Pre-Conference Planning Tool for Lesson Planning & Planning Conferences
Teacher: ______Name of Observer:______Planning Conference Date:______Observation Date:______Observation Time:______
Unit / Lesson Title / Duration of Lesson: / Date:Poetic Language
Standard: (Can be more than one):
910.SL.1.1 (Recursive Standard) (DOK 3) Initiate and participate effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grades 9–10 topics, texts, and issues, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively.
910.RL.1.1 (Recursive Standard) (DOK 2) Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text
910.RL.2.4 (Recursive Standard) (DOK 3) Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in the text, including figurative and connotative meanings; analyze the cumulative impact of specific word choices on meaning and tone (e.g., how the language evokes a sense of time and place; how it sets a formal or informal tone).
Learning Goal - Overarching goal, based on the benchmark/standard listed above and is worded in a way that students can comprehend what is expected:
Students will understand how to participate effectively in a range of collaborative discussions and be able to engage in the discussions in order to analyze text.
Scale - Stages that students move through in mastering the Learning Goal (Please highlight where on the scale the class should be at the end of this lesson):
4 / Students will:
· Create their own poetry using specific words and phrases and justify the meaning of their text through the use of textual evidence
3 (Target) / Students will:
· Cite textual evidence to analyze words, phrases, and word choices to determine their impact on meaning and tone
· Cite textual evidence to make inferences regarding meaning of poems
· Monitor their ability to participate in a collaborative discussion through the use of the Socratic Seminar rubric
2 / Students will:
· Identify the meaning and tone of a text
· Make inferences regarding meaning
· Explain the Socratic Seminar process
1 / With help, complete level 2 tasks.
Daily Objectives: Should assist in reaching the desired level on the scale:
Students will:
· Cite textual evidence to analyze words, phrases, and word choices to determine their impact on meaning and tone
· Cite textual evidence to make inferences regarding meaning of poems
Type of Lesson: (Based on Marzano’s Learning Map, Design Questions under Addressing Content)
DQ 2
□ Introducing New Knowledge / DQ 3
X Deepening or Practicing / DQ 4
□ Generating and Testing Hypotheses
Bell Ringer
Write down your individual goal for today’s Socratic Seminar. What do you hope to do in today’s Seminar? What have you done in the past? “My goal for today is…”
Instructional Strategies
Marzano Element / Instructional Strategy/Activity / Monitoring/Formative Assessment / Resources
1: Learning Goal
/ Review learning goal, essential question, and objectives
/ “Turn to a shoulder partner and state the objective for the day”
16: Using Homework
/ Review homework - “Socratic Seminar Preparation Guide: Poetry & Poetic Language” (Based on “Preface to a Twenty Volume Suicide Note”, “Break”, “Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night”, “I’ve Been Known”, and “End of April”)
/ “On the bottom of your homework assignment, write 2 things that helped deepen your understanding of poetic language from this assignment.”
/ Lesson Handout
14: Reviewing Content / Review the Four Steps for “analyzing evidence”
/ “Close your eyes and tell your shoulder partner the four steps.”
/ PowerPoint
15: Organizing students to practice and deepen knowledge
/ Organize students into inside-outside circles and distribute scoring guides. Review the structure of the activity:
“Today we are going to do a 15-minute seminar with the inside circle, have a coaching break, and then follow with a 10-minute seminar. Then we will switch partners and do the same thing over again.”
/ Teacher keeps a clipboard of student behaviors that show them effectively coaching one another using the provided rubric, as well as areas of improvement with coaching methods/language.
/ Scoring Guides
2 per students
19: Practicing skills, strategies, and processes
/ Facilitate discussion. Make sure students are taking accountability for the discussion. Students will reflect on their rubrics and discuss with their partners what aspects they did well, and areas in need of improvement
/ Teacher keeps a clipboard of student behaviors that show them effectively engaging in a collaborative discussion.
Adaptations for Unique Student Needs: (Differentiated Instruction):
Flexible grouping, modified homework assignment, tiered scoring guide (rubric)
Exit Strategy
Students will summarize the agreements made with one another during the seminar. What conclusions did the students make regarding poetic language?
Unit Assessment / Performance Task (Culminating Performance Task)
Essay- Critique of Poetry