Theoretical Biology 38 (1973) 101-109.
52 2-73 D.J. Mitchell, B.W. Ninham, P. Richmond
Van der Waals forces between cylinders. I. Non-retarded forces between thin isotropic rods and finite size corrections
Biophysical Journal 13 (1973) 359-369.
53 3-73 D.J. Mitchell, B.W. Ninham, P. Richmond
Van der Waals forces between cylinders. II. Retarded interaction between thin isotropic rods
Biophysical Journal 13 (1973) 370-384.
54 4-73 E.R. Smith, D.J. Mitchell, B.W. Ninham
Van der Waals forces between cylinders: arrays of thin cylinders and three-body forces
Journal of Theoretical Biology 41 (1973) 149-160.
55 5-73 D.J. Mitchell, B.W. Ninham
Van der Waals forces between cylinders: thin rods inclined at an angle
Journal of Chemical Physics 59, no. 3 (1973) 1246-1252.
56 6-73 E.R. Smith, B.W. Ninham
Response of nematic liquid crystals to van der Waals forces
Physica 66 (1973) 111-130.
57 7-73 P. Richmond, B.W. Ninham, R.H. Ottewill
A theoretical study of hydrocarbon adsorption on water surfaces using Lifshitz theory
Journal of Colloid & Interface Science 45, no. 1 (1973) 69-80.
58 8-73 B. Davies, B.W. Ninham, P. Richmond
Van der Waals forces between thin cylinders: new features due to conduction processes
Journal of Chemical Physics 58, no. 2 (1973) 744-750.
59 9-73 J. Mahanty, B.W. Ninham
Boundary effects on the dispersion force between oscillators
Journal of Physics A 6 (1973) 1140-1148.
60 10-73 J. Mahanty, B.W. Ninham
Resonance transfer of molecular excitation energy: Enhancement in channels
Physics Letters 43A, no. 6 (1973) 495-496.
61 11-73 B.W. Ninham, P. Richmond
Multimolecular adsorption on cell surface under the influence of van der Waals forces
Journal of the Chemical Society, Faraday Transactions II 69 (1973) 658-664.
62 12-73 J. Mahanty, B.W. Ninham
Dispersion contributions to surface energy
Journal of Chemical Physics 59, no. 11 (1973) 6158-6162.
63 13-73 E.R. Smith, D.J. Mitchell, B.W. Ninham
Deviations of the van der Waals energy for two interacting spheres from the predictions
of Hamaker theory
Journal of Colloid & Interface Science 45, no. 1 (1973) 55-68.
64 1-74 J. Mahanty, B.W. Ninham
Dispersion forces in physical adsorption
Journal of the Chemical Society, Faraday Transactions II 70 (1974) 637-650.
65 2-74 D. Chan, B.W. Ninham
Phase transitions in polymer solutions and the prediction of theta temperatures
Journal of the Chemical Society, Faraday Transactions II 70 (1974) 586-596.
66 1-75 J. Mahanty, B.W. Ninham
Theory of dispersion interactions between macroscopic bodies
Journal of the Chemical Society, Faraday Transactions II 71 (1975) 119-137.
67 2-75 D. Chan, D.J. Mitchell, B.W. Ninham, L.R. White
Conformation of a non-interacting polymer near a “sticky” wall
Journal of the Chemical Society, Faraday Transactions II 71 (1975) 235-268.
68 3-75 J. Mahanty, B.W. Ninham
Self-energy in adsorption
Discussion of the Faraday Society 59 (1975) 13-21.
69 1-76 B.W. Ninham, R.A. Sammut
Refractive index of arrays of spheres and cylinders
Journal of Theoretical Biology 56 (1976) 125-149.
70 2-76 J.T. Duniec, B.W. Ninham
Energy of interaction between a monolayer and a dielectric adsorbent
Journal of the Chemical Society, Faraday Transactions II 72 (1976) 1513-1524.
71 3-76 J.N. Israelachvili, D.J. Mitchell, B.W. Ninham
Theory of self-assembly of hydrocarbon amphiphiles into micelles and bilayers
Journal of the Chemical Society, Faraday Transactions II 72 (1976) 1525-1568.
72 4-76 L.R. White, J.N. Israelachvili, B.W. Ninham
Dispersion interaction of crossed mica cylinders: a reanalysis of the Israelachvili-Tabor
Journal of the Chemical Society, Faraday Transactions I 72 (1976) 2526-2536.
73 5-76 S. Marcelja, D.J. Mitchell, B.W. Ninham
Phase transitions in aqueous suspensions of spherical colloid particles
Chemical Physics Letters 43, no. 2 (1976) 353-357.
74 6-76 J.T. Duniec, B.W. Ninham
Comment on the van der Waals forces between heavy alkali atoms and gold surfaces
Physics Letters 59A, no. 2 (1976) 111-112.
