The high spin liquid zeolite that chelates (exits the body) and clathrates(protection from getting stuck) all contaminants.

The people that brought you the ultimate covalent-bonded, oxygen-silver solution - BIONAID™ - now bring you the ultimate heavy metal detoxifier with a unique liquid zeolite-fulvic acid compound for effective and safe deep tissue cleanse of all contaminants. It is the only liquid zeolite available that is an accelerated formula. ZeoHeal’s liquid zeolite is in a high spin, monatomic state and removes fluoride from the body. Most other Zeolite formulas can only claim to chelate - our accelerated, high-spin, monatomic liquid zeolite is the only formula that chelates and clathrates. Also, our proprietary glacial water process features the most advanced system known to science and produces the best quality liquid zeolite available. Zeoheal™ deals with the negatives of products that are only liquid zeolite by adding the fulvic acid, minerals and monatomic minerals. In addition, the technologies that Elder and Dan use in Bionaid™ are also included in this product. You may find that Medical Research, information from the Journal of Applied Biomedicine, the effects of pH and Cancer, Studies on Humic/Fulvic Acids and a Liquid Zeolite Study on Autism, regarding some of the constituents in Zeoheal™ enlightening. Others claim to have the only product that removes flouride and aspartame - but so does ours.

ZeoHEAL™ contains: food grade humic mineral complex, fulvic acid, volcanic zeolite(clinoptilolite) and an angstrom colloid blend of 72 trace minerals, phyto-nutrients, macro-nutrientsmicro-nutrients, and The Water™ (also known as TYMBAK™ and Cellerator™) from Hyper-Physicist Dan Nelson and other technology from Burk-Elder: Hale, Third. Elder talks water with cutting-edge talkshow host Cori Brackett on her broadcast - "Sweet Remedy".

Key Benefits

Safe for long-term use
100% natural - contains no additives or chemical reagents
Easy to take - no taste or smell
Helps Improve the general state of health
Detoxifies the body by removing heavy metals and toxins
Helps re-mineralize the body
Acts as a free-radical reducer
Prevents pre-mature aging
Acts as a powerful anti-inflammatory
Supports immune system function
Helps reduce cell mutation
Reduces symptoms of allergies
May improve mood
Helps balance pH
Boosts energy levels
Acts as a powerful broad spectrum anti-bacterial, anti-viral, and anti-fungal agent
Increases vitamin and mineral absorption

4-in-1 Major Benefits

Zeolite: natural zeolite mineral, world’s greatest detoxifier
Oxygen: disease killing oxygen and energy enhancer
Minerals: angstrom size ionic humic/fulvic minerals for DNA & cellular repair
Energy: frequency enhanced process

ZeoHEAL™, with multiple oxygen enhancers and The Water™, super oxygenates the blood and works like, ionic minerals, phyto-nutrients, macro & micro nutrients. Proprietary geometric photon laser enhanced processes make it work better & faster than other zeolite products.

This amazing cellular ZeoHEAL™ all-in-one formula helps your body maintain optimum alkalinity, proper normalized pH levels and helps supercharge your immune system so it can defend your body against a broad range of bacterial infections, chronic conditions and viruses. It helps your body remove cancer triggers, lower cancer markers, lower tumor markers, and lower disease markers in the blood. It helps support a strong immune system and reduces toxic overload by removing toxins, chemicals & heavy metals. It's patented process also removes pesticides, herbicides, chemicals, toxins, heavy metals & even drug residues!

Range Guide Network Members say our product is "Simply Amazing!" We like to refer to it as the Quantum Hyper-Physics' answer to Well-Being! We thank all of our customers for all of their support and for getting the word out about our wonderful ZeoHEAL™ product. Studies have shown that highly energized foods & supplements can be very beneficial. Our ZeoHEAL™ undergoes a special proprietary high vibrational energy enhanced process. Range Guide Network Members claim our ZeoHEAL™ works FASTER than the MLM brands and FASTER than other frequency enhanced liquid zeolite products.

Toxins poison our air, our water, our food, and our bodies. According to the EPA, 70,000 chemicals are used commercially in the U.S., 65,000 of which are potentially hazardous to our health. The Environmental Defense Council reports that more than four billion pounds of toxic chemicals are released into the environment each year, including 72 million pounds of known carcinogens. We live in a virtual "sea of pollutants", and we carry many of these toxins and heavy metals within us. As many as 25 percent of Americans are estimated to suffer from some degree of heavy metal poisoning, particularly from mercury, lead, cadmium, and arsenic.

We are also exposed to a significant amount of radiation and increasing viral attacks. Our immune systems are further compromised by poor nutrition and unhealthy lifestyles, and most of us suffer from an excessively acidic pH level, which creates an internal environment in which cancer – as well as viral, bacterial, and fungal infections – can thrive.

These synthetic chemicals and heavy metals can be found even in unborn children, being passed on by the mother through the placenta.

