Introduction to Technology / Leadership

SYLLABUS 2015-2016

Teacher: Mrs. Keisha Thiebaud (Thee-bod)Conference: 5th Period, 12:47 – 1:37

Telephone: 847-2181, ext. 180Email:

General Course Description & Outline:

Keyboarding: The student applies the proper technique for the touch system operation of inputting data and operating the keyboard to develop speed and accuracy.

Internet/Digital Use: The student will learn and apply both etiquette and safety practices in relation to the internet and other digital devices.

Microsoft Office/ Google: The student will learn basic skills in the Microsoft office suite and Google Apps.

Course Goals for Teen Leadership:

Personal Development—Students will be encouraged to acquire and improve personal skills pertaining to character development, communication skills, conflict resolution and more.

Supplies Needed:

Pen/PencilFolder with pockets and brads

Composition Notebook (bring to class daily) Headphones (to be kept w/student)


  1. Enter classroom quietly and begin warm-up activity/journalpromptly
  2. Come to class prepared! Bring your notebook, folder, pen, homework, etc
  3. Stay in your desk/computer and stay on task.
  4. Absolutely no foul language of any kind!
  5. No food, drinks, or phones unless given permission.
  6. Do not tamper with or abuse equipment.
  7. Do what you are asked to do the first time.
  8. Give your best effort & do not make excuses!


  1. To treat you with respect
  2. To be consistent and fair
  3. To be flexible when needed and considerate of you as an individual
  4. To be prepared
  5. To be willing to listen when you have a question or concern
  6. To hold you accountable to being your best


Strike 1 - Verbal Warning with the 4 Questions:

  • What are you doing?
  • What are you supposed to be doing?
  • Are you doing it?
  • What are YOU going to do about it?

Strike 2 - Lunch detention./ email to parents

Strike 3 - Call home to parents.


You are NOT allowed to have your phone out during class without permission. I may give you a warning the 1st time, but will take up your phone and keep it until the end of class. If you are caught taking pictures or video of any kind, I will take up your phone without question.


I am very excited about the potential of this technology in our class, but it is meant to be an academic tool, not for you to play games, text, etc. We will follow a stop-light system to inform you of how we will be using IPADS each day upon arrival: Red – no IPad, Yellow – to be taken out and used ONLY when told, Green – you may begin work on your IPad right away. The corresponding color for the day will be the background on the projector screen with the starter for the day. If you are off-task with your IPad, I will take it up from you.


You will be allowed to pick your seat at the beginning of the school year. We will leave them that way for a period of time until I rearrange them. If your seat causes a disruption to the class, then I will move you.


You’ll be issued a pass each 6 weeks with 6 chances to leave class for the restroom, locker, water fountain, etc. It is your responsibility to keep up with your pass. You only get 1 pass per 6 weeks! When leaving class, you need to get your pass marked by me. If you have used up your 6 punches or lost your pass, you can borrow from a friend. If you don’t use any punches for the 6 weeks, you can turn in your pass for an extra 100 daily grade for that six weeks.


Makeup work and late work will be accepted per policy in the Student Handbook.

Dear Parent/Guardian:

Thank you for reading the information on the Introduction to Technology and Teen Leadership Syllabus.

Teen Leadership will be offered alongside Intro to Tech again this year, and I am very excited about this curriculum and that our administration values it. Last year was our first year to offer this curriculum & the impact on the students was significant! I am excited about the potential for tremendous impact in your student’s life as well. I have been trained and certified to teach the course, and will integrate it with our technology curriculum throughout the year.

Teen Leadership is a program in which students develop leadership, personal and business skills in which they will learn to develop an understanding of:

A healthy self-concept, healthy relationships, and the concept of personal responsibility.

Emotional Intelligence & the skills it is made up of: persistence, optimism, self-awareness, self-control, self-motivation, empathy & social skills.

Skills in public speaking and communication and personal image.

The concept of principle-based decision-making and develop their own personal mission statement.

The effects of peer pressure and will develop skills to counteract those effects.

The need for vision in goal-setting, personally and professionally.

If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me. The fastest way to get in touch with me is through email, though you can also reach me during conference by appointment (please see information at the top of the syllabus). I look forward to a fun and successful school year.


Keisha Thiebaud

Career & Technology Department

AKNOWLEDGEMENT: Please sign and return this page as acknowledgement of understanding syllabus and class rules by Wednesday. This will count as a daily grade. I will have a copy of this syllabus posted on my webpage as well.

** Please return this page only.

Introduction to Technology Syllabus Acknowledgement


Parent/Guardian 1______Date______

Parent/Guardian 2______

Email: ______Phone______

Email: ______Phone______

Best way to contact you? ______

Is there anything you would like me to know about your student?