April 11th, 2016

SUB 62/63



We played freeze dance! Nicole from Lenape won!


BEVIER / 4 / 4 / Hallywood
BLISS / 3 / 1 / Hallywood, programming, bonding
BOUTON / 4 / 1 / Hallywood, retreat
CAPEN / 3 / 3 / Hallywood
COLLANGO / 4 / 4 / Color Wars, Hallywood
CRISPELL / 4 / 3 / Hallywood
DEYO / 1 / 0 / Hallywood, Dillon was elected as co-president!
DUBOIS / 14 / 14 / Color Wars, programming
ESOPUS / 3 / 1 / Hallywood, Color Wars
GAGE / 2 / 0 / Hall Gov bonding, Hallywood
LEFEVRE / 3 / 3 / Hallywood
LENAPE / 3 / 3 / Hallywood, Color Wars
RIDGEVIEW / 2 / 1 / Bonding, Color Wars, and April programs
SCUDDER / 2 / 2 / Hallywood and the event they’re having next week

NRHH 9:11 PM

Thanks everyone who sent in an application! We’ll vote on new members at our next chapter meeting in 2 weeks, so Maria will announce new members as soon as we vote on them!

We also began electing our e-board for next year! So far, it’s:

President: Meryl Stromberg

Vice President: Megan Bailey

PR: Dayamara Cruz

The rest of the positions are still open, and we’ll be voting on them next meeting! We almost have a full e-board; get excited!

We’re having a program on April 19th at 8:30pm, location is still TBD. We’ll be celebrating 30 years as a chapter on this campus!


FREEZING TUITION congrast. v important thing, not over it.

all of u wanted to run but it closed on friday, extenders it! tomorrow at 3pm senate office, officially due sub419.

who doesn’t like al il bit of adversity and inclusion on this cmapus. prez started inclu task force, email her saying ur interested in helping promote diversity


Instagram challenges:

Most number of posts…Capen Hall!

Most creative post…Collango Hall!

Most number of likes…Esopus Hall!

Most creative video…Lenape Hall!

1st place best overall diversion rate…Collango Hall!

1st place least amount of landfill…Gage Hall!

1st place most amount of recycling…Ridgeview Hall!

There was an increase in participation this year compared to other years, which is awesome. Earth Day is every day, so don’t stop recycling now that the competition is over.

Come through to Farm Fest 2016, NP Recycles will be there! The NP Clean Sweep is April 30th, and Reuse to Reduce is May 10th- May 17th. All the information can be found on Instagram, Facebook, and their website!


Motion to Open: Crispell

Second: Scudder


They’re in the middle of a marathon of NCC chats. They’re finishing up elections for the RBD and passing legislation, everything from last week passed.

Ella Azoulay won COPR, she’s basically in charge of overseeing all campus programming.

We’re voting on the Coordinating Officer for Marketing and Public Relations on Wednesday; that person is basically the PR of the RBD. Thursday we’re voting on the Coordinating Officer of Subregional Relations, and they basically deal with Subregional meetings and things like that.

Apply to NACURH!!! Applications are due tonight at 11:59. You get to go to Delaware in June and hang out with some awesome people, and you can network and meet people from around the world. Remember to sign up for an interview when you submit your application; both these things are required.


One last GFP update before banquet!!

Bevier: 299

Bliss: 222

Bouton: 178

Capen: 82

Collango: 112

Crispell: 234

Deyo: 45

DuBois: 176

Esopus: 105

Gage: 71

LeFevre: 122

Lenape: 177

Scudder: 139

Ridgeview: 73

Get in those PUP sheets!! Even if you hand them in late, you get half the amount of GFP’s.


The historian update is that the yearbook is finished! Thanks committee for working hard and finishing it up. If you want to buy one, the deadline to sign up is tonight, but you have until banquet to give in the $20. Every hall gets 1 for free.

Color Wars

It was yesterday, there were fun times, there was lots of spirit. We hope you didn’t get too sunburnt or too chilly. I know you’re all interested in who won…and you’ll find out at Banquet.