Moreover, the foods that we eat are grown in "de-vitalized" soils and we are missing important trace minerals. Trace minerals are the catalysts the body uses to initiate complex reactions and it's these reactions that allow the body to stay healthy and fight disease. Throughout the last century, the level of trace minerals in our topsoil has been reduced due to our farming practices and method of fertilization. This disturbing fact has lead to a worldwide deficiency of these trace minerals in our food and our body. Many nutritionists attribute the ongoing decline in health that our society is experiencing, in large part, to deficiencies of trace minerals.

Until recently, the only sure way to remove the most destructive heavy metals and toxins from our bodies was through I.V. chelation, a process both invasive and extremely expensive. And even if you spent hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars on chelation treatments, the toxins would start going right back in with your next breath, your next meal, your next beverage.

Using the purest form of natural volcanic zeolite (clinoptilolite), a highly credentialed and regarded research scientist has discovered how to naturally place volcanic zeolite into a solution of 100% organic bio-active humic acid without the use of chemicals. Unlike water based zeolite solutions, which require the addition of chemicals and application of heat treatment to liquify the zeolite, the zeolite in ZeoHEAL™ has been naturally "digested" and absorbed directly into the molecular structure of the humic acid, making it easily and completely accepted by the human body. ZeoHEAL™ been processed in such a way that it can NEVER withdraw necessary minerals or elements from your body only the harmful ones. In fact, it actually helps to remineralize your cells.

Scientists, researchers, university professors, and many other authorities on humic substances have discovered and demonstrated that humic substances may prevent viral illness, naturally and safely, by preventing viruses from binding with cells, replicating, and infecting cells. In addition, research in Germany, Poland, Russia, South Africa, and the United States has shown that humic substances reduce inflammation and alleviate rheumatoid arthritis, asthma, eczema, irritable bowel syndrome, psoriasis, lupus, and multiple sclerosis.

This unique combination of humic and zeolite, provides the body with readily absorbable organic trace minerals in perfect ratios and with the appropriate ionic charge that can be readily absorbed by the small intestine. These trace minerals include the important platinum group metals in association with the macro minerals such as magnesium and potassium. The humic, quickly and efficiently carries the zeolite systemically throughout the body. This provides an abundance of this unique humic/zeolite compound to be readily available at a cellular level by placing it directly into the extracellular fluid. The cell then uses its ionic channels to pull in this compound as needed for optimal function, pH adaptation, energy production and detoxification. Given the general lack of physiologically available organic trace minerals in our diets today, and the bodies demand at every level for them, the humic proves to be a powerful carrier for the zeolite molecule.

Benefits Of Using The Zeolite Called Clinoptilolite

The zeolites are a group of minerals with a four-sided honeycomb structure and, rare among minerals, a negative magnetic charge. The effect of the structure and the magnetic charge is that zeolite draws heavy metals and toxins to it and simply engulfs them. The toxins "check in" and they can't "check out." Then the zeolite carries them safely and harmlessly out of the body through normal digestion. The form of zeolite in our products (there are nearly 50 naturally-occurring zeolites) is called "clinoptilolite," and it is this type of zeolite that has been studied for its effect in human nutrition.

Zeolites are minerals that have a micro-porous structure, having formed where volcanic rocks and ash reacted with alkaline ground water. Zeolite minerals are negatively-charged allowing them to exchange positively-charged particles with surrounding elements without losing their structure. Therefore, zeolite crystals act as "micro-sponges" absorbing free radicals, carcinogens and viral particles. Its unique methods only complement existing nutritional supplements without redundancy. Zeolite is a unique antioxidant. Traditional antioxidants absorb free radicals whereas zeolite traps free radicals in its structure, inactivating and eliminating them. Therefore it is complementary to additional antioxidants. Zeolite traps and nullifies nitrosamines in the digestive tract. Nitrosamines are cancer-causing agents found in processed meats. Nitrosamines are a causative factor in type-II diabetes. Because zeolite is a negatively charged mineral it naturally attracts heavy toxins (which are positively charged) and traps them in its cage-like structure. This includes heavy metals, pesticides, herbicides, and other positively charged toxins. It does this in a hierarchical manner. It first acts to remove lead, mercury, cadmium, arsenic and other heavy metals. Once it has removed those from the system, which may take one month or more, it then chelates out pesticides, herbicides, plastics, and so forth. Afterwards it acts as a natural trap of viral particles which prevents the production of viruses. Studies appear to indicate zeolite acts as a broad-spectrum anti-viral. Zeolite traps pre-virus components, preventing the replication of viruses and their ability to make us sick. Zeolite balances pH levels, establishing levels between 7.35 + 7.45, the optimum pH for the human body. Zeolite is on the The U.S. Government's GRAS list (generally recognized as safe).

More About ZeoHeal™

ZeoHeal™ is a natural fast-acting super detoxifier.

