of the
1:00 P.M. / (1/22)
1. /

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag - (Led by Hon. Bethaida Gonzàlez, President of the Syracuse Common Council)

2. /

Invocation - (Delivered by Minister Jane Hudson of the New Life Temple of Praise, Syracuse, New York)

3. /

Roll Call - (All Present - 9)

4. /

Minutes - Organizational Meeting - January 7, 2008 - (Adopted 9-0)

Regular Meeting - January 7, 2008 - (Adopted 9-0)
5. / Public Hearing - Relative to Agenda Item #20, “Lease Agreement - Between the City of Syracuse and Premier Internet Communication, Inc. for the former USAirways Reservation Center facility located at 123 Air Cargo Road at Syracuse Hancock International Airport for the term of January 1, 2008-March 31, 2008 at the rate of $4,500 per month and for the term of April 1, 2008-December 31, 2008 at the rate of $18,000 per month. The rate will increase in accordance with the CPI on January 1, 2009 and on January 1, 2010.” (Public Hearing to be held on Tuesday, January 22, 2008 at 1:00 P.M.)(NOT HELD DUE TO THE WITHDRAWAL OF ITEM #20)
6. /

Petitions - (none)

7. /

Committee Reports - (none)

8. /

Communications - (none)

9-0 / Local Law - Of the City of Syracuse to amend the July 1, 2007-June 30, 2008 City Budget to reflect the salary increase pursuant to the Labor Agreement between the City of Syracuse and the CSEA Local 1000 AFSCME/ AFL-CIO, Unit 7801-00. / LL
9-0 / Local Law - Of the City of Syracuse to amend the July 1, 2007-June 30, 2008 City Budget to mirror the salary increases of the CSEA contract wage schedule for Unit #6 (Management/Confidential) employees. / LL
9-0 / Local Law - Of the City of Syracuse to amend the July 1, 2007-June 30, 2008 City Budget to reflect the salary consistent with the CSEA contract wage schedule for all employees in the Executive Salary Plan. / LL
9-0 / Resolution - Approving the Appointment of Various Persons as Commissioners of Deeds for 2008. / 3-R
9-0 / Application & Agreement - To and with the US Department of Energy for the Solar America Initiative Market Transformation Solar City Strategic Partnerships Program for funds in an amount not to exceed $200,000 to support the development of a comprehensive, systemic city-wide approach to solar technology and provide a model for other cities. The local in-kind match of $200,000 to be provided through personnel and operational services by various City departments to include Division of Code Enforcement, Department of Law, Department of Engineering, Department of Economic Development and Bureau of Research. / 14
9-0 / Amend - Ord. #3 (01/08/07), “Agreement - With Crouse Hospital for services as a Metro Medical Response System Pharmaceutical Management Consultant, as part of the Homeland Security inter-municipal agreement with Onondaga County, to include the first additional one-year option for the term through February 14, 2008. Total cost not to exceed $82,000 to be charged to the 2005 MMRS Grant.” Amend to Include the second one-year option for the term through February 14, 2009 and charge to the 2006, 2007 MMRS Grants. Total additional cost not to exceed $41,000. / 15
9-0 / Contract - With six Community Based Organizations (InterFaith Works of CNY, Inc., Southwest Community Center, Girls, Inc. of CNY, Syracuse Northeast Community Center, Inc., Westcott Community Center and Huntington Family Center, Inc.) for lead poisoning outreach and education and referrals to the Lead Program, for the period of January 1, 2008-December 31, 2008 in an amount not to exceed $6,500 per agency. Total cost not to exceed $39,000 from the HUD Lead Hazard Control Grant. / 16
9-0 / Sell - All right, title and interest of the City of Syracuse in and to the premises known as 163 Liberty Street, a wood house, to Sabrina Mayers for the total sum of $12,375. / 17
9-0 / Sell - All right, title and interest of the City of Syracuse in and to the premises known as 256 Primrose Avenue, a wood house and unfinished garage, to Anthony McFarlane for the total sum of $13,425. / 18
9-0 / Sell - All right, title and interest of the City of Syracuse in and to the premises known as 958 & 964 S. Salina Street, a vacant lot, to SCHC Companies for the total sum of $15,550. / 19
9-0 / Sell - All right, title and interest of the City of Syracuse in and to the premises known as 1019 & 1021 Tallman Street and Coolidge Avenue, a vacant lot, to Hanie Eng, as member for RHN Land Trust, for the total sum of $1,225. / 20
9-0 / Sell - All right, title and interest of the City of Syracuse in and to the premises known as 135 Walrath Road, a wood house and unfinished garage, to Nadonte J. Jones for the total sum of $22,375. / 21
9-0 / Application & Agreement - To and with the NYS Archives under the Local Government Records Management Improvement Fund for funds in an amount not to exceed $75,000 on behalf of the Department of Engineering to digitize records on microfilm. No local match is required. / 22