75 1-77 P.A. Forsyth Jr., S. Marcelja, D.J. Mitchell, B.W. Ninham
Onsager transition in hard plate fluid
Journal of the Chemical Society, Faraday Transactions II 73 (1977) 84-88.
76 2-77 J.N. Israelachvili, B.W. Ninham
Intermolecular forces - the long and short of it
Journal of Colloid & Interface Science 58, no. 1 (1977) 14-25.
77 3-77 J.T. Duniec, J. Mahanty, B.W. Ninham
Effect of spatial dispersion on van der Waals interactions between molecules
Solid State Communications 21 (1977) 899-902.
78 4-77 S. Marcelja, D.J. Mitchell, B.W. Ninham, M.J. Sculley
Role of solvent structure in solution theory
Journal of the Chemical Society, Faraday Transactions II 73 (1977) 630-648.
79 5-77 P.A. Forsyth Jr., S. Marcelja, D.J. Mitchell, B.W. Ninham
Phase transitions in charged lipid membranes
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 469 (1977) 335-344.
80 6-77 J.N. Israelachvili, D.J. Mitchell, B.W. Ninham
Theory of self-assembly of lipid bilayers and vesicles
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 470 (1977) 185-201.
81 7-77 D.J. Mitchell, B.W. Ninham, B.A. Pailthorpe
Hard sphere structural effects in colloid systems
Chemical Physics Letters 51, no. 2 (1977) 257-260.
82 1-78 D.Y.C. Chan, D.J. Mitchell, B.W. Ninham, B.A. Pailthorpe
Towards a microscopic theory of hydrophobic solutions
Journal of the Chemical Society, Faraday Transactions II 74 (1978) 2050-2062.
83 2-78 P.A. Forsyth Jr., S. Marcelja, D.J. Mitchell, B.W. Ninham
Ordering in colloidal systems
Advances in Colloid & Interface Science 9 (1978) 37-60.
84 3-78 P.A. Forsyth Jr., S. Marcelja, D.J. Mitchell, B.W. Ninham
Stability of Clay Dispersion
Modification of Soil Structure, Chapt 2., Ed. W.W. Emerson, R.D. Bond, A.R. Dexter;
John Wiley & Sons, (1978) 17-25.
85 4-78 D.J. Mitchell, B.W. Ninham
Range of the screened Coulomb interaction in electrolytes and double layer problems
Chemical Physics Letters 53 (1978) 397-399.
86 5-78 D.J. Mitchell, B.W. Ninham, B.A. Pailthorpe
Structural contributions to Hamaker constants
Journal of Colloid & Interface Science 64 (1978) 194-197.
87 6-78 D.Y.C. Chan, D.J. Mitchell, B.W. Ninham, B.A. Pailthorpe
Short range interactions mediated by a solvent with surface adhesion
Molecular Physics 35 (1978) 1669-1697.
88 7-78 D.J. Mitchell, B.W. Ninham, B.A. Pailthorpe
Solvent structure in particle interactions. I. The asymptotic regime
Journal of the Chemical Society, Faraday Transactions II 74 (1978) 1098-1113.
89 8-78 D.J. Mitchell, B.W. Ninham, B.A. Pailthorpe
Solvent structure in particle interactions. II. Forces at short range
Journal of the Chemical Society, Faraday Transactions II 74 (1978) 1116-1125.
90 9-78 D.Y.C. Chan, D.J. Mitchell, B.W. Ninham, B.A. Pailthorpe
Solvent mediated interactions - solute size effects and predictions of mean field theory
Chemical Physics Letters 56 (1978) 533-536.
91 10-78 D.Y.C. Chan, D.J. Mitchell, B.W. Ninham, B.A. Pailthorpe
On the theory of dipolar fluids and ion-dipole mixtures
Journal of Chemical Physics 69 (2) (1978) 691-696.
92 1-79 D.Y.C. Chan, D.J. Mitchell, B.W. Ninham, B.A. Pailthorpe
Solvent structure and hydrophobic solutions: in
: “Water: A ComprehensiveTreatise” (F. Franks, ed.) Vol. 6, Plenum Press (1979), 239-278.
93 2-79 D.Y.C. Chan, D.J. Mitchell, B.W. Ninham, B.A.Pailthorpe
Dispersion interactions across binary liquid mixtures: a proper account of structural effects
Journal of Colloid & Interface Science 68 (3) (1979) 462-470.
94 3-79 D.Y.C. Chan, J.S. McCaskill, D.J. Mitchell, B.W. Ninham, B.A. Pailthorpe
Competitive adsorption from binary mixtures: adhesive hard sphere model
Journal of Colloid & Interface Science 72 (1) (1979) 27-40.
95 4-79 D.Y.C. Chan, D.J. Mitchell, B.W. Ninham, B.A. Pailthorpe
Forces due to solvent structure in particle interactions: the one-dimensional problem
Journal of the Chemical Society, Faraday Transactions II 75 (1979) 556-568.