


Home telephone number: ______

Work telephone number: ______

Mobile Telephone number: ______

Service requested: (please tick appropriate box)

Mornings only

Afternoons only/Late Bus

Both mornings and afternoons



Daily bus procedures:

The following procedures ensure safe and efficient bus service:

  1. The school must be informed in advance in writing if children are not to travel on any one or more days- this includes various after school activities.
  2. Under no circumstances should children be told to disembark at any other point other than that agreed, or use a different bus.
  3. Children and parents that usually travel by car are not permitted to travel on the bus.
  4. If parents or guardians are not at the bus stop to meet their children, they will be returned to school.
  5. If older children are not going to be met at the designated stop, we require written verification.
  6. In the cases of extreme weather (Snow/ flooding …etc…) and if the bus service is unable to run, we will inform you as early as possible.


Information regarding service:

Please note that we are unable to provide a door-to-door service. Buses collect and leave children at the closest possible point.

The pick-up/drop-off point depends on:

a)Main route travelled

b)Road widths and conditions.

The stops will typically be at main corners and roundabouts within two or three streets from home. An average of ten minutes should be allowed either side of pickup and drop off times. This is due to a number of variables, including traffic, weather conditions, and congestion around the school. Whenever possible the schools will inform parents of serious delays in the service.

Establishing routes and time is a complicated procedure, and any change has a domino effect on the rest of the route. Parents considering using the bus service should therefore inform the school as early as possible. We try to provide the minimal travel time for your child. Any changes made to bus arrangements must be communicated to the school in writing.


With effect from September 2014, the School will provide a late Bus Service to families that have registered for the Bus Service. The Late Bus service will provide two buses (One for the Northern Suburbs and one towards the centre of Athens). It should be noted that this service will remain on the main arterials and will require the parents to pick up the children from agreed drop-off points, we are unable to provide a door-to-door service.


Please note that completion of this form does not guarantee that we will be able to accommodate your request, although we will do our best for the convenience of all users.

However, there will be a charge even for minimal use of the bus service.

Should you wish to discontinue the Bus Service, a written letter must be submitted to Mrs. Burbidge, School’s Transportation Manager via email:

A non-refundable DEPOSIT of €200.00 must be submitted per family.

The Form should be forwarded to the School’s Financial Administrator, Mrs. Demesticha via Fax to 210-2829554 or email:

Payment can also be made directly into our bank account:

HSBC Bank, Kassaveti 1 & Kiffisias

Account number: 036-064350-145

IBAN: GR9607100360000036064350145


Payment description must read: BUS DEPOSIT (NAME of CHILD)

I the undersigned agree to pay in one instalment in School Year 2014/15 the annual cost for transportation as stated or the minimal charge if the bus service is used for less than a week.

SIGNED: ……………………………………………………....………

DATE: ………………………………………………………………