Motion to Close: Scudder

Second: Bouton


Motion to Open: Lenape

Second: Bliss

BUZZ Karaoke

It’s Friday, April 22nd from 7:30-9:30 in SUB100s! There’s gonna be good food, it’s gonna be fun. It’s RecycleMania themed. It’s also our last BUZZ, so you should definitely come.


Today is the last day to sign up if you wanna go on Retreat. The packing list is in your folders. This is an ALCOHOL FREE retreat, so keep all of that stuff at home.

If you signed up to go on Retreat and can’t anymore, let Sammi know ASAP so she can take your name off the list and let someone else go.


Videos are due by 9pm next Monday! Post it on YouTube and link them to our page, we’re gonna start watching them next week.

It’s a DVD-less Hallywood this year; put everything on YouTube.


Emily for Historian: Accept

Andrea for Historian: Accept

Troy for Historian: Accept

Anyone with a Historian application handed it out!



The CCC is in charge of counting the good fellowship points, keeping track of all Hall Gov contact sheets and updating and reviewing their constitutions. They’re also in charge of assigning hall buddies between e-board members and Hall Govs. They have to keep in contact with the RA liaisons. They’re also in charge of updating and reviewing the RHSA constitution, and they keep in contact with NRHH. They also have to update the spirit weekend and hall of the semester plaques that are located in the Hasbrouck case. They also have to update and review the good fellowship point packet at the beginning of the semester and distribute it to the Hall Govs.


Hi guys, for those of you who don’t know, my name is Breanne, and I’m running for CCC, or campus communications coordinator, of RHSA. I would love to say that RHSA has been a huge part of my life since I got here, but it really wasn’t. I was the vice president when I first got to Collango Hall, and then I moved up to president after Spirit Weekend, and didn’t really have communication with RHSA. Once I went to Color Wars and Spring Banquet, I was like, “I need to 100% be an AC rep next year”. I don’t regret it, I’ve made great friends, I’ve joined a great community, and I felt like I belonged somewhere for once at New Paltz. RHSA is something that builds long-lasting friendships, and I want to give back to something that gave a lot to me this past year, which is why I wanna run for CCC. The duties of CCC along with the general duties of being on the e-board are: going to AC meetings every Monday, going to e-board meetings, holding 2 office hours (3 when there are care packages), and attending RHSA events. The CCC would also collect the Hall Government constitutions, contact sheets, and collect time meetings so they can assign them with a hall buddy. They would also collect PUP sheets, count GFP’s on an Excel spreadsheet, and update the hall of the semester plaque on the wall in Has. They maintain communication with the halls, the Hall Gov liaisons, and ResLife as a whole. I really hope you guys consider me for CCC, I’m really passionate about RHSA. I think it’s a great thing, and I think I’d be a good fit for the job. I yield to questions.

Question & Answer:

What’s your semester schedule for next year?

-  I’m only taking 12-13 credits. I’m part of NRHH which has biweekly meetings for 2 hours. I’m part of the radio station, so I have a two hour show once a week. I also work at the gym, and those hours vary.

What does PUP stand for?
- Pretty Unbeatable Program.

What is one thing that inspires you about this current e-board, and what is one thing you’d like to add for next year?

-  I think this current e-board was super close. I think they gave off a really accepting and inclusive vibe, which I think is really good, and I think that they really bonded. I would like to see that next year as well. I guess I would just really like to maintain that strong connection next year.

Why CCC, why now?

-  I find myself good for the position of CCC. I’m very organized, and I keep track of things really well. I have like 3 different planners for my life. And why now…I’m gonna be a junior. I feel like this past year was really busy for me in terms of credits and extracurriculars, and next year is definitely a lighter load for me. Taking on CCC next year would be a lot better for me.

Who have you talked to about the position?

-  I talked to Angelique and Ariana.

What does GFP stand for?