It is safe to use: ZeoHeal™ comes from the only ore supply that's been approved as safe for consumption by humans. In addition, it has been processed in such a way that it can never withdraw necessary minerals or elements from your body — only the harmful ones. In fact, it actually helps to remineralize your cells.

100% Pure Clinoptilolite: ZeoHeal™ is composed 100% of the zeolite subgroup called "clinoptilolite" — the type of zeolite that has generated such amazing results in laboratory testing.

It is chemical free: ZeoHeal™ is processed without chemicals. Through a natural, proprietary process, concentrated organic humic acid molecules have "naturally digested" the zeolite, holding it in permanent suspension. ZeoHeal™ is chemical-free, no chemicals, solvents or heat-treating methods are used in our proprietary natural holistic manufacturing process.

It has maximum bioavailability: Because the humic acid in ZeoHeal™ is in organic, interdimensional form, and because the zeolite is actually suspended in the humic molecules, 100% of ZeoHeal™ is carried into the cells.

It has anti-aging properties: Because ZeoHeal™ uses interdimensional humic acid to carry the zeolite to your cells, the antiaging properties of organic humic acid "come with." There is no substitute for organic humic acid to revitalize our cells and reverse cellular degeneration.

What makes natural intracellular ZeoHeal™ in humic acid better than other major brands of ZeoHeal? Many other brands use chemicals and solvents or heat treatment methods to process their zeolite into a liquid form. Natural intracellular ZeoHeal™ utilizes the newest most advanced manufacturing process of using humic acid (a highly regarded organic medium) which enables the zeolite to penetrate cell walls.

Benefits Of Using The Humic/Fulvic Organic Components

Humic/fulvic mineral complex is the smallest, most complex, most highly refined naturally occurring water-soluble substance on earth. It is an all-natural substance that has been extracted from ancient deposits of organic matter. It can be refined for human use as a dietary supplement. Tiny amounts remarkably transform the molecular structure of water, making it intensively more active and penetrating. Humic/fulvic mineral complex then assists water in its job of dissolving and transporting. It helps carry nutrients into the cell and waste products away from the cell, while also helping to neutralize toxins and invaders.

humic/fulvic - The Miracle Molecule

Humic/fulvic, a natural ionic molecule, is rapidly being recognized as one of the key elements in many scientific breakthroughs of the 21st century. It is one of the most crucial factors in the reversal and prevention of disease, as well as the maintenance of good health. Nature made humic/fulvic abundantly obtainable, but like many things, man has interfered with this vital process and it is no longer available in adequate quantities in the foods we eat. You must provide your body with this essential element through supplementation.

What does humic/fulvic do in the body?

The humic/fulvic molecule prepares nutrients to inter-react with each other. When humic/fulvic is present in the body, nutrients are dissolved into the simplest ionic form and disappear into the humic/fulvic structure. Most of the benefits we receive from nutrients occur are due to their co-factor reactions with each other. humic/fulvic offers tremendous benefits because it enhances these reactions.

Humic/fulvic makes all nutrients more absorbable.

humic/fulvic makes vitamins and elemental minerals (metallic and clay based minerals) more absorbable by complexing them (refines, purifies, combines and re-refines) into organic, ionic forms that are easily transported into and through cell membranes. Once the nutrients are dissolved and complexed by the humic/fulvic electrolyte, they become bio-chemically reactive, bio-available, mobile, and readily absorbable. In a nutshell, this means you get greater benefit from all your nutrients, whatever the source, when humic/fulvic is present.

Humic/fulvic transports nutrients right into the cells.

It can often transport many times its weight in dissolved nutrients and elements. humic/fulvic is so powerful that one single humic/fulvic molecule is capable of carrying 60 or more minerals and trace elements into the cells.

Humic/fulvic makes cell membranes more permeable.

It makes cell membranes more permeable, so nutrients can more easily enter the cell, as well as allowing waste to leave the cells more readily. One of the strongest advantages of humic/fulvic minerals is that absorption greatly exceeds traditional tablet supplements. As with any nutrient or supplement, the only way your body can benefit, is if it is absorbed. humic/fulvic enhances this process.

Humic/fulvic increases absorption of oxygen and decreases acidity.

It quickly destroys acid in the body fluids which helps increase the amount of oxygen in the blood. A lack of blood oxygen is a major contributing factor for acidity. Excess body acidity is associated with virtually all degenerative diseases; including cancer, heart disease, osteoporosis, arthritis, kidney stones, tooth decay, sleep disturbances, depressive disorders, and more.

Humic/fulvic changes the pattern of metabolism of carbohydrates.

It also intensifies the metabolism of proteins, and has been shown to stimulate the immune system.

Humic/fulvic improves enzyme development.

Research has shown that humic/fulvic improves enzymatic reactions in cells and produces maximum stimulation of enzyme development. Enzymes are responsible for over 300 complex reactions in the body. They are the life force behind vitamins and minerals. A lack of digestive enzymes can overstress the digestive system, leading to the malabsorption of nutrients.