European Economic and Social Committee


Excursion to Sortavala,
Republic of Karelia, Russia

24 September 2009

Finnish Forest Research Institute

An excursion from Joensuu to Sortavala, a nearby Russian town in the Republic of Karelia, has been planned for 24 September.
The excursion to Russia includes a mini-seminar in Sortavala and a visit to the Helyla technology park, where several small wood-working companies operate.
The aim of the seminar is to provide an overview of the current state of forestry and the forestry sector in the Republic of Karelia, to learn about the experiences of a foreign company operating in Russia and to hear the views of a Russian non-governmental organisation on forestry in the Republic of Karelia.
Before going to Sortavala, there will be a visit to a private forest estate on the Finnish side.
Both the lunch and the seminar will take place in the Hotel "Piipun Piha".
On the bus to Russia, Professor Timo Karjalainen from the Finnish Forest Research Institute will give an overview of forestry in Russia.
Please note that the times in the following programme are given in Finnish time: there is a time difference of one hour (+1 hour) in Sortavala.
8.30 a.m. / Departure from Joensuu
Private, family owned forestry in Finland
-  case of North-Karelia, Tohmajärvi village
"Forest management alternatives in pine and spruce forests"
Introduced by forest owner Pauli Laasonen, Chairman of the North-Karelian Forest Centre
Cross border at Niirala
Lunch in Sortavala, Hotel “Piipun Piha”, hosted by the Central Union of Agricultural Producers and Forest Owners (MTK - Finland)
1 p.m.-3 p.m. / Mini-Seminar on Forestry in Russia
Chairperson Seppo Kallio, Vice-President of the European Economic and Social Committee
Henri Malosse, President of Group I – Employers, European Economic and Social Committee
The forestry sector in the Republic of Karelia
Minister Vladimir Vasiljevich Jurjev, Ministry of Forestry Complex, Republic of Karelia

The experiences of a foreign company in Russia

Arto Lyykorpi, Head of Wood Supply Russia, Stora Enso
An NGO's views on forestry in the Republic of Karelia
Alexander Markovsky, Director, the “SPOK” regional non-governmental organisation
3.30-4.30 p.m. / Visit to the Helyla technology park to see small wood-working companies
4.30 -7.00 p.m.
7.00- 11.00 p.m. / Return to Joensuu
Dinner and sauna evening at Villa Vainoniemi, hosted by the City of Joensuu

Consecutive interpreting (Russian-English–German) will be provided for presentations and discussions at the seminar.
