Attachment H: Low Impact Bridge Data Spreadsheet Compilation Guide

The purpose of this guide is to help users of the Low Impact Bridge (LIB) Spreadsheet to fill in the various data fields according to the intent of the team that developed the spreadsheet.

The first few lines of the spreadsheet are general project description information found in NCDOT’s STIP project listing.

1) The NCDOT project STIP project number

2) The NCDOT project WBS number

3) The county or counties the project is located in

4) The NCDOT bridge number

5) The general project description as used in the STIP

The next several lines deal with various characteristics of the stream being crossed. If the feature being crossed is not a stream this information is not necessary.

6) The River Basin the stream is located in

7) The NCDWQ water classification for the stream being crossed

8) The NCDWQ stream ID number

9) The type of stream being crossed: tidal or inland

10) The size of the stream at the bridge site

The next few lines deal with aspects of the existing bridge and proposed bridge.

11) The existing bridge type, i.e. 1-span bridge, 3-span bridge, etc.

12) The existing bridge size, deck length and width

13) The existing bridge sufficiency rating

14) The proposed bridge type, again 1-span bridge, 3-span bridge, etc.

15) The proposed bridge size, again deck length and width

The next several lines deal with various jurisdictional issues.

16) What is the maximum extent of permanent impacts to jurisdictional streams as defined by the USACE (Water of the US)? [linear feet]

17) What is the maximum extent of permanent impacts to non jurisdictional streams as defined by the NCDWQ (Water of the State)? [linear feet]

18) Will the project have USACE defined permanent wetland impacts and if so, how much [acres]

19) Will there be permanent impacts to non-USACE defined wetlands and if so, how much [acres]

20) Will any of the permanent wetland impacts be to CAMA wetlands and if so, how much [square feet]

21) Will the project impact NCDWQ buffers and if so, how much [square feet]

22) Will the project require a NCDWQ Buffer Application?

23) Will the project require a NCDWQ Storm water Permit?

24) Is there suitable habitat or designated critical habitat for any USFWS listed Threatened or Endangered Species?

25) If so, which Threatened or Endangered Species are present in the project area or does the project occur in designated critical habitat?

26) What was the biological conclusion for the project and if the conclusion is MANLAA has the USFWS concurred with the project for the species? [No Effect, May Affect - Not likely to Adversely Affect]

27) Have any resource agencies requested any type of construction moratorium and if so, what type [Rainbow Trout, Brook/Brown Trout, clearing and grubbing, anadromous fish, PNA, etc.]

28) What are the requested dates for the moratorium?

29) If the project is in Divisions 9, 11, 13, or 14, does the stream crossed support a naturally reproducing [Brook/Brown or Rainbow] trout population?

30) What types of trout are present?

31) Do trout conditions apply per NCWRC (yes or no)?

32) Who was the NCWRC reviewer?

33) If the project is in Divisions 1, 2, or 3 are there impacts to CAMA Areas of Environmental Concern [AECs]?

34) Is the project located in an estuarine system and has suitable habitat present for EFH-protected species? If so, it must be determined if the project will have an adverse affect on the EFH.

35) Is there a defined navigational opening for the bridge?

36) If so, will a Coast Guard Permit be required?

37) Are there any properties on or eligible for the National Register of Historic Places in the immediate project area?

38) Are there any archaeological resources on or eligible for the National Register of Historic Places in the immediate project area?

39) Tribal Lands: Is the project located within a county claimed as “territory’ by the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians (EBCI)? If so, contact must be made with the EBCI to establish if they have interest in the project.

40) Are there any Section 4(f) properties in the immediate project area? [Public Parks, Wildlife Refuges, Historic Properties]

41) If there are parks, were any of the facilities at the park paid for with a grant from the Land and Water Conservation Fund? Use the following web site to find a list of parks, greenways, etc. that involve federal funds: . Use the box “Detailed Listing of Grants-with County Totals” and search for the county you need.

42) Is the stream being crossed designated as a Wild and Scenic River?

43) Are there any Federal Lands (e.g. US Forest Service owned properties) in the immediate project vicinity?

44) Is the project in the area of the state were TVA permits might be required?

45) Are there any FEMA buyout properties in the immediate project vicinity?

46) Is the stream crossing in a detailed study area?

47) Are there properties likely to contain USTs or other hazardous materials in the immediate project area?

48) Are there likely to be residential relocatees as a result of the proposed project?

49) What is the latitude of the existing bridge? [Decimal Degrees]

50) What is the longitude of the existing bridge? [Decimal Degrees]

51) Provide additional project information that may help resource agency staff or others understand potential impacts to natural or human environment.