Student Parking Contract

Pinnacle Parking, LLC

PO Box 545

Annapolis MD 21404

410-263-7151 Booth

Registration Information

Parking is for 2/C Midshipmen, St. John’s students, and students with permission to have a car.

Please follow all applicable procedures listed in "Procedures for Obtaining a Parking Permit."

Access cards cannot be sent through the mail.

You must pay in person at the gate 5 booth on Taylor Ave.

Whenever you lose your access card you should immediately contact Pinnacle Parking by e-mail (). Your card will be deactivated and a replacement card will be issued. Card replacement costs $15.


1. Any vehicle parked in violation of the stadium rules and regulations or apparently abandoned is subject to being towed without notice and stored at the owner's expense or booted.

2. All claims for damages to vehicles must be reported to the parking attendant before the vehicle leaves the parking lot. Pinnacle Parking will be responsible only for those damages committed by its employees on attended lots. Accident reports must be made out while the vehicle is on the lot. Claimants should call the Pinnacle Parking Office within 24 hours after the accident occurs. Claims for damages on the parking lots will not be accepted unless the vehicle involved was parked in accordance with the stadium rules and regulations.

3. Pinnacle Parking is not responsible for any articles, which may be left in vehicles parked in its lots.

4. If your vehicle is damaged in any way either through accident or vandalism you should also call the Annapolis Police at 410-268-9000. This also applies to break-ins. Most insurance policies require a police report on these types of incidents.

5. Abuse/Misuse of parking facilities may result in termination of parking privileges.

6. Failure to abide by any of the rules or regulations makes the vehicle parked subject to being booted or towed, and/or termination of parking privileges.

7. None of the above rules and regulations can be altered or voided by the parking lot attendant.

Regulations Subject to Penalties

1. The parkers in whose name a vehicle is registered for parking is responsible for any violation involving that vehicle.

2. The fact that a person might park in violation of a regulation, but is not booted or towed does not mean that the regulation is no longer in effect. Lack of parking space is not considered a valid excuse for violation of any parking regulation.

3. Vehicles that are parked in violation can be booted/towed.

4. Allowing your access card use by another person or use of the card by a vehicle not registered with Pinnacle Parking is considered a violation.

5. Failure to report damages made to other vehicles.

6. Falsification of the application for parking privileges.

7. Vehicle parked in unauthorized areas, vehicles may only park in marked parking spaces.

8. Any vehicle parked in such a way as to occupy more than one space; vehicle parked over or on the line (s), or blocking an otherwise open space, or parked in a lot driveway.

9. Failure to follow facility access procedures.

10. Vehicles must be operational (not in disrepair).

All midshipman vehicles shall be moved off the premises by 2100, 9:00 PM, the Friday night before each home football game in 2018. Vehicles must be moved on the following dates:

September 7, 2018, September 14, 2018, October 12, 2018, October 19, 2018, and November 16, 2018.

If your vehicle is on the lot after 2100 it will be towed and impounded. The towing fee is $255 and impoundment is $25 per day. In addition, vehicles must be moved on May 24, 2019 by 2100 the night before USNA Graduation. If the graduation date should change vehicles still must be moved the night before by 2100.

Pinnacle Parking reserves the right to have vehicles moved 3 additional times throughout the Academic Year 2018-2019. You will be notified via e-mail and the military chain-of-command at least 2 weeks prior. The above contract will be strictly enforced by Pinnacle Parking. Should any problems arise, please contact Pinnacle Parking through phone or e-mail.


Print Name: First, Last Cell Phone Number



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