WD / Lease Agreement - Between the City of Syracuse and Premier Internet Communication, Inc. for the former USAirways Reservation Center facility located at 123 Air Cargo Road at Syracuse Hancock International Airport for the term of January 1, 2008-March 31, 2008 at the rate of $4,500 per month and for the term of April 1, 2008-December 31, 2008 at the rate of $18,000 per month. The rate will increase in accordance with the CPI on January 1, 2009 and on January 1, 2010. (Public Hearing to be held on Tuesday, January 22, 2008 at 1:00 P.M.) / WD
9-0 / Accept - From the Syracuse Camera Club, a donation of thirty mounted color photographs depicting points of interest in the greater Syracuse area to be displayed at Syracuse Hancock International Airport. The photographs valued at $3,000 have been underwritten by Unity Mutual Life Insurance Company. / 23
9-0 / Bond Ordinance - Authorizing the issuance and sale of bonds of the City of Syracuse to be used to defray the cost of the Airport Public Road Paving Project at Syracuse Hancock International Airport. Total amount not to exceed $1,200,000. / 24
9-0 / Authorize - The Airport Public Road Paving Project at Syracuse Hancock International Airport as approved by the Majority-In-Interest of Airlines on May 29, 2007. Total cost not to exceed $1,200,000. / 25
9-0 / Bond Ordinance - Authorizing the issuance and sale of bonds of the City of Syracuse to be used to defray the cost of the Sidewalk Replacement and Corrections Phase II Project at Syracuse Hancock International Airport. Total amount not to exceed $350,000. / 26
9-0 / Authorize - The Sidewalk Replacement and Corrections Phase II Project at Syracuse Hancock International Airport as approved by the Majority-In-Interest of Airlines on May 29, 2007. Total cost not to exceed $350,000. / 27
9-0 / Bond Ordinance - Authorizing the issuance and sale of bonds of the City of Syracuse to be used to defray the cost of the Airfield Maintenance Facility Repair Project at Syracuse Hancock International Airport. Total amount not to exceed $225,000. / 28
9-0 / Authorize - The Airfield Maintenance Facility Repair Project at Syracuse Hancock International Airport as approved by the Majority-In-Interest of Airlines on May 29, 2007. Total cost not to exceed $225,000. / 29
9-0 / Bond Ordinance - Authorizing the issuance and sale of bonds of the City of Syracuse to be used to defray the cost of the acquisition of Boom Lift Equipment for Syracuse Hancock International Airport. Total amount not to exceed $115,000. / 30
9-0 / Authorize - The acquisition of Boom Lift Equipment for Syracuse Hancock International Airport as approved by the Majority-In-Interest of Airlines on May 29, 2007. Total cost not to exceed $115,000. / 31
9-0 / Approve - Labor Agreement with the City of Syracuse and the CSEA Local 1000, AFSCME/AFL-CIO, Unit 7801-00 for the period of January 1, 2007-December 31, 2009. / 32
9-0 / Appropriate Funds - From General Fund, Special Object of Expenditure Account in the amount of $36,000 to the Onondaga County Health Department for the operation of the Rescue Mission Van. / 33
9-0 / Agreement - With AON Consulting to provide actuarial valuation services for GASB 45 for four Fiscal Years 2007/2008-2010/2011, on behalf of the Office of Personnel and Labor Relations. Total cost not to exceed $120,000. / 34
9-0 / Amend - Gen. Ord. #46 (12/18/06), “Amend - Chapter 11 of the Revised General Ordinances of the City of Syracuse, as amended, to add a new article (12a) relative to the events of September 11, 2001 to authorize a supplemental benefits program for full-time City employees called up for active duty in the military reserve, through December 31, 2007.” Amend to extend the expiration date to December 31, 2008. / Gen.
9-0 / Authorize - The Department of Assessment to retain appraisers (Christopher Bollinger - 135 Oak St., 1811 Butternut St. & 445 Gifford St. - Edward Pfohl - 405 Grand Ave., 306 Pine St., 433 Shonnard St. & 1814 James St.) / 35
9-0 / Correct Tax Rolls - (1725 S. Salina St.) For various charges for Tax Year 2008. / 36
9-0 / Agreement - With the Society of European Stage Authors and Composers (SESAC) for the annual licensing to play copyrighted music at the Parks, Recreation and Youth Facilities. Total cost not to exceed $1,213. / 37
9-0 / Authorize - Payment to the Frankie D Band under the direction of David Baker, Joe Carfagno, Frank Demianyk or Vince Trichilo for performances at the Ida Benderson Center, February 12, the Cecile Center, February 13 and the Westside Center, February 14, on behalf of the Department of Parks, Recreation and Youth Programs. Total cost not to exceed $825 ($275 for each performance.) / 38
Syracuse Common Council
Adjourned at 1:10 P.M.