-  Good Fellowship Points

You said you spoke to Angelique and Ariana, what pieces of advice did they give you?

-  Angelique showed me the Excel spreadsheet that she uses to keep track of GFP’s. I know Excel, but seeing the way it’s organized was very helpful. Both of them also said to keep super organized with things between GFP’s, contact sheets, and stuff like that.

Motion to close Q&A: Scudder

Second: Ridgeview

has time/availibility

Motion to open Discussion: Scudder

Second: Collango

-  She’s shown personal growth in the fact that she recognized that she wasn’t ready for RHSA last year, and then her sophomore year she took the initiative to get to know RHSA. It shows passion and dedication.

-  I think it shows how much she cares about RHSA. She used to be vice president and then moved up to president, and then instead of following the general hierarchy, she decided to apply to be an AC rep. I think that shows a lot about her passion for RHSA.

-  She emphasized how she has perfected her organizational skills.

-  She’s held a lot of positions in Hall Gov already, so she understands a l0t about how Hall Gov works.

-  She looked into the position as CCC, so she’s very knowledgeable and understands how it works.

-  The fact that she realized that she may not have been qualified last year but now she is, shows that she really cares.

Motion to close Discussion: Crispell

Second: LeFevre

Motion to vote via secret ballot: Scudder

Second: Lenape


Breanne: #24

No Confidence: #1

Abstain: #2

The AC has voted, and Breanne will be our new CCC!

Motion to Close: Lenape

Second: Crispell


Our last BUZZ Karaoke! It’s gonna be fun, and Ariana wants to spend her last BUZZ Karaoke with y’all.

Retreat! Be there! It’s Ariana’s favorite program!


Catherine: Bevier Hall has a mouse problem, and I want it taken care of.

-  Mike: It’s been going on for 3 years now, by the way.

Deyo: The Deyo elevator, nobody can relate unless you’ve been in Deyo before. It was broken before, and then it got fixed! But only so much. It takes about 45 seconds to close. It’s really inconvenient, because it’ll take that same amount of time every time it stops.

Crispell: Our elevator just doesn’t work anymore.


Scudder: Bear with me on this one. The meal plans changed this year, which is great. However, everyone’s super ahead on their meal plans. If they could decrease the amount of money we have or give us more options, that would be cool. I have $900 left, and there’s no possible way I can use all of that even if I order bulk. If they could reimburse us at the end or have them switch over to Hawk Dollars or something like that…it would be nice.

-  Lenape: APO does food drives every Tuesday outside of Oscar’s, so you can use your dining dollars to donate to the Family of New Paltz!

-  Capen: Unlike Meryl, some of us are really low on our meal plans, so maybe they could figure something out that isn’t lowering the amount of money we’re given.

-  Ariana: CAS hates the new meal plans, because they’re losing a lot of money because a lot of people aren’t spending enough money, and they wanna change it again. We changed it last year, and a lot of people like the new meal plans. If you wanna keep the new meal plans, you need to spend your money so CAS is making money. They have some incentives; you can buy in bulk, there’s a taco truck outside of Parker, there are bodacious burgers in the SUB.

-  Collango: It would be cool if they had Hugo’s again, which was like $15 for a pancake on Sunday morning.

-  Ariana: All of you guys need to tell CAS this. Yes, I meet with them, but I’m only one voice. All of you guys have a voice too. If you want breakfast earlier on weekends, tell them. They need to hear it coming from you guys. If you spend more money, they won’t change the meal plans that a lot of you guys like.

Bevier: Have you heard anything back about the theater credits yet?

-  No, I’ll let you know when I find out.

Bliss: At Peet’s, they charge you for soy milk but they don’t at Starbucks.

-  It all depends on if you’re using Tapingo. Tapingo charges you, in person does not.

Scudder: I’m an education major, and you need 35 credit hours for Fieldwork 1, and it’s only 1 credit, pass/fail. I’m driving a half hour each way, so for me it’s like 45 hours. I wanted to see if they could give us more credit or a grade or anything