Project Completion Report

Please submit through your APEC Secretariat Program Director within 2 months of project completion.

SECTION A: Project profile

Project number & title: / SME 09/2011A APEC Start-up Conference
Time period covered
in report: / Dec.2011~Dec.2012 / Date submitted: / Dec.28.2012
Committee / WG / Fora: / Small and Medium Enterprise Working Group
Project Overseer Name / Organization / Economy: / Kun Bok Lee/ Small & medium Business Corporation/ Korea

SECTION B: Project report and reflection

Briefly answer each of the questions below. Section B should be a maximum of 2-3 pages, inclusive of the questions and tables provided.

1.  Project description: In 3-4 sentences, describe the project and its main objectives.

APEC Start-up conference is a two-day conference which was held in Seoul, Korea from June.11~12. This conference was composed of closed session meeting where start-up policymakers and a plenary conference where start-up experts and successful entrepreneurs shared their tips and success stories with entrepreneur participants. The conference was started with aims to share best practices and policies to promote capacity building of entrepreneurs in APEC region and to provide networking opportunities for entrepreneurs.

2.  Meeting your objectives: Were the proposed objectives of the project met? If so, please describe how. If not, please include any major changes to the proposed scope of the project. Please outline any problems you may have encountered that resulted in delays to the delivery of the activity.

Objective / Progress and Results
The first objective of the conference was to share best practices and policies to promote capacity building of entrepreneurs in APEC region.
Risk: There were risks related to inviting speakers with various backgrounds.
Risk management: PO managed the risk by short-listing the possible speaker list and asking the APEC SMEWG delegates for cooperation in inviting the right speakers. /   Actions:
-PO drafted possible speaker lists and short-listed the list with 2 clear standards (if they have strong expertise in the field and have stories to share).
-PO asked selected APEC SMEWG delegates for cooperation in the right speaker.
- PO went through budget reprogramming to provide business class travels for some speakers.
- Invited prominent speakers who have stories to share with to-be entrepreneurs at almost no cost.
-Keynote speakers: President of GEW, co-founder of
The second objective of the conference was to provide networking opportunities for entrepreneurs, start-up experts and policymakers.
Risk: Difficulties of ensuring high participation rate
Risk management: PO managed risk by actively promoting the conference to APEC SMEWG and other related groups. /   Actions:
- PO promoted the conference to participants of APEC SMEWG meetings held in Bangkok and Brunei Darussalam. At each meeting, PO presented on the purpose asked SMEWG meeting participants for their active participation in the conference.
- PO built start-up conference webpage and uploaded start-up related news and the video clips to attract attention from APEC entrepreneurs.
- Conference Participants: 448 participants from 19 economies.
- Participants were composed of entrepreneurs (to-be entrepreneurs included), start-up policymakers and start-up experts.

3.  Evaluation: Describe how you evaluated the project upon completion? Detail the results of the evaluations conducted, if any (e.g. participant evaluation, peer review of publication, measurement of indicators, statistics demonstrating use of outputs etc.).

Project evaluation via participant survey

§  In a participant satisfaction survey, 121 out of 448 respondents offered a very positive response.(Rating: 4.43/5)

§  The feedback by the participants identified in the questionnaires was as follows:

-  Speeches made at the conference were very satisfying and practical.

-  Spend more time on mentoring session where speakers can interact with participants

-  Discussion time was limited to reach consensus.

4.  Key findings: Describe the main outputs delivered and any broader outcomes achieved as a result of this project. (For example have there been any capacity building outcomes, policy or operational changes, or changes to standards or systems as a result of this activity?) Describe how project outputs relate to fora/sub fora/working group strategic and medium-term priorities and strategic priorities. Please provide examples of important findings or lessons learned arising from the project.

First, Policymaker participants gained information on what other economies are doing to promote start-ups. In line with the strategic priorities of SMEWG, this conference provided a venue where APEC Policymakers could share the start-up policies of other economies under three related topics; entrepreneurial culture, financing and training. As a result policymaker participants provided feedbacks that they are able to have updated information on the start-up status in other economies and gain some ideas that they can adjust to their economies’ policies.

Second, Entrepreneur participants had chance to get experts’ advice on how to develop their ideas into success. At the conference 8 early stage entrepreneurs from APEC economies were invited and they made a pitch about their business ideas and products. After each pitch, start-up mentors (VC and successful entrepreneur) provided feedbacks on their business items.

Lastly, various start-up related groups had opportunity to network with each other. This conference was the first event where start-up policymakers, start-up experts and entrepreneurs gathered and exchanged their own start-up experience. The network created through this conference will be basis for the future business opportunities they might create in the future.

