Kean University

College of Education

edTPA – Task Three Checklist – Assessing Student Learning

Always check your content handbook for specific instructions.

What to Do / File Label / Check off
1. Select ONE assessment completed by each individual student
2. Include Student Work Samples from three (3) students* one of which should have been identified in your Context of Learning as needing modifications or accommodations or has special learning needs.
Submit each work sample in its own file
Label each file with student # (Student 1 Work Sample, Student 2 Work Sample, etc.)
No page limit for written samples. Maximum 5 minutes for audio/video files
Mask or remove any student names, school/district name, your name / Task 3 Student # Work Sample
3. Provide Evidence of Feedback
If feedback is not included as part of the student work samples or recorded on the video clip(s) from Instruction Task 2, submit only 1 file for each focus student.
Maximum of 4 files
No page limit for written feedback; Maximum 3 minutes per focus student audio/video; Maximum 5 minutes per video of student language use.
Label each file with student # (Student 1 Evidence of Feedback, Student 2 Evidence of Feedback, etc.)
Document the location of your feedback in your assessment commentary. / Task3 Student # Evidence of Feedback
4. Complete the Assessment Commentary
Download the Assessment Commentary Template
Submit in One (1) file
No more than 10 pages including prompts
No more than 5 additional pages for the chosen assessment
No more than 2 additional pages of transcription of audio/video evidence for a work sample, feedback or video evidence of language use
Use Arial 11-point font
Single space with 1” margins on all sides
INSERT a copy of the chosen assessment, including directions/prompts provided to students / Task3 Assessment Commentary
5. Evaluation Criteria
Submit in one (1) file
Provide all evaluation criteria for all your lessons. Include:
Rubrics, scoring guides, answer keys, exit slips, checklists, etc.
Within the one file, label each criteria by the lesson # (rubric lesson 1, answer key lesson3, etc.) / Task3 Evaluation Criteria


Physical Education may use video clips for performance based assessments of three (3) focus students. Can be individual videos or one video showing all three students. First names are allowed but avoid references to school/district/state names.

Performing Arts: Assessment evidence may be written, a photograph of artwork, an audio clip or a video clip

Early Childhood: Select two (2) focus students (one with special needs) for the assessment task and analyze three (3) sources of evidence for each child.