5.  Next steps: Describe any follow-up steps or projects that are planned following the completion of the activity, such as post-activity evaluations or tracer studies planned to assess the impact of this activity. Have the results of the activity been disseminated to participants and other stakeholders and how? What are (if any) any flow-on effects from this activity? How will this activity inform any future APEC activities?

APEC Start-up Conference Ⅱ

As a continuation of the APEC Start-up conference held in Korea this year, Peru SMEWG delegate has proposed the 2nd start-up conference which will be held in Lima next year. This conference will have a same format as the first start-up conference and will add a focus area of incubator business models and business angels.

6.  Feedback for the Secretariat: Do you have any suggestions for more effective management of projects in the future? Any assessment of consultants, experts or participants that you would like to share? (The Secretariat collates and examines feedback to identify trends for ongoing evaluation of our project management and/or communications systems.)

It would be helpful to see whether APEC Funded projects have been effective by asking the participants (via email) to assess how they have benefited or how they are making use of the project outcomes. It would be advisable to assess the project after each year end and give a credit to Pos that have got good assessment from the participants.

7.  Participant information: Please provide details, where applicable. Insert rows as needed.

Economy / # male / # female / Details
Canada / 1 / -
China / 3 / 4
Hong Kong, China / 2 / 2
Indonesia / 3 / 1
Japan / 2 / -
Korea / 4 / 4 / +393 general audiences who are unable to identify their gender
Malaysia / - / 2
Mexico / 1
Papua New Guinea / 2 / -
Peru / 1 / 1
Philippines / 1 / 1
Russia / 1 / -
Singapore / 3 / 1
Thailand / 2 / 2
Chinese Taipei / 4 / -
U.S.A / 2 / 1
Vietnam / - / 2
Other: Brazil / 2 / 2

8.  Outputs: Please provide details, where applicable. Change headings or insert rows as needed.

# planned / # actual / Details
# of workshops / events / 1 / 1 /   Title : APEC Start-up Conference
  Date & Venue: June.11~12 2012, Seoul, Korea
# of publications distributed / 2 / 2 / Brochure(Korean, English)
Booklets(for open and closed sessions)
# of CDs distributed / - / 1 / Contents: Summary, photos, presentation files
# of websites created / 1 / 1 /


Attach a detailed breakdown of the APEC- provided project budget, including:

·  Planned costs (using most recently approved budget figures)

·  Actual expenditures

·  Variance notes: An explanation of any budget line under- or over-spent by 20% or more.

Items / # of Units / Unit Rate / APEC Funding (Planned) / Actual Expenditure / Variance Notes /
Direct Labour
Speaker’s honorarium / (2 speakers) / 1,050 / 2,100 / 2,100
Travel (Speakers/Experts)
Per Diem (incl. accommodation and “75% additional payment”) / (4speakers* 3.75days (3day+0.75% one-off additional payment)) / 386 / 7,238 / 5,685 / Unit rate was changed to UN’s latest released rate of $ 379 per day.
Airfare / 6,600
1,000 / 19,595 / 17,125.13
Per diem (incl. accommodations and “75% additional payment”) / (# of persons and days)
2 persons * 11economies*3.75days / 386 / 31,845 / 29,467.25 / (Seoul, Korea)
Airfare (restricted economy class)
1. Chile → Korea
2. China → Korea
3.Indonesia → Korea
4. Malaysia → Korea
5. Mexico → Korea
6. Papua New Guinea → Korea
7. Philippines → Korea
8. Peru → Korea
9. Russia → Korea
10. Thailand → Korea
11. Vietnam → Korea
/ (# of persons and trips)
2 persons
2 persons
2 persons
2 persons
2 persons
2 persons
2 persons
2 persons
2 persons
2 persons
2 persons / 3,500
1,500 / 49,000 / 37,056.13 / Unit rate was changed to UN’s latest amount.
And One participant from Vietnam participated in only Day 1 event.
Total / 108,330 / 91,433.51

SECTION D: Appendices or additions

Please attach any of the following. This information will help us better understand your project, support overseers of similar projects and plan for future projects.

q  List of experts or consultants utilized, with job titles and contact details, gender disaggregated where possible.

q  List of participants, with job titles and contact details

q  Event agendas

q  Links to any relevant websites or online material (e.g. reports, resources created)

q  Results of participant feedback or other project evaluation (raw and/or analyzed)

q  Any other relevant information or resources that would help us learn more about your project (conference brochure)

FOR APEC SECRETARIAT USE ONLY APEC comments: Were APEC project guidelines followed? Could the project have been managed more effectively or easily by the PO?

Annex 1: List of experts or consultants utilized

No / Name / Position / Organization / Contact Details
1 / Chen Sheng Ho / Associate Research Fellow / TIER /
2 / Volker Heistermann / Managing Director / Yushan Ventures /
3 / Jonathan Ortmans / Senior Fellow/President / Kauffman Foundation/GEW /
4 / Jeff Hoffman / CEO / Colorjar /
5 / Taketo Sugawara / Asst. Professor / University of Tokyo /
6 / David Stewart- Patterson / Vice Chairman/ Vice President / Canada Conference Board/CYBF /
7 / Anthony Koh / CEO/Co-Founder / Mc Payment /
8 / Timothy Leung / /
9 / Chester Roh / CEO/Founder / Ablar Company /
10 / Kyu Tae Lim / Georgia Institute of Technology /
11 / Jin-Soo Kim / Professor / Chung-Ang University /
12 / Muhamad Noor Yacob / Executive Director / APEC Secretariat /

Annex 2: List of participants, with job titles and contact details

No / Name / Position / Organization / Contact Details
1 / Jerry Kuo / Co-founder / Kuobrothers corp, Chinese Taipei /
2 / Cheng Chou Huang / CEO / Trip Notice. Inc, Chinese Taipei /
3 / Farhana Sheikh Salim Alkhatib / Manager / SME Corp. Malaysia /
4 / Norhafizah Kamarudin / Asst. Manager / SME Corp.Malaysia /
5 / Ivan Ornelas / Director / Ministry of Economy /
6 / Noor Alam / APEC Coordinator / Department of Commerce, U.S.A /
7 / Lan Nguyen / Official / Ministry of Planning & Investment, Vietnam / ''
8 / Nguyen Thi Tinh / Official / Ministry of Planning & Investment, Vietnam /
9 / SIM Choon Siong / Director / SPRING, Singapore /
10 / Bambang S. Pujantiyo / Director / BPPT, Indonesia /
11 / Api Perdana / CEO / Avevo Dinamika, Indonesia /
12 / Sanny Gaddafi / CEO / Founder Institute, Indonesia /
13 / Koji Takahashi / Deputy Director / METI, Japan /
14 / Yinghui Fan / Deputy director general / SME Promotion Center, MIIT, R.O.C /
15 / Zhen YU / Asst. Secretary General / Shanghai Technology Entrepreneurship for Graduates, R.O.C /
16 / Guanyi Huang / Manager / Shanghai Technology Entrepreneurship for Graduates, R.O.C /
17 / Zhenjie Liu / Head / Shanghai Technology Entrepreneurship for Graduates, R.O.C /
18 / Feifei Niu / Manager / Shanghai Technology Entrepreneurship for Graduates, R.O.C /
19 / Wei Chen / General Manager / Guangdong Purun Environmental-protection technology R.O.C /
20 / Xuan Thuy TRAN / Vietnam Channel Sales Manager /, Hong Kong /
21 / Cecilia KWOK / Public Relation Specialist /, Hong Kong /
22 / Sovanna FUNG / Manager /, Hong Kong /
23 / Irina Rymshina / IT Operations Manager / Softline group, Chile /
24 / Wimonkan Kosumas / Deputy Director General / OSMEP, Thailand /
25 / Luckana Tangchitnob / Director / OSMEP, Thailand /
26 / Kultalee Pasarj / Director / Learn Tech. Co. Ltd., Thailand /
27 / Sitthached Suksong / Creative designer / Learn Tech. Co. Ltd. Thailand
28 / Andrew Ilam / Finance officer / Department of Commerce & Industry, PNG /
29 / Willie Reia / Procurement officer / Department of Commerce & Industry, PNG /
30 / Angel Hurtado / Advisor / Ministry of Production, Peru /
31 / Adriana Rios / Director general / Ministry of Production, Peru /
32 / Gary Urteaga / CEO / Holosens Papaya Peru SAC, Peru /
33 / Jandrick Climaco / CEO / Fushu Shoes, Philippines /
34 / Nimfa Marcos-Virtucio / Regional Director / Department of Trade & Industry, Philippines /
35 / Cheol-Kyu Park / President / Small and medium Business Corporation /
36 / Seung Won Suh / Director General / Small and Medium Business Administration /
37 / Min Jee Kim / Deputy Director / Small and Medium Business Administration /
38 / Jung Hyun Huh / Officer / Small and Medium Business Administration /
39 / HwiTaek Joo / Deputy Director / Small and Medium Business Administration /
40 / Kun Bok Lee / Director / Small & medium Business Corporation /
41 / Soo Hyung Lee / Senior Manager / Small & medium Business Corporation /
42 / Jung Hee Baek / Manager / Small & medium Business Corporation /
43 / Harim Chung / Asst. Manager / Small & medium Business Corporation /

Annex 3: Conference